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Atari finished with NWN1?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:27 pm
by Merinid Tlin'orzza
Quote pulled from NWVault.

[quote:2zbi2b7g][i:2zbi2b7g]...on Friday May 5 in the afternoon - that's the Friday immediately before E3 was to begin and senior Biz people were out of the office at Bio Ware, Atari called to tell Bio Ware they were stopping the premium mod program and not authorizing any further patches for NWN1. The live team was disbanded and our mod will not be sold.[/i:2zbi2b7g][/quote:2zbi2b7g]

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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 4:41 pm
by Elspath
im quite supirsed it lasted this long. even if they basicly did wait tell nwn2 was about to be released this year.

Though i doubute the mod community will stop compleatly on mods for the orginal game...

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:57 am
by CrankyOzzie
Well, the game IS four years old. The only other company I know of still providing support for a game that old is Blizzard (Diablo 2) Not that I'd call Blizzard's attitude towards gamers 'support'.
Given the fact bioware are currently working on 3 games and a port*, it's not suprising they're pulling support for NwN now.

*3 games are Dragon Age, the new MMORPG they've just started working in, and the RPG for the xbox360, as well as porting Jade Empire to the PC.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:29 pm
by Shir'le E. Illios
Correction there… it’s not BioWare pulling the plug, it’s Atari.

From what I understand one of the future Premium Modules (one created by, or with a lot of content from, DLA) was to feature mounts. And now people seem to think Atari pulled it because it would reflect badly on NWN2 (which doesn’t have mounts)?

I can understand Atari no longer wanting to fund patches, and I can even understand them now wanting to fund further premium modules (which, from what I understand, they didn’t anyway since they’re completely funded by BioWare and their Live Team).

But what I don’t get is that they don’t allow the already (nearly) finished Premium Modules to be finished and generate more revenue for them (and BioWare). I realize that they might want to pull the rug out from under NWN because it seems they’ve got a lot of hope vested on NWN2, but it seems a really, [i:3kxmyj1l]really[/i:3kxmyj1l] poor way to say “come and help us make money by making modules and custom content for the NWN2 community, because we’re being so great with the NWN community”.

I think Atari fails to realize that the NWN2 community is an extension/continuation of the NWN community and that by doing something like this they’re sending the message “we don’t give a crap about you, we just want some quick cash”.

[i:3kxmyj1l]<sighs>[/i:3kxmyj1l] Not that I it affect me directly since I hardly play NWN anymore anyway… but it seems to reflect really badly on the future of NWN2, if this is the attitude Atari shows to the communities of its games.

Then again, what do I know.

Love -x-x-x-
