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I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:43 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
Before I start I would like thank those of you gave me your opinions last time, it was a very big help and since it has been awhile since I started that last topic, might as well start a new one rather than revive the older one.

This post includes some personal changes to some class and the develope of option for some eilistraee flavored.... varients, honestly I refuse to call them subclasses. I should mention that the sword dancer isn't 100%, as I need to create one or two more class features from them. I should point out that even though I am including the table for the divine intervention feature, because of the... formating it most likely be not displayed properly, So appoligize for that. Please feel free to give me your opinions, advice, ect.

Chapter 4 Classes
Creating a cleric, when you create a character whose first level is cleric you gain the fallowing traits.
Starting Ability Adjustment: +1 to wisdom, strength, or constitution.
Starting Hit Points: 8 + constitution modifier.
Starting Armor Proficiencies: Light and medium armor with shield.
Starting Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons and two weapon proficiencies slots.
Starting Money: 4d4 x 10.
Class Features
Hit Dice: 1d8
Prime Ability: Wisdom
Weapon Proficiencies Slots at Higher Levels: One weapon proficiencies slot at 4th level and every four level afterwards.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose one from the fallowing Diplomacy, Medical, Sense Motive, and Religious Knowledge.
Tool Proficiencies: Healer’s Kit.

-Spells Per Day-
Level Class Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 Divine Spellcasting, Turn Undead, Deity 1 - - - - - - - -
2 Channel Divinity 1/day, Specialty Priests 2 - - - - - - - -
3 2 1 - - - - - - -
4 Channel Divinity Option 3 2 - - - - - - -
5 Channel Divinity 2/day 3 3 1 - - - - - -
6 3 3 2 - - - - - -
7 Divine Guidance 1/week 3 3 2 1 - - - - -
8 Channel Divinity Option 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9 4 4 3 3 1 - - - -
10 Channel Divinity 3/day 4 4 3 3 2 - - - -
11 Divine Intervention 4 4 4 3 2 1 - - -
12 4 4 4 4 3 2 - - -
13 Domain Spells 1/rest 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 - -
14 Divine Guidance 2/week 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 - -
15 Channel Divinity 4/day 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 -
16 Channel Divinity Option 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 -
17 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 1
18 Domain Spell 2/rest 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2
19 Divine Wrath 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 2
20 Channel Divinity 5/day 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 3

Divine Spellcasting: You have the ability to channel your deities’ power through you in order to cast spells to aid your gods cause. You use wisdom as your spellcasting ability, when a spell you cast allows a saving throws the DC for you spell is 10 + ability modifier + proficiency bonus. If a spell requires an attack roll you add your ability modifier to the attack roll.
Preparing Spells: You have a number of spells each day that you can cast, in order to cast these spell you must prepare a number of spells equal to the number of spell slots you have access to. These spells are drawn from the clerics spell list, which you use to determine what spell of the appropriate spell level you know. When preparing your spells you must prepare a spell for each spell slot of each level you can cast. You can either prepare a spell of that spell slots level or a spell of a lower level in a higher level spell slot, as long as you have prepared a spell for each spell slot you can cast. You cannot prepare a higher level spell in a lower level spell slot. You prepare your spells by praying to your god or goddess. When you pray to your deity they bestow on you the spells you ask for, as a result a cleric can prepare any spell on the clerics spell list. They may change the spell they prepare each time they pray to regain their spells. The process of praying to your deity to prepare your spells take about an hour, it takes five minutes less for each positive wisdom modifier you have. For example, if your cleric has a wisdom score of 16 which has a +3 modifier. Since it takes five minutes less for each positive wisdom modifier, it would take him 45 minutes to prepare his spells. Essentially the time it took him to prepare his spells was reduced by 15 minutes because of his wisdom score.
Orisons: As a gift to help you serve them, your deity has granted you access to simple spells to help you in your travels and daily life. These simple spell called orisons or 0-level spells if you will. These spell must be prepare just like other spells do. You start out knowing the read magic orison and three other orisons of your choice drawn from the clerics spell list. You also have a number of 0-level spell slots equal to 3 + your wisdom modifier.
Turn Undead: You can channel your faith through your holy symbol to cause undead to cower in awe or outright destroy them. As an action, choose a 30 foot area, you can make an turn check which is a d20 + your charisma modifier any undead with an Ac less than your turn check and that has a hit dice equal to or lower than your cleric level can be turn, a turned creature tries to run as far away from the turner as possible, if they cannot run they will cower down. You can only turn a number of undead whose total hit dice does not exceed your cleric level. Also any undead that you would turn that’s hit dice is 7 less than your cleric level is destroyed instead of turned. For example, you are a level 10 cleric with a 16 charisma and there are three 4 hit dice ghouls within a 30 foot area with an Ac of 12. Each ghouls hit dice total individually is lower than your cleric level so you could turn them. You roll your turn check and get a 14 more than enough to turn them; however you can only turn a total of 10 hit dice of undead and since the three ghoul’s total hit dice is 12 you can only turn two of them. Also since each ghoul hit dice isn’t 7 less than your clerics level you only turn them rather than destroying them outright. The effects of a turning last for one hour, unless destroyed. You can use turn undead 1 + charisma modifier times per day. Turn Undead is a supernatural ability.
Deity: You choose a god or goddess to worship as your patron deity, your deity grants you your ability to cast spells, turn undead, and to channel their divine power to create supernatural effects. Anyone can worship a god or goddess, but as a cleric you actually gain power from it. Your deity gives you access to a selection of spells that are added to your spell list that you can prepare, these spell are often unique or normally inaccessible to clerics. You also gain a channel divinity power from your deity and can choose one domain from the list of domains that your deity embodies. The domain you choose adds even more spells you can prepare and another channel divinity power. Optionally you can choose to worship an entire pantheon, which case you do not gain the deity spells or channel divinity powers, but you can choose any domain that one of the deities in the pantheon holds.
Channel Divinity: At 2nd level, you have learned to channel to divine power of your deity into supernatural effects, these effect that you have access to vary from deity to deity. As an action, you use one of your channel divinity powers of your choice, the power takes instantaneous effect and must have a proper target if it requires one. Some channel divinity power allow you to use them as a reaction or free action instead of an action. If a power requires a saving throw, use your spell save DC. You can use a channel divinity power once per day. At 5th level you gain an additional use of your channel ability, and another one at 10th, 15th, and 20th level. Channel divinity is a supernatural ability.
Channel Divinity Option: At 4th level you gain a channel divinity power of your choice from the fallowing.
Divine Flame: As an action, you summon a flame of divine fire in your hand. The flames color can be of any color desired, but is often of a color associated with your deity. You can use an action to throw the divine flame up to 15 feet as a range attack or try to make a touch attack against the target. On a successful attack the flames deal 1d8 points of holy damage if you are good aligned, evil damage if you are evil aligned, or Untyped damage if you are neither good or evil aligned. This power deals an additional 1 point of damage per cleric level and deal double damage against creature that has an alignment opposite of the damage type.
Flash Healing: As a reaction, you create a wave of positive energy emitted from your body in a bright flash of light. friendly creatures within 5 feet of your heal 1d6+ your caster level points of damage, friendly undead creature instead take 1d6 + your caster level points of holy damage. At 8th level and every four levels thereafter this power heals or deals additional d6 points of damage. You are healed 1d8+ your caster level points of damage and it heals you an additional d8 points at 6th level and every two levels thereafter.
Divine Assistance: As an action, you touch one willing creature within 5 feet of you. Channeling into the creature your gods will and power. For up to one minute until used, the target creature gain a bonus on their next attack roll, skill check, or ability check equal to 1/4th your cleric level A creature only get this bonus once per use of this ability and can only be affected by one use of this ability at a time.
Quick speed: As a free action, up to four creatures that you can touch (including yourself) base speed doubles for one minute per every four cleric levels you have. Creatures that are affected by this power cannot move more than 300 feet apart or the power stops working for all affected creature.
Lightning Strike: As an action, you call down lightning on one creature within 30 feet of you. The target must make a dexterity save, on a failed save it takes 1d6 points of electricity damage and must make a constitution save. On a failed constitution save the creatures base speed is reduced by 5 feet and cannot use a reaction for three turns. If the creature succeeds on its dexterity save, it takes no damage. This power deals an additional d6 point of electricity damage at 8th level, 12th level, 16th level, and 20th level.
You can choose another option at 8th and 16th level.
Divine Guidance: At 7th level, once a week as an action you may through a small ritual call upon your deity to answer some questions. The ritual takes one hour to perform and allows you to ask your god or goddess three questions and it cannot take longer than 10 minutes or the ritual ends. The ritual automatically ends the moment the answer to the third question is given. At 14th level you can use this ability one additional time per week and can use it to have an unhindered conversation with you deity until the duration of the ritual or until you where give the answer to three questions, whichever comes first. Divine Guidance is a supernatural ability.
Divine Intervention: At 11th level, your faith in your deity is so powerful you can call upon your god or goddess to intervene on your behalf. Once a year, as a free action you can call out your deity’s name and as for assistance. Your DM or if he/she allow it you must roll a d100 (or percentage dice if your will.) using the chart below to determine the results. You can use two d10, if you don’t have a percentile d10 (the percentile d10 has values written as such: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 00) and a normal d10. A result of 00 on a percentile d10 means that is a zero in the tens place. 00 on the percentile d10 and a 1 on a normal d10 is read as 1, while a 90 on the percentile d10 and a 10 on a d10 is read as 100.

Percentage Result Affect
01-25 None
26-30 The asker receives a +1 bonus on their next attack and damage roll.
31-36 The asker receives a +1 bonus on their next saving throw or skill check.
37-43 The asker is healed as by a cure light wounds spell casted at the lowest level.
44-56 The DM chooses one spell at random form the deity’s granted spells or domain spell, the spell is casted on one target the asker can point out or name.
57-67 Target creature the asker can point at gains a +1 bonus on its next attack or damage rolls.
68-72 Target creature the asker can point at gains a +1 bonus on its next saving throw or skill check.
73- 76 All creatures within 10 feet of the asker receives the effects of the heal spell.
77-80 A dancing lights, light, or faeries fire spell randomly appears within 10 feet of the asker. The dancing lights spell fallows the asker for 5 minutes before ending, all other effect last as if casted by a 10th level character.
81-84 An anti-magic field spell is casted centered on the space the asker stands on, which lasts for one hour.
85-90 The asker and any friendly creature they are touching are teleported to the nearest church or holy place dedicated to the asker’s deity.
91-95 A spell chosen by the DM is randomly casted on one target within 40 feet of the asker.
96-99 The deity asks the asker what assistance they require, the asker can then tell them what they need. The deity can aid any small task, heal up to light wounds, give one sentence worth of information (as long as the deity knows it), and bring back a single deceased character as by the revivify spell.
100 Roll twice, the asker then chooses which result they like.

Domain Spells: At 13th level, you connection with your deity is strong enough that you do not need to prepare your domain spells in order to cast them. Choose one of your domain spells or one of your deity spells. You can cast that spell once at its base level it need not be prepared. You can change your selected domain spell when you pray for your spells. At 18th level, you can use your domain spell one additional time (in other words you can cast it twice per short rest) or you can use it to select to another domain or deity spell each of which can be casted once without using a spell slot. You regain you use of this ability after you take a short rest.
Divine Wrath: At 19th level, you can channel you deity’s wrath against your foes. Once per day, as an action you can call down a blast of divine energy that affect a 15 diameter area within 30 feet of you. All creatures hostile to you must make dexterity save vs your spell save DC. Creature that fail on their saving throw takes 6d8+ ½ your cleric level points of holy damage if your deity is good, unholy damage if your deity is evil, or holy or unholy if they are neutral. On a successful saving throw, all the creatures within the area take half damage.

Specialty Priest
At 2nd level you get to choose one of these clerical paths that reflect your deity or your personal way of worshipping them. Many of these variants are for specific deities. The fallowing seven subvariants are as follows: Sword Dancer, Darkmask, Feywarden, Sonnlinor, Horn Guard, Dweomerkeeper, War Priest, and Shugenja.
Sword Dancer
Patron Deity: Eilistraee.
Eilistraee’s Favored: At 2nd level, you have started your training down the path of eilistraee’s sword dancers, her cleric who dedicated there life to lead drow to the land of light. You gain a bonus spell slot of the highest spell level you can cast, when you gain access to higher level spell then spell slot changes to the new higher level. This spell can be only be used to cast your deity spells. You make choose which deity spell you prepare in this spell slot as long as you are at the level to cast spells of that spell level. You regain this bonus deity spell slot when you would regain your normal spell slots. You also gain proficiency with dancing and singing skills.
Eilistraee’s Moonfire: As a sword dancer eilistraee has granted the gift of summoning her sacred fire, eilistraee’s moon fire. Once per day as an action, you can cast Eilistraee’s Moonfire as a spell-like ability. It is casted as a second level spell and doesn’t require any somatic or verbal components. You gain another use of this spell-like ability at 4th level and every two levels thereafter. At 10th level, you can spend two of your daily uses to cast Eilistraee’s Moonfire as a 5th level spell.
Dark Maidens Grace: As your devotion to eilistraee grows, she grants you even more magic. At 6th level, when you have magic missile prepare, you can once a day cast the spell at its base level without using up a spell slot.
Silvery Blade: You can enchant a bladed weapon with eilistraee’s holy power. At 9th level, three times per day, as an action you can channel eilistraee’s power into a single bladed weapon that you are touching. For one hour, the blade glows with a silvery radiance that makes the weapon resistance against damage, immune to the effects of rust and acid, and give a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls for the duration of the effect.

Creating a fighter, when you create a character whose first level is cleric you gain the fallowing traits.
Starting Ability Adjustment: +1 to strength, dexterity, or constitution.
Starting Hit Points: 10 + constitution modifier.
Starting Armor Proficiencies: Light, medium, and heavy armor with shield.
Starting Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons and four weapon proficiencies slots.
Starting Money: 5d4 x 10.

Level Class Features
1 Combat Specialization
2 Weapon Specialization
4 Martial Professionalization
5 Extra Attack
6 Improve Weapon Specialization
7 Iron Will
9 Weapon Specialization, Indomitable Constitution
10 Extra attack
11 Combat Dodge Roll
12 Improved Weapon Specialization
13 Evasive Dodge Roll
15 Extra Attack, Greater Weapon Specialization
16 Critical Hit
20 Improve Critical Hit

Class Features
Hit Dice: 1d10
Prime Ability: Strength
Weapon Proficiencies Slots at Higher Levels: One weapon proficiencies slot at 3rd level and every three level afterwards.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Diplomacy, History, Intimidation, Search, Spot, and Survival.
Tools: Gaming Set
Combat Specialization: You have adopted a particular style of fighting that you specialize in. Choose one of the fallowing option.
Combat Archery Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. Also when making and an attack roll at a creature when an ally is in the line of fire, you do not suffer from disadvantage.
Combat Reflexes: When a creature that you can see attacks you or a target within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll as long as you are wielding a melee weapon, a shield, or both.
Defensive Posture: While wearing light or medium armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
Furious Fencing: When fighting with any light or finesse one handed weapon and with one free hand. You gain a +1 bonus on damage roll with that weapon.
Great Weapons Combat Fury: When you attack with a weapon that has the two-handed or versatile property you add double your strength modifier to damage rather than one and a half for using the weapon two-handed.
Two-Weapon Combat Focus: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Weapon Specialization: At 2nd level, choose one weapon for this ability that you are proficient with. While attacking with your selected weapon you gain a +1 to attack rolls and a +2 to damage with it. At 9th level, you can choose another weapon in which to specialize in.
Extra Attack: At 5th level, when you use your action to make an attack, you can attack one extra time. If you haven’t used all of your movement for this turn, you may move in-between attack. You can attack two extra times at 10th level and three extra times at 15th level.
Improved Weapon Specialization: At 6th level, choose one weapon that you had chosen with your weapon specialization. While attacking with your selected weapon you gain a +2 to attack rolls, instead of +1, and a +3 to damage, instead of +2 with it. At 12th level, you choose another weapon in which to improve your specialization.
Iron Will: At 7th level, through shear willpower you can pull yourself through the most powerful of magical effects. You have advantage on wisdom and charisma saves.
Indomitable Constitution: At 9th level, your body is strong enough that poisons and toxins are of no use against you. You have advantage on constitution saves.
Combat Dodge Roll: At 11th level, when an enemy that is within 30 feet of you that you can see makes an attack roll that would hit you. You can use your reaction to make dexterity save as you roll 5 feet forward, left, or right stopping in a legal space. If you succeed on this roll, you take no damage. The DC for this is equal to their attack roll.
Evasive Dodge Roll: At 13th level, your reflexes are so good that you can dodge speeding arrows. You have advantage on dexterity saves.
Greater Weapon Specialization: At 15th level, choose one weapon that you had chosen with your improved weapon specialization. While attacking with your selected weapon you have a +3 to attack rolls and +4 to damage rolls with it.
Critical Hit: At 16th level, whenever you roll a natural 20 with a weapon that you have choose for weapon specialization, you do maximum damage.
Improved Critical: At 20th level, when you attack with a weapon that you have specialization in you critical hit on a natural 19 or 20.
Martial Professionalization
At 4th level you get to choose which approach to fighting which will affect how your fighter begins to perfect their fighting prowess. The fallowing three subvariants are as follows: Bladesinger, darksong knight, and samurai.

Bladesong Style: At 4th level, when wielding a longsword, short sword, katana, or rapier in one hand and nothing in the other, you add your intelligence modifier to your armor class. You must not be wearing armor heavier than light or you lose the benefits of this ability.
Spellcasting: At 4th level, you gain the ability to cast arcane spells. The spells you know are drawn from the wizards spell list and must be from the schools of abjuration or evocation. Your Intelligence is your ability for casting spells, when a spell you cast allows a saving throws the DC for you spell is 10 + ability modifier + proficiency bonus. If a spell requires an attack roll you add your ability modifier to the attack roll. You must prepare these spells before you can cast them, preparing your spells take 15 minutes and require you to have your spellbook on hand.
Spellbook: At 4th level, you know four 1st level spells of your choice, which you must record in a spellbook so you may prepare them. You gain an additional spell of a spell level you can cast at each additional level you gain. You must own a spellbook to add your spells to first.

Bladesinger Spells Per Day
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
4 1 - - -
5 1 - - -
6 1 - - -
7 2 - - -
8 2 1 - -
9 2 1 - -
10 2 1 - -
11 2 1 - -
12 3 2 - -
13 3 2 1 -
14 3 2 1 -
15 3 2 1 -
16 4 3 2 -
17 4 3 2 1
18 4 3 2 1
19 4 3 2 1
20 4 3 2 1

Armored Spellcasting: At 8th level, as long as you are wearing light armor, you can cast your spells that have somatic components as if you did not have armor on.
Bladesong Attack: At 12th level, as long as you are wielding a longsword, short sword, katana, or rapier while wearing light or no armor, you gain a +1 to your attack and damage rolls with that weapon. When you start combat with a longsword, short sword, katana, or rapier in one hand while you have nothing in the other and while wearing light armor you gain a +2 bonus on initiative rolls.
Spell Blade: At 16th level, when you can make an attack of opportunity, you can cast a spell with a casting time of one action, free action, or reaction instead of attack with a weapon. Also, when you cast a spell with a range of touch you may use your weapon as part of your attack roll for the spell. Dealing your weapons damage in addition to any effect of the spell.
Death Spell Strike: At 20th level, once per day as an action you can use a spell slot to make an attack roll with a longsword, short sword, katana, or rapier. If the attack hits the target must make a constitution save vs your spell DC or die instantly. Creatures that succeed on the save take an additional 1d6 per level of the spell slot expended points of damage. Only creature with hit dices less than ½ your fighter levels can be affected by the instant death effect, they are still affected by the additional damage.

Darksong Knight
Dancing Feint: At 4th level, you gain proficiency with the Perform skill. When you use the feint option in combat you add twice your proficiency bonus to your charisma check and you gain a +1 bonus to your armor class until the start of your next turn on a successful check.
Darksong Fighting Dance: At 4th level, as a darksong knight you were training to fight in a form of fluid motions akin to a dance, allowing you to more easily dodge enemy attacks. As long as you are wearing medium, light or no armor you add your charisma modifier in addition to your dexterity modifier to your armor class.
Favored Enemy: At 8th level, when you make an attack against a yochlol or any spider you gain a +2 bonus on damage roll against them. You also gain a +2 bonus when you attempt to spot, listen, hide, or engage in deception with a yochlol or any spider.
Evasive Dancing: At 12th level, your skill in the fighting dance is so great that as reaction you gain a +2 bonus to your armor class against attacks of opportunity until the start of your next turn.
Twirling Strike: At 16th level, you learn how to strike multiple opponents in one move, by spinning around slashing with your blade. As an attack action, you can give up any extra attacks you have (from the extra attack feature and two-weapons fighting) to strike at all creatures within 5 feet of you with a single strike. You roll for your attack roll normally, but you roll once and use that roll to determine if you hit each creature. On a successful hit, your weapon deals there normal damage. Your weapon must deal slashing damage to use this ability.
Smiting Strike: At 20th level, once per day, as an action you can call upon the divine power of eilistraee to empower your weapon to strike against evil creature and spiders. Silvery light covers your weapon, for one minute your weapon gains a +2 on attack rolls, is resistant to damage and breaking, and deal 1d6 points of holy damage against creature of evil alignment and spiders. This ability can only be used on bladed weapons.

Most of these feats were originally previously version of the race ability of some races, only one of them has really been reworked on, so please excuse any text that seems to be talking about something not mentioned in the other material that I posted.

Prerequisite: Dexterity 12
Benefit: When you use two weapons to fight, your attack roll penalty with your off hand decreases by 2. You also don’t have to be proficient with a weapon in order to use it for two-weapons fighting.

Dark Elves Weapon Tradition
Prerequisite: Dark Elf subrace
Benefit: You gain proficiency with bastard swords, rapiers, hand crossbows, and short bows. You can also as gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with these weapons.

Eilistraee’s Grace
Prerequisite: Eilistraee as your patron deity, Charisma 14.
Benefit: You gain magic missile as a spell-like ability usable once per day. You also gain one 1st level spell from the fallowing of your choice: cure light wounds, detect evil, detect magic, disguise self, faeries fire, and shield of faith. That spell is added to your class spell list. If you don’t have a level in any spellcasting classes you gain one 1st level spell slot which you must prepare the spell ahead of time. You use charisma as your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Dark Maiden’s Favor
Prerequisite: Dark elf subrace, Total level 3.
Benefit: You gain an additional use of your Dark Maiden’s Blessing racial trait. In addition, you can use one use of your Dark Maiden’s Blessing ability to make the moonfire leave your body to form a ball of light that functions like the dancing lights cantrip. This ability functions as a 2nd level light spell and dispels darkness spells of 2nd level or lower that enters the range of this ability (even during its own destruction).

Divine Initiate
Prerequisite: Wisdom 12
Benefit: You know two orisons from the cleric’s spell list of your choice, which you can cast at-will. In addition you know one 1st level spell from that list, which you can cast once per day. If you do not already have spellcasting ability, you use wisdom as your spellcasting ability for these spells. Otherwise, use whatever spellcasting ability you already have.
Improved Shadow Powers
Prerequisite: Shadow elf, Total level 5
Benefit: once per day, you can use an action to create a 30 foot radius of darkness centered on a single spot within line of sight, that function as a 4th level darkness spell as a supernatural ability. This area of shadows negates all normal and magical lights as well as prevents creatures with darkvision from seeing normally.

There that is everything for now, I can't wait to hear your feed back.... I hope the meaning of most of the features effect are clean and easy enough to understand.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:52 pm
by Irennan
I will give you feedback on the Sword Dancer of Eilistraee and the Darksong Knight, will comment on the other stuff later.

First, I'll say that I don't use D&D anymore, my players and I have opted for a completely homebrew ruleset, so take what I say with a grain of salt (I could end up with broken or weak stuff). I'm also assuming that you are using a mix of 3.5e and 5e as base.

So, on the Sword Dancer. IMO, two of the most appealing parts of her flavor are missing: the focus on the dancing and the ability to invoke magic through song. Sword Dancers are basically these agile and graceful priestesses that gyrate and zoom around, combining the beauty of their dance with lethal fencing skills and spells. I've managed to incorporate this into my homebrew, but it doesn't translate well to D&D. However, someone else had a similar idea, even if it's for 3.5:

I like his Sword Dance skill (which I will rename [b:137k6ev8]Eilistraee's Dance[/b:137k6ev8], because Sword Dance already is a ritual), but it's not exactly what I would do (Idk, it seems rather clunky to use), so here's my take.

First, when choosing the Sword Dancer path, as you say, the character gets dance and song as skills (acrobatics could be appropriate too, given the nature of a battle dance. Perhaps make dance required to choose the path, but acrobatics and song given). Her good saves should be Charisma and Dexterity (like a bard in 5e), or Reflex (if 3.5e). She should also be able to choose the ''Charm'' and ''Moon'' domains.

The ''Eilistraee's Dance'' skill should perhaps replace 1 channel divinity option (and give up 1 channel divinity use to be used on a rounds/rest basis, instead of a times/rest basis. Being basically a style to be used flexibly and not a spell that gives buffs, I feel that the former is more appropriate). The following may be excessive, I'm just boucing ideas around.

[b:137k6ev8]Eilistraee's Dance[/b:137k6ev8]: At the beginning of her turn (up to n rounds per rest --I can't really tell how many, perhaps Proficiency + Charisma per short rest--), the Sword Dancer can choose to perform a special dance. While dancing (and wearing up to light armor):
1)She can cast and attack while moving (basically, she can move-attack-move-attack etc as long as she has attacks/movement left..., or move-cast-move as long she has movement left)
2)She can ignore terrains (maybe this should require a dash action taken, like the talent ''mobile'', if you use such actions) and has her speed increased by +5*(Proficiency in dance) ft or +5*(Cha bonus) ft (or a set bonus, like 15)
3)OA against her are at disadvantage and attacked creatures don't get OA against her (she may use tumble to ignore OA entirely, but needs a concentration check if casting spells and tumbling).
4)She becomes proficient in saving throws against all mental effects (representing Eilistraee's guidance)
5)She gains Evasion (as the rogue)
6)She gains a bonus to her CA and reflex saves equal to her proficiency in dance (it caps to 6 in 5e)
7)She gains a bonus to her attack rolls and damage equal to half of her proficiency in dance (rounded up).

The idea is that in order to keep these bonuses the Sword Dancer must move. If she stops, she loses everything (and if her movement stops, her action is interrupted as well).

The [b:137k6ev8]Spellsong[/b:137k6ev8] could behave like Eilistraee's Dance, replacing another channel divinity option. In 2e this could replicate any divine spell of 3rd level of lower, if cast as 4th level spell, or of 5th level or lower, if cast as a 6th level spell. It's also rather similar to your ''Domain Spell'' feature, so perhaps it could replace it for the Sword Dancers. In 2e it could also heal/regenerate and so on if cast as a ritual. In 3e it basically was domain spontaneity. Idk, I'd make it something like.

[b:137k6ev8]Spellsong[/b:137k6ev8]: As a supernatural ability, the Sword Dancer can cast magic through her song. N times/short rest (or using up a channed divinity ''slot'', as you prefer), she can sing to:
1)Heal a given amount of hp (maybe growing with level or song proficiency, like 1d6+proficiency)
2)cast a charm spell (she must have the right levels in the Spellcasting progression anyway)
3)Inspire allies, granting them advantage to saving throws/attacks/skill checks as long as she sings (a bit like a bard)
5)Enthrall enemies through song or light effects summoned by the song (similarly to Hypnotic Pattern).
4)Remove poison/illnesses/blindness/deafness/pain, whatever you have. This a Spellsong ritual and requires a given amount of time to be cast, and the expenditure of a spell slot of the spell level+1(or more, if you deem right) [i:137k6ev8]or[/i:137k6ev8] X Sword Dancers to be present (and to expend their Spellsong). Basically this would give the Sword Dancer quite a bit of flexibility in curing things.
6)Dispel Magic/Remove Curse (like above)
7)Heal or Regenerate (like above).

Perhaps you could also add the ''[b:137k6ev8]Sword Song[/b:137k6ev8]'' ability that is described in the post that I linked. X times/rest (perhaps the proficiency bonus), while using ''Eilistraee's Dance'', the Sword Dancer can sing to empower her spell. She adds her halved song proficiency bomus (rounded down) to the SR resistance DC and dispel DC of the spell. It is also considered heightened by the same amount of levels (so, the bonus is also added to the save DC). This may be too powerful in 5e, though (saves are already difficult enough AFAICS, heightening spells does more that it does in 3.5e).

I like the [b:137k6ev8]Moonfire[/b:137k6ev8] as a Spell like ability (it's basically dancing lights). Ed said that Eilistraee herself and some of her priestesses can use the Moonfire shaping it like a small orb that they can command around and make go through any opening and that she can deliver magical effects through this orb. So, at higher levels, a given number of times per rest, the Moonfire could be used to deliver any spell cast or spellsong effect to a given creature.

I would keep the ''[b:137k6ev8]Silvery Blade[/b:137k6ev8]'' skill (it basically is the Sword Dance ritual), but I would remove the +2 bonus, given that ''Eilistraee's Dance'' already adds substantial bonuses.The blade would glow silver, become immune to rust/acid/breaking and become able to hit creatures that can only be hit by magic.

I would also add the ''[b:137k6ev8]Sword of the Dark Maiden[/b:137k6ev8]'' ability described in the post that I linked. It basically turns a chosen sword touched during the ''Eilistraee's Dance'' into a defending weapon (and also a dancing weapon at higher levels)

Anyway, with Eilistraee's recent return and considering WotC's recent poll, you might see a 5e adptation of the Sword Dancer soon enough.

About the Darksong Knight, I'm assuming that the class basically is a fighter sub-class.
I like it as it is, but I would add maybe advantage against spider poison and to saves against the web spell or web-like abilities. Perhaps I would replace the various +2s with +Cha bonuses.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:39 pm
by Irennan
Also, maybe the Sword Dancer should get the ''extra attack'' feature once, or get it during ''Eilistraee's Dance''.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:22 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
[quote="Irennan":1i0tfti1]I will give you feedback on the Sword Dancer of Eilistraee and the Darksong Knight, will comment on the other stuff later.

First, I'll say that I don't use D&D anymore, my players and I have opted for a completely homebrew ruleset, so take what I say with a grain of salt (I could end up with broken or weak stuff). I'm also assuming that you are using a mix of 3.5e and 5e as base.

So, on the Sword Dancer. IMO, two of the most appealing parts of her flavor are missing: the focus on the dancing and the ability to invoke magic through song. Sword Dancers are basically these agile and graceful priestesses that gyrate and zoom around, combining the beauty of their dance with lethal fencing skills and spells. I've managed to incorporate this into my homebrew, but it doesn't translate well to D&D. However, someone else had a similar idea, even if it's for 3.5:

I like his Sword Dance skill (which I will rename [b:1i0tfti1]Eilistraee's Dance[/b:1i0tfti1], because Sword Dance already is a ritual), but it's not exactly what I would do (Idk, it seems rather clunky to use), so here's my take.

First, when choosing the Sword Dancer path, as you say, the character gets dance and song as skills (acrobatics could be appropriate too, given the nature of a battle dance. Perhaps make dance required to choose the path, but acrobatics and song given). Her good saves should be Charisma and Dexterity (like a bard in 5e), or Reflex (if 3.5e). She should also be able to choose the ''Charm'' and ''Moon'' domains.

The ''Eilistraee's Dance'' skill should perhaps replace 1 channel divinity option (and give up 1 channel divinity use to be used on a rounds/rest basis, instead of a times/rest basis. Being basically a style to be used flexibly and not a spell that gives buffs, I feel that the former is more appropriate). The following may be excessive, I'm just boucing ideas around.

[b:1i0tfti1]Eilistraee's Dance[/b:1i0tfti1]: At the beginning of her turn (up to n rounds per rest --I can't really tell how many, perhaps Proficiency + Charisma per short rest--), the Sword Dancer can choose to perform a special dance. While dancing (and wearing up to light armor):
1)She can cast and attack while moving (basically, she can move-attack-move-attack etc as long as she has attacks/movement left..., or move-cast-move as long she has movement left)
2)She can ignore terrains (maybe this should require a dash action taken, like the talent ''mobile'', if you use such actions) and has her speed increased by +5*(Proficiency in dance) ft or +5*(Cha bonus) ft (or a set bonus, like 15)
3)OA against her are at disadvantage and attacked creatures don't get OA against her (she may use tumble to ignore OA entirely, but needs a concentration check if casting spells and tumbling).
4)She becomes proficient in saving throws against all mental effects (representing Eilistraee's guidance)
5)She gains Evasion (as the rogue)
6)She gains a bonus to her CA and reflex saves equal to her proficiency in dance (it caps to 6 in 5e)
7)She gains a bonus to her attack rolls and damage equal to half of her proficiency in dance (rounded up).

The idea is that in order to keep these bonuses the Sword Dancer must move. If she stops, she loses everything (and if her movement stops, her action is interrupted as well).

The [b:1i0tfti1]Spellsong[/b:1i0tfti1] could behave like Eilistraee's Dance, replacing another channel divinity option. In 2e this could replicate any divine spell of 3rd level of lower, if cast as 4th level spell, or of 5th level or lower, if cast as a 6th level spell. It's also rather similar to your ''Domain Spell'' feature, so perhaps it could replace it for the Sword Dancers. In 2e it could also heal/regenerate and so on if cast as a ritual. In 3e it basically was domain spontaneity. Idk, I'd make it something like.

[b:1i0tfti1]Spellsong[/b:1i0tfti1]: As a supernatural ability, the Sword Dancer can cast magic through her song. N times/short rest (or using up a channed divinity ''slot'', as you prefer), she can sing to:
1)Heal a given amount of hp (maybe growing with level or song proficiency, like 1d6+proficiency)
2)cast a charm spell (she must have the right levels in the Spellcasting progression anyway)
3)Inspire allies, granting them advantage to saving throws/attacks/skill checks as long as she sings (a bit like a bard)
5)Enthrall enemies through song or light effects summoned by the song (similarly to Hypnotic Pattern).
4)Remove poison/illnesses/blindness/deafness/pain, whatever you have. This a Spellsong ritual and requires a given amount of time to be cast, and the expenditure of a spell slot of the spell level+1(or more, if you deem right) [i:1i0tfti1]or[/i:1i0tfti1] X Sword Dancers to be present (and to expend their Spellsong). Basically this would give the Sword Dancer quite a bit of flexibility in curing things.
6)Dispel Magic/Remove Curse (like above)
7)Heal or Regenerate (like above).

Perhaps you could also add the ''[b:1i0tfti1]Sword Song[/b:1i0tfti1]'' ability that is described in the post that I linked. X times/rest (perhaps the proficiency bonus), while using ''Eilistraee's Dance'', the Sword Dancer can sing to empower her spell. She adds her halved song proficiency bomus (rounded down) to the SR resistance DC and dispel DC of the spell. It is also considered heightened by the same amount of levels (so, the bonus is also added to the save DC). This may be too powerful in 5e, though (saves are already difficult enough AFAICS, heightening spells does more that it does in 3.5e).

I like the [b:1i0tfti1]Moonfire[/b:1i0tfti1] as a Spell like ability (it's basically dancing lights). Ed said that Eilistraee herself and some of her priestesses can use the Moonfire shaping it like a small orb that they can command around and make go through any opening and that she can deliver magical effects through this orb. So, at higher levels, a given number of times per rest, the Moonfire could be used to deliver any spell cast or spellsong effect to a given creature.

I would keep the ''[b:1i0tfti1]Silvery Blade[/b:1i0tfti1]'' skill (it basically is the Sword Dance ritual), but I would remove the +2 bonus, given that ''Eilistraee's Dance'' already adds substantial bonuses.The blade would glow silver, become immune to rust/acid/breaking and become able to hit creatures that can only be hit by magic.

I would also add the ''[b:1i0tfti1]Sword of the Dark Maiden[/b:1i0tfti1]'' ability described in the post that I linked. It basically turns a chosen sword touched during the ''Eilistraee's Dance'' into a defending weapon (and also a dancing weapon at higher levels)

Anyway, with Eilistraee's recent return and considering WotC's recent poll, you might see a 5e adptation of the Sword Dancer soon enough.

About the Darksong Knight, I'm assuming that the class basically is a fighter sub-class.
I like it as it is, but I would add maybe advantage against spider poison and to saves against the web spell or web-like abilities. Perhaps I would replace the various +2s with +Cha bonuses.[/quote:1i0tfti1] Thanks for the ideas. I did already added the spellsong as a class feature, maybe you can tell me if I did good. I also tried to add the sword attunement and some of the epic level features from the 3.5 prestige class of the sword dancer. Do you think it would work if I added the extra attack as part of the sword attunement as one of its benefits?

Sword Attunement: At 12th level, you can perform a ritual dedicated to eilistraee, which imparts the dark maiden’s divine power into a sword, which you dance with during the ritual. In order to perform the ritual, you need a sword (of any kind), an open field or other large space with at least 120 feet of room with an open view of the moon. The ritual must be performed on a night with a clear visible moon, where you perform a dance to the Lady Silver hair for one hour with the sword in hand; the dance must be performed unclad. After completing the ritual, you have attuned the sword to you, while you are using the sword it functions as a +1 dancing sword, if the sword you attuned to was already magical it gain the dancing property in addition to what other properties it might already have. You can only have one attuned sword at a time, if you wish to attune to another sword you must perform the ritual again, when you do the previously attuned weapon loses its powers from attunement.

Armor of Silverhair: At 15th level, as a free action you can channel eilistraee’s power within you to infuse your hair, causing it to glow softly with silver light which aluminate up to 10 times your charisma modifier feet away. You can dismiss this power whenever you want as a free action.
While your hair glows and you are not wearing armor or using a shield you add your charisma modifier to your armor class in addition to your dexterity. This is a supernatural ability

Spellsong: At 17th level, you learn how to sing the spellsong, a sacred song to eilistraee that her most dedicated clerics know. Multiple clerics can join in with the spellsong to increase its power, they must have either this class feature or the 9th level spell, greater spellsong. The sword dancer and any additional participates must have enough room to dance and sing freely, without any form of magical silence hindering them. This last for at least one action, or for as long one round per 100 gp of value of the spells effects material component, or for as long as the chore wish to hold the songs effect.
With a single singer the fallowing effects can be produced by the spellsong:
It can cause an effect equivalent to any desired cleric spell of 4th level or lower, the effect doesn’t require any of the usual somatic components or most material component (really costly components that are used up may be required, provided that its cost is over 100 gp). The effect has the normal range, duration, and so on, if an effect depends on caster level it uses the singers who leads the chore.
It can restore to memory one spell that the singer has casted within 24 hours and they can cast it immediately, provided it was not casted from a scroll.
With 2 or more singers the fallowing effects can be produced:
It can be used to produce a spell immunity effect, either targeting one of the participates or one person within the normal range of a spell immunity spell. Unlike normal spell immunity spells, the target can be immune to a single selected spell of 5th level or one level higher for every three additional participates. Also, if ten or more are participating all participates also gain the protection of the spell immunity effect (with the same spell selected).
Another use of the spellsong allows a singer to heal 1d4+1 points of damage to themselves or one creature touched. Each other singer cleric can touch the injured creature to heal an additional 1d4+1 points of damage per cleric. This effect cannot be used in the same way as normal healing to deal damage to undead.
If seven or more cleric is singing together, they can cure blindness, slow poison, or cure disease instead of healing damage.
If nine or more cleric are participating, a dispel magic, remove curse, neutralize poison can be casted. Dispel magic and remove curse uses the highest level participate to determine the effect.
If twelve or more cleric participate, regeneration, resurrection can be made instead or one level of lost experience that was lost in the last day can be restored.
If twenty or more cleric participates, a true resurrection spell can be work, but uses the total level of all participates to determine how long dead of the target can be revived.

Singing Sword: At 20th level, your devotion to Eilistraee is so great that she has given you the power to channel her power into a sword, changing it into a singing sword. The sword you have attuned to you gain the singing sword properties. The singing sword’s blade becomes silver in color and gains a +3 bonus as if a magical weapon, if the weapon is already magical its enhancement bonus increase by 3 up to a total of +5 and gain the singing property in addition to the dancing property and any other properties it already had. When unsheathed the sword sings loudly and constantly, if the sword is silenced it loses its +3 bonus to attack and damage. The sword’s song makes its wielder confident and effectively making the wielder immune charm, command, fear, repulsion, and suggestion spells or other mind-affecting effects. If an emotion spell is casted on the wielder only results in rage aimed at the caster of emotion. The sword can also can entrance creatures of 2 hit dice or less as if by a suggestion spell when within 60 feet of the wielder, the creatures are entitled a charisma save against the wielder spell save DC (undead creature or creature from another plane are not affect by it). The wielder can give each creature a different suggestion and the suggestion is always successful on a fail save. In order to gain the benefit of this feature the sword must have been attuned by the process described in the sword attunement class feature and is in addition to the effect of that ability. This is a supernatural ability.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:37 pm
by Irennan
I'll give you my humble opionion on every ability. However I'll say one thing before that. As it is, this class focuses on a lot of abilty scores: Str for sword damage, Cha for various bonuses, Con because HP can't be neglected, Dex because of the AC and Wis because of Spellcasting. I would make Cha her casting ability and Dex her fighting ability. I will tell more on this later. I would also make it that the Speciality Priests paths are chosen at first level, rather than later.

[b:2kxctqy2]SpellSong[/b:2kxctqy2] I would grant this feature way earlier in levels and then make it scale. At 1st level, the Sword Dancer gets to use her Cha as casting stat (and to replicate the ''cure wound ''spell with the Spellsong. Maybe the bless spell as well, and inspire allies giving them advantage in any checks). As she grows with level, she would get to replicate effects of spells that she has enough levels to cast. I would add to your list, as I said, Charm and Hypnotic Pattern. Also, the various '' X Image'' spells (or whatever they are called in 5e) at the appropriate level, because the image of Sword Dancers that sing and dance weaving strands of moonlight as if they were paint and their limbs brushes is really cool IMHO. Granted most of this would be included in the ''replicate any spell of 4th or lower''. You can have it [i:2kxctqy2]and[/i:2kxctqy2] other effects, but I think that giving the Spellsong specific ''artistic/emotion'' effects and the healing/cure/protection effects would be more thematically definite. I will say that I would grant the ''cast any 4th or lower spell'' feature at level 11: a 9th level spell is too much to just replicate a single 4th level one. At 11th, 13th and 17th level the Sword Dancer would get the Heal/Regenerate/Resurrection/True Resurrection effects.

[b:2kxctqy2]Sword Attunement[/b:2kxctqy2] If I have to be honest, this attunement aspect that was introduced with 3e mechanics doesn't appear to be truly fitting the concept of a Sword Dancer. They are not known to become one with a weapon or to have this kinda soul-linked sword, they are known for their unique kind of fencing that resembles a dance. One of the things I like about the ''Eilistraee's Dance'' skill is that it allows you to tie powerful effects to its use and duration, so you could have more freedom in granting powerful stuff. ''Sword of the Dark Maiden'' allows a Sword Dancer to make a sword become dancing and defending as long as she uses ''Eilistraee's Dance''. This could also be extended to the ''Singing'' property.

If you don't want to add ''Eilistraee's Dance'' to the class, I think that ''Sword Attunement'' should also add the defending property (like the Sword Dancer class had in 3e). Basically you could subtract a given number from the Sword bonus and add it to your AC. When the Sword was dancing, you could subtract a given number from its to hit rolls and add it to your AC (this could be too powerful in 5e, though. You could use a standard sword for your attacks, or simply cast spells, and have the attuned sword giving you huge AC bonuses. I would limit this feature to giving the dancing and defending properties, with the ''Singing'' property at later levels).

However, I think that the Sword Dancers' battle [i:2kxctqy2]dance[/i:2kxctqy2] should be reflected in the class' skills. In 3e this was reflected with the ''spring attack'' talent-line built in the class, in 2e they had to have high Dex (can't tell about the fighting asepct, as I don't know its rules in 2e. I know what I read in Demihuman Deities and that's it), I feel that it should be reflected in 5e too, as it is one of the main parts of the class flavor and theme (I think that a ''Darksong Fighting Dance''-like feature fits the Sword Dancer as much -if not more- than the Darksong Knight).

If you prefer passive bonuses to an active ability, IMO you should give the Sword Dancer a passive ability (with lower bonuses) ''Eilistraee's Dance'' or whatever name you prefer, that scales with levels, that can only be used while in light (medium? Consider that the monk can add her wisdom to her AC at the cost of wearing no armor) armor or less and that confers new features as the Dancer raises in levels.

-2nd level (as soon as the priestess chooses the Sword Dancer path): the Dancer can add her proficiency in dance, splitting it between her AC and to hit (bit not damage) bonus as she chooses (i.e a +5 proficiency in dance could become +4 AC and +1 to hit, or +2 AC and +3 hit, and so on).
-X level: the priestess can treat bastard swords (in 5e a bastard sword, but in practice ) as a finesse weapon when wielded 1H (Dex used for ''to hit'' and damage rolls), maybe lowering its damage dice by 1 step, so you can focus on an evasive fighting style and Dex and don't have to level Con, Wis, Cha, Str and Dex all together. I would add this as a class feature even if you want ''Eilistraee's dance'' as an active. This should be granted early, perhaps at 3rd or 4th level, as it would be important to the class development.
-Y level: the Sword Dancer gets the ''Mobile'' feat (OA are at disadvantage against her, she gains 10 ft of movement, she can ignore terrains when dashing, creatures atatcked in melee don't get OA against the Sword Dancer). She may also use her Dance skill for Acrobatics and Tumble (does it stille exist?) checks.
-Z level (for comparison, the favored soul gets this at 6th level): the Sword Dancer gets the extra attack feature.
-W level: the Sword Dancer gets the ''Evasion'' feature (maybe it's too much? I can't really say).

I have a problem, though. In 5e you can't really use the ''dance proficiency'' to distinguish stuff, because it is the same as the standard proficiency, so it wouldn't really feel related to your dance skill. So, here are some ideas to make it feel cooler:
1)The Sword Dancer's proficiency in Dance is increased by 50% (rounded up: a proficiency of 3 would become 5). The bonus gained at 2nd level would work like this: The Sword Dancer's AC and bonus to attack rolls are calculated with her Dance proficiency instead of normal proficiency. For the active version of ''Eilistraee's Dance'', the AC and bonus to attack rools would still be calculated with her Dance proficiency, but half of this proficiency is added again to the AC and added to the damage dealt with the attacks.
2)At the beginning of each of her turns (or every 2 turns, Idk), the Sword Dancer rolls a Dance Check and the bonuses are determined by that, as a pool of points to be splitted between increasing AC and increasing to hit rolls. You have something like Proficiency+Cha bonus+1d20. Assuming that the Sword Dancer is putting points in her Cha, and maybe that she started with Cha 16, while the proficiency grows, I'd say that the Dance Check divided by 4 and rounded up would be good. With my assumption at proficiency 1 you would average 3 points to split (+3 AC/+0 to hit; +2AC/+1 to hit etc); at proficiency 2, 4 points; 3 and Cha 18 would give 5 points; still 5 points at 4 and 6 points at Cha 20 and proficiency 6. It would give --on average-- slightly higher bonuses than 1) at low and mid levels, but the average bonuses would become equal at proficiency 6. Of course you have to factor in the unreliability of this version, and its possibility of power spikes.
3)Instead of the Proficiency bonus, the Cha bonus is used (stronger early, a bit weaker late)

In conclusion, the combinations could be:
1) ''Eilistraee's Dance'' (as an active skill)+''Sword Attunement'' that makes a chosen sword touched during ''Eilistraee's Dance'' defending and dancing (starting from 12th level) and Singing (starting from the 20th level)
2)''Eilistraee's Dance'' (as a passive skill)+''Sword Attunement'' as you envisioned it (but with the defending propery too, IMO)+''Singing Sword'' at level 20.

[b:2kxctqy2]Armor of Silverhair[/b:2kxctqy2] I find it good by itself, but I would be wary of adding too many AC modifiers. So, if you include ''Eilistraee's Dance'', this may get broken. If I were to include both, I would make it so this skill (alongside the silvery radiant hair) granted the possibility to add the Charisma bonus to saving throw rolls.

[b:2kxctqy2]Singing Sword[/b:2kxctqy2] I like it as it is. Maybe grant the feature a bit earlier (14th level?) and make it scale, with levels (as in starts with +1 and +1 at levels 17 ìth and 20th).

Hope that this can be of help or give you ideas.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:34 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
Flavor text, world building, call it what you will I have been struggling with coming up with text to describe the races and classes for a while... in fact you could say that I have been holding off because I wasn't how much of it should be generic, v ague, specific, what a kind of description a DM would most likely uses and how much should I really do. So for the longest time I tried make racial abilities and class features be more... story driven.... if that makes sense. In essence every class feature should be explain, if a class that doesn't have magic has a ability that seems magical that it should be explained why. Granted I kind of feel I have failed at that, but.... I try. Here will be the racial description for the Drow, eladrin, and elves (including one for each subrace). Tell me what you think, is it too vague, doesn't need more details, ect. Also I should not that each entry will contain the races abilities as well, granted I had posted those a while back, but it will give you a look at how things are with them as they stand now. Also By the name of each race I have included in parentheses the races creature type looking like this (humanoid type). To make it easier to tell when the entries are a subrace a set of parentheses with the core race name appears to the side of the subraces name. So please enjoy and tell me what you think.

Drow (humanoid type)

Personality: Drow are meticulous schemers taking great care in their plans for greater power. For most drow their own personal ambition comes first (or if they are a part of a house, the houses) and one must always watch out for rivals and assassins. While drow tend to be more than willing to display cruelty or greed they can be quiet civil. Drow tend to have large sense of paranoia, even when they know they are some place safe. A drow rarely, if ever trust any other being. As far as they believe everyone is a possible enemy and true friends are rare. They like to uses other with little regard to what happens to them. In sort, never trust a drow to not be drow.

Physical Description: Much like their surface cousins, drow share many similar physical traits, angular faces with pointed ears, lack of facial or body hair (though on rare occasions a drow might have some). However, unlike their surface cousins, drow tend to have eyes that are deep reds, dark yellows, golds, and in rare occasions silver, blue, and purple. Drow have Pitch-black skin that looks almost the color of obsidian, though some rarer looking drow might have a light purple tent to their pitch-black skin or their skin might have a slightly lighter coloration of black. A greyish-black tends to be the color their skins turn when sick. Drow tend to be shorter than most elven, being anywhere from four foot five to five foot three, though some drow have been known to be tall they are rarely passed the five foot three marker. They tend to weight the same as most surface elves, but females tend to be taller and slightly heavier than males. Drow have perhaps the strangest color of hair out of all the elven family. The most common hair color for drow is chalk white, with light yellows being equally common. On rare occasion a drow might have silver or even black hair, with black hair being the rarer of the two.

Alignment: Drow relish in harming others and tend to do whatever is necessary to survive. Backstabbing and scheming is second nature to them. While many do have a knack for acting in the moment they are just as likely to openly obey laws or traditions only to defy them when they are alone. Because of this drow tend to lean more towards the evil and neutral alignments, while some drow are good (mostly worshippers of Eilistraee) they are generally rare and not usually gathered in one area. Chaotic evil, Neutral evil, lawful evil, chaotic neutral, and lawful neutral are the more common alignments for drow. When a drow is good they tend to be either chaotic good or neutral good.

Home Land: Drow live in the sub terrain world known as the underdark. The underdark is a large underground cave system the goes miles beneath the surface of the planet. Water and clean air can be hard to find in the underdark so most drow communities are cities shaped from stone via magic in large sections of caves that have an abundance of clean air and a large supply of fresh water. Drow cities tend to have many clans of either small or large sizes called houses. A drow house is normally leaded by a single noble family consisting of a matron and her children and intermediate family. The rest of the house is common drow and nondrow slaves, which do most of the houses main work and act as cannon fodder. The other drow in the house might have some blood connection to the current ruling family (usually a distant cousin four or more times removed), but most of the time this isn’t the case. A drow house is always lead by the matron mother, a male never ascends very high in drow society and those that do have any real power are always at risk of being assassinated by a lower ranking rival. Drow houses are almost always at war with each other in order to obtain higher power and rank within the city.

Religion: As a rule of thumb with the drow, Lolth rules all as the evil goddess who tainted the original dark elves into evil. She is the patron deity of the drow and very few who try to argue against this live to tell the tale. While Lolth or Lloth depend on where you are is indeed the primary deity of the drow, in some world there are other drow gods. In greyhawk, a lesser goddess of illusion exists called Zinzerena. While in the forgotten realms there are Vhaeraun a lesser god of thieves and the son of lolth and Corellon Larethian, Selvetarm A demigod of drow warriors, and Kiaransalee a demigoddess of undead. Eilistraee, while she stills has some worshippers that are drow, is primarily the patron goddess of the dark elves.

Language: The language of the drow is primarily elven and undercommon. Undercommon is a language made to make communication between the races of the Underdark easier and its verbal form doesn’t sound that pleasant to the ear to creatures that don’t know undercommon. Undercommon uses elven as its written form, so it’s not uncommon for creatures familiar with elven to have at least a basic understanding of things being said to them in undercommon. The drow are also responsible for the creation of a language called drowic, which has two different alphabets. While the dark elves who uses this language now do not refer to the two different types of drowic as any different, the drow who uses this language call the more commonly used form as drowic and the more advanced and complex as High Drowic. The drow have also developed their own secret language know as Drow-Sign. Drow-Sign doesn’t have a written form and uses complex hand symbols in order to form words. It allows them to silently communicate with any other drow (or other creature that might have learned drow-sign) within 120 feet (provided they can see that far). The language is flexible enough that it can perfectly communicate a conversation no matter how complicated and has signs to form words not usually found in the elven or undercommon language. While the drow typically learn it with easy, any creature can learn the language provided they know a drow or a creature that already knows drow-sign. Drow-Sign does require some dexterity to learn and as such a non-elf character need a dexterity score of at least 12 to learn it.

Drow Traits:

Drow Ability Score Adjustment: You Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma Score increase by 1.

Movement Speed: 30 feet

Darkvision: You can see in areas of Dim light as if it were bright light. You can in darkness as if it were dim light within 120 feet of you. You can’t discern color while in darkness, only in shades of grey.

Elven Initiative: When you roll for your initiative use a dice one size higher. From a d6 to d8 to d10 to d12 to d20. If you have another feature or feat that increases your initiative dices size, this effect stacks.

Elven Constitution: You are immune to magical sleep effects and ghoul’s paralyzing bite. You also roll twice and take the better result when you are making a saving throw against charm affects.

Elven Senses: You roll twice and take the better result when you make ability checks to search or spot. You are allowed an Intelligence ability check to search whenever you are within 10 feet of a secret or concealed door as if you were actively looking for it.

Drow Magic Resistance: When making wisdom or constitution saves against a spell or spell-like ability, you roll twice and take the better result.

Drow Tactical Training: You are proficient with short swords, rapiers, hand crossbows, and one of the fallowing skills Hide, Move Silently, Search, or Spot.

Lolth-Cursed Magic: You know the dancing lights cantrip, which you can cast at-will as a spell-like ability. You also can cast faeries fire once per day as a spell-like ability. At 3nd level, you can darkness once per day as a spell-like ability. At 5th level, Male drow can cast detect magic, detect good (revisable), and levitate each once per day as a spell-like ability and female drow can cast clairvoyance, discern lies, dispel magic, and suggestion each once per day as a spell-like ability. Using any of these spell-like abilities is an action. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Spot) and Intelligence (Search) checks that rely on sight.

Elven Trance Sleep: You can spend 4 hours in a deep trance like state, from which you benefit from effects as you had a full 8 hours of sleep. You may still sleep normally if you wish. When in this trance, you can still dream in a fashion. These dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice.
Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common, Elven, and Undercommon as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Eladrin (fey type)

Personality: Eladrin are long term thinkers, while they do act in the moment as need, they are always thinking ahead in life. When an eladrin is young they share the same kind of curiousness as their elven cousins, but as they grow older then tend to become more wary of newer things. They are very focus on their goals and plans, but tend to be slow to action when danger approaches preferring the cautious approach. Eladrin love art, nature, and are masters of strategy. They find it easier for them to make friends with the longer living races, as they tend to be more caring to their own kind, humans and even elves tend to find them rather harsh.

Physical Description: Eladrin share many physical characteristic as the elves do, so much so that to those who don’t know the difference they look the same. Eladrin are as thin looking as most elves complete with the angular face and pointed ears lacking all facial and body hair. However Eladrin are taller than elves, being closer to a human in size range from five foot five to a little over six foot tall. Eladrin tend to have blond, gold, silver, and light brown color hair on rare occasions an eladrin might have actually white hair. Where it is easiest to tell an eladrin from an elf is in the eyes. Eladrins have shining purple, blue, or green eyes that lack pupils looking like pure orb of one color giving them a supernatural look. Eladrin are slightly heavier than elves being anywhere from 110 to 160 pounds with males and females being around the same weight and height. It can be sometimes hard for humans to judge what an eladrin is thinking by looking at their face, the strangeness of it all can be very off putting.

Alignment: Eladrin while still have a deep caring side toward family and friends; tend to dislike intervening in the lives of others who are not of their ilk. Their shared connectedness has given them a deep love of each other and they protect their kind fiercely. Eladrin tend to stay closer to the neutral alignments more than anything, chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, neutral good, and chaotic good are all common.

Home Lands: Eladrin tend to have town and villages in much the same manner as elves do, however the eladrin make their home in three that get altered by their presence. The trees that make up a eladrin town or village are bigger, healthier than normal trees, and they seem to radiant magic. The eladrin who live in the plane call the feywilds ( a transitional plane that separates the elven and eladrin home world of Faerie from the material plane) tend to have vast cities, with huge trees as building sometimes multiple trees will grow together to make large important places like council houses. Eladrin are skilled hunters and foresters, they tend to eat fruit bared on trees within the town or village garden.

Religion: The Eladrin worship the Seldarine just like the elves do, though it wasn’t always this way. They use too give worship to a group of powerful fey call the Fey Lords (or fey ladies as there was several female fey lords as well) they were the primary deities of both the elves and eladrin in their home world of Faerie. However something happen after the elves began to leave the world for other worlds and now the Fey Lords have lost much of their power. They are still worshipped by many eladrin though and grant spells to clerics and warlocks alike.

Language: The Eladrin have two languages that they commonly know. Elven which the eladrin and elves both share though they also have a slightly deviant version that they often refer to as fey speak. The other is sylvan, the language the has become commonly used by all fey, the language uses the elven alphabet and shares many of the same pronouncement quirks as elven does. Creatures unfamiliar with sylvan will mostly likely mistake it for elven.

Eladrin Traits:

Eladrin Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence increase by 2 and Charisma increase by 1.

Movement Speed: 30 feet

Darkvision: You can see in areas of Dim light as if it were bright light. You can in darkness as if it were dim light within 60 feet of you. You can’t discern color while in darkness, only in shades of grey.

Eladrin Tradition: You are proficient with long swords, long bows, short bows, and the spot skill.

Eladrin Deep Trance: Eladrins do not sleep, at least not in any normal fashion. You speed 2 hours in a state of trance. You gain the benefits of a full 8 hours of sleep, from 2 hours of this trance state. While in this trance you do not dream.

Fey Biology: You are immune to charm and magical sleep effect, as well as ghoul’s paralyzing bite. You also have a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusions and polymorph spells.

Fey Sight: You can use detect magic as an action, once per day as a spell like ability.

Fey Step: You can once per day as a move action hop between two points by stepping through the boundaries of the planes to teleport to a single spot within 60 feet of where you were. The spot where you fey step to cannot be occupied by other creatures or large object like a wall. If the spot you wish to fey step to is occupied as such, you instead fey step within a 5 foot radius of your original intended destination provided it is within range of this ability. At 3rd level you can fey step one additional time per day and a third time at 5th level.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common, Elven, and Sylvan, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Elves (humanoid type)

Personality: Elves are curious, being often amused by the actions of others. They tend to favor the long term plan with broad perspective of events. They tend to focused and very relentless when trying to obtain goals. Elves tend to appreciate the finer aspects of art and music. While it might talk an elf a long time to become friends, they never forget them and the same can be said with their enemies.

Physical Description: While there are many physical differences that tend to define the various races of elves, they do share some similar characteristics. Elves tend to be slim and are often shorter than normal humans. Their angular face with their pointed ears, lacking of any kind of facial hair can be unsettling to nonelves especially when encountering the more pale skinned elves like high elves and grey elves. Elves do not have facial hair or body hair for that matter and are unable to grow any naturally with only rare exceptions. Elves can be anywhere from four and a half feet tall to just under six feet, with them weighing anywhere from 90 to 140 pounds with males and females being around the same height or weight. Many humans and other races consider elves hauntingly beautiful and will on occasion’s mistake them for eladrins or vice versa. Most of the elves races have shades of blue or green as a common eye color. Elves can easily be identified from eladrins by their eyes which are like more humanoid races only at a more slanted angle.

Alignment: Elves love personal freedom, self-expression, and are not afraid to add some variety in their everyday life. Most elves tend to move towards the more chaotic end of the spectrum. Elven communities try to instill a sense of goodness; the freedom of others should be protected as well as their own. Chaotic good, Neutral good, Chaotic neutral, and Lawful good are the most common alignments among elves with some subraces having a higher general number of particular alignments than normal.

Home Lands: Elven communities tend to be small villages or settlements in large forests. Usually made in a fashion that they seem part of the forest itself. While elven cities aren’t unheard of, they tend to be rare in most worlds with a large human population. An elven city might have a couple dozen clans (loose groups defined by blood relationship even with more distance relatives) working together to protect the area. Elves grow their own food if possible and hunt for game only when necessary.

Religion: The Elves patron deity is Corellon Larethian, who leads a pantheon of deities called the Seldarine which includes Aerdrie Faenya, Deep Sashelas, Erevan Illesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Lebelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, and Solonor Thelandira. While all of the Seldarine are worshiped equally among the elves, Corellon is called on extensively among all the races of elves as their god of magic. It should be noted however that the dark elves while have started giving worship to the Seldarine since returning to their original form, worship Eilistraee as their patron deity as it was by her hand that they once again found the light.

Language: The language of the elves is Elven, a language with fluid characters and intricate grammar. It has both an oral and written form with approximately 30 characters. Its alphabet is the base for both undercommon and sylvan languages. Each subrace of elf has a slightly different version of the basic elven, but is generally the same with the exception of the dark elves. Originally not very different from the basic form of elven, after thousands of year separated from most of the elven races it has evolved into its own language originally called high drowic the language was mainly know by drow nobles and high priestess of lolth, by after the return of the dark elves has become the common language of the race. Drowic has a base alphabet of 34 character three for different L sounds, two for S’s and one for detonate whether a word is plural or not; and it has a more advance alphabet for more complex ideas and meanings, easily holding more than 150 characters. The two alphabets can be used separately or together with no problem. Characters that are familiar with elven should have little problems understanding anything written in the basic drowic alphabet, however the more advance alphabet requires some familiarity with the drowic language to understand.

Elven Traits:

Elven Ability Score Adjustment: Your Dexterity increase by 2.

Movement Speed: 30 feet

Darkvision: You can see in areas of Dim light as if it were bright light. You can in darkness as if it were dim light within 60 feet of you. You can’t discern color while in darkness, only in shades of grey.

Elven Initiative: When you roll for your initiative use a dice one size higher. From a d6 to d8 to d10 to d12 to d20. If you have another feature or feat that increases your initiative dices size, this effect stacks.

Elven Constitution: You are immune to magical sleep effects and ghoul’s paralyzing bite. You also roll twice and take the better result when you are making a saving throw against charm affects.

Elven Senses: You roll twice and take the better result when you make ability checks to search or spot. You are allowed an Intelligence ability check to search whenever you are within 10 feet of a secret or concealed door as if you were actively looking for it.

Elven Standard Training: You are proficient with leather armor, chain shirt, and one of the fallowing skills Natural Knowledge, Search, or Spot.

Elven Trance Sleep: You can spend 4 hours in a deep trance like state, from which you benefit from effects as you had a full 8 hours of sleep. You may still sleep normally if you wish. When in this trance, you can still dream in a fashion. These dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice.

Elven Subraces: Choose one subraces from the list below, the subrace you choose gains you additional abilities and traits. The subraces are as fallowing: dark elves, grey elves, high elves, shadow elves, and wood elves.

Dark Elves (elven subrace)

The dark elves once had a great and powerful kingdom when the elves where young. However, over the hundreds of years that their kingdom flourished the dark goddess Lolth tried to seduce them into darkness. She had succeeded; the dark elves began inflicting terrible atrocities upon the kingdoms of the other elves. So the other races of elves with the help of Corellon and the rest of the Seldarine casted a spell on the dark elves transforming them, cursing them to live with in the dark underground caverns of the underdark as dhaeraow or as they would later be called drow. For thousands of years the drow under the guidance of Lolth became a feared sub terrain race of evil, with only a small number of drow worshipping other deities like Eilistraee. For hundreds of years the fallowers of the dark maiden tried to free their race from the tyrannical grip of Lolth to no avail. However, over one hundred years ago the lady silverhair had succeeded in redeeming a large portion of the drow back into dark elves. While she still has some worshipers within the drow, most of her fallowers are this new generation of dark elves and they are flourishing under her loving hands.

While the dark elves have always had many pitch-black colored skin elves within this newer generation such a skin color is rare either by the magic of the redemption or by hereditary traits it isn’t known. Most dark elves have either a light black or dark brown skin color with a light tan or very light violet being rare by possible skin color. Dark elves have black, dark blond, or any shade of brown hair with silver being a fairly uncommon hair color. Their eyes tend to cover all the same general colors as most elves pale greens, deep blues, dark brown, and blacks with gold and silver eyes not being unheard of but are usually pretty rare. Out of all the elven races dark elves are commonly the shortest usually with them rarely being taller than 5 foot 3. Dark elves tend to have taller females than males though they still fallow the traditional elven build.

As a dark elf, you have the fallowing traits.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Dark Elf Two-weapons Training: You can use any one handed weapon for your off hand when engaging in two-weapons fighting. As long as you are proficient with the weapons in both of your hands and wear light or no armor, you gain a +1 to your armor class and this bonus applies to your touch armor class.

Dark Elven Resistance: You have +2 bonuses on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Dark Maiden’s Blessing: You have the blessings of Lady Silverhair, who has given your race a divine gift. As a result, once per day, you can summon a silver flame of moonlight emanating from your hand or other body part as a swift action. The flames of moonlight shed dim light up 10 feet, the moonfire last for one minute or until discharge (regardless of success). You can touch a single willing living target; the moonfire heals 1d6+ charisma modifier points of damage from the target. At 3rd level, you can make a touch attack roll on a single target instead of healing, on a successful attack the flames of moonfire deal 1d6+ charisma modifier of cold damage. At 5th level, you gain an additional use of this ability.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common, Drowic, and Elven, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Grey Elves (elven subrace)

The grey elves are perhaps the most scholarly of the elven races. Grey elves never really had much of a kingdom of their own during the earlier years of the elves, instead they live where any large population of elves where. They are wizards and sorcerers more often than warriors or clerics. The greatest of the grey elf wizards where called high mages as they practiced high magic a ritualistic form of magic that relied on the cooperation of multiple wizards to cast powerful world changing magics. Grey elves are probably the most skilled magic users of the elven races.

Grey elves share much the same characteristic as high elves, they are however thinner than most elves. Their hair is mostly silver and gold with amber and violet eyes being common eye colors.

As a grey elf, you have the fallowing traits.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your intelligence score increase by 1.

Elf Weapons Training: When making an attack roll with a long sword, short sword, short bow, or long bow, you gain a +1 on your attack rolls.

Gray Elf Magical Training: You know one cantrip from the wizards spell list that you can cast at will as a spell-like ability. At 3rd level, you can choose one 1st level spell from the wizards spell list you can cast that spell as a spell-like ability once per day. At 5th level you can use that 1st level spell one additional time per day. If the spell has a material component, you must still provide it. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Still Spell: Once per day, you can cast a spell that has somatic components as if it doesn’t have one. A stilled spell doesn’t require armor proficiency to cast a spell in armor.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common and Elven, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

High Elves (elven subrace)

High elves are the most common of the elven races; they make great fighters and rouges. High elves had several great kingdoms during the early time of the elves. They were hit hard by the ancient dark elves when they started down the path of corruption that lolth had lead them down. High elf wizards often learn their trade from grey elf high wizards. High elves share the common characteristic of elves.

As a high elf, you have the fallowing traits.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Constitution score increase by 1.

Elf Weapons Training: When making an attack roll with a long sword, short sword, short bow, or long bow, you gain a +1 on your attack rolls.

High Elf Tactical Training: You are proficient with long sword, short sword, short bow, and long bow.

Stealth Training: As long as you are wearing either no armor or light armor not made of metal, when you make a Dexterity ability check to move silently you roll twice and take the better result.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common and Elven, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Shadow Elves (elven subrace)

Shadow elves weren’t always what they are now; five hundred years ago a clan of over 80 high elves lived in a small village. A great high mage had spent years studying powerful magic from the plane of shadows. One day the village became under attack by a drow raiding party, the high elves were unprepared and were in dire straits. So as a last resort the high mage and six of the oldest wizards worked a spell that transported the entire village and all remaining 57 villagers and 3 of the drow invaders into the plane of shadows. Surprise the remaining drow raiders were overwhelmed by the surviving villagers. The village was save or at least as safe as one can be in the plane of shadows, however the ritual that the high mage and the six wizards had casted drained them of their life energy; the elves were stranded in the plane of shadows. For four hundred years the high elves did their best to live and thrive in the plane of shadows, in doing so the plane had changed them physically and their children became more like the shadows they lived in.

The Shadow elves are not as xenophobic as many of the elven races. They are however even more racist then most of the elven races, they believe that all elves should rule over humans and other nonelves. In fact most shadow elves tend to be hard, callus, and arrogant to humans and nonelves alike. The shadow elves don’t have any villages on the material plane all shadow elves dwelling are on the plane of shadows. The shadow elves use their natural ability to travel to the material plane whenever they want to adventure.

While shadow elves care deeply about their people as much as all elves do, their violent nature to nonelves is often disheartening to other elves. Shadow elves tend to be Chaotic neutral, Neutral evil, Neutral good, and on rare occasion Chaotic good or Lawful evil.

Shadow elves because of the essence of the plane of shadows courses through them tend to have skin in a variety of shades of violet or on rare occasions deep black skin or the paler white skin more akin to the high elves they originally were. Regardless of skin color all shadow elves radiate a purple aura around them, visible even in the light. When they are angered or under other strong emotions the aura grows darker in color and starts to flare. It is possible to tell how a shadow elf feels by the color and movement of their aura. Shadow elves hair tend to be darker colors like blacks and browns, while on rare occasions their hair takes on white and silver shades, because of this the shadow elves have been known to use some of their more unusually looking kin as spies against the drow. Their eyes are violet, dark blue, brown, black, and pale green. On every now and then a shadow elf might have gold or silver eyes but this is incredible rare.

As a shadow elf, you have the fallowing traits.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength score increase by 1.

Shadow Sight: You can see normally through darkness both normal and magical darkness effects

Shadow Powers: As a shadow elf your body is infused with energy from the plane of shadows which allows you to blend in with the shadows as if you were shadow yourself. While in an area of dim light or darkness, you gain a +1 bonus to armor class and regain 1 hit point at the start of your turn as long as you have at least one hit point left. At 3rd level, once per day you can cast mirror image as a spell-like ability. At 10th level, you gain the ability to cast plane shift to the plane of shadows and the material plane (and only these two planes) once per day as a spell-like ability. Intelligence is you spellcasting ability for it.

Shadow Elf Weapons Training: When making an attack roll with a long sword, rapier, short bow, long bow, or hand crossbow, you gain a +1 on your attack rolls.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common and Elven, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Wood Elves (elven subrace)

Wood elves are an elven race that lives deep within vast forests. The wood elves had only a kingdom of trees, never really having any kind of great city they lived using the whole forest as their home. Their forest kingdom was constantly under attack from the dark elves, causing many wood elves to become xenophobic to even other elves, these wood elves later became to be known as wild elves. Wood elves tend to make good fighters, rangers, and rouges, while wild elves are often barbarians and druids. Wild elves are very skilled in the making and using of natural traps like pits and snares. Wood elves all tend to feel most comfortable in the forests or any kind of heavy woodland area. Wood elves are of fair complexion with hair color ranging from copper red to blond. Their eyes are light brown, light green, and hazel.

As a wood elf, you have the fallowing traits.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Wisdom score increase by 1.

Elf Weapons Training: When making an attack roll with a long sword, short sword, short bow, or long bow, you gain a +1 on your attack rolls.

Animal Familiarization: Once per day, you can use an action to cast charm animal as a spell-like ability. At 3rd level, you can cast speak with animal as a spell-like ability once per day. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it. At 5th level, you gain an additional use of both of these abilities.

Cloak of the Forest: When you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist or some other natural phenomena, you can attempt a dexterity ability check to hide.

Languages: You can read, speak, and write Common, Elven, and Sylvan, as well as a number of bonus languages of your choice equal to your intelligence modifier.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:19 pm
by Irennan
Will say just 1 thing for now. I can see Eilistraee as the goddess of the dark elves (and she is probably going to be portrayed as such in any material WotC will publish now that she's alive in canon), but she should still be actively seeking to free the drow from Lolth. Her goal was never to change her followers' skin color, the curse removal was just a plus, her followers didn't *need* that (after millennia, many drow, even followers of Eilistraee, see ''drow'' as their identity, they are proud of it, that's what they are born as and it doesn't impair their ability to choose good). Her goal is to help them grow, flourish and conquer back their freedom and joy of life, it doesn't matter whether they are drow or dark elves . Even as a patron of the dark elves, Eilistraee's purpose should be helping her followers forge their place in the world, but also --and equally important-- opening the drow minds and hearts to a new life, and giving them her practical and emotional aid to do that choice. It's her character, she actually cares about all her people.

Even Ed said that she's a mother to [i:2mpg4ja9]all[/i:2mpg4ja9] the drow, a mother would reletlessly fight to see her children smile and blossom once again, even when some of said children (a narrow minority, just 20% over the whole race) have already done that.

Re: I need an opinion Part 2

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:46 pm
by Leema Har'gachi
Well, i've made some slight adjustment to the sword dancer variant mostly changes in level for some features. I made some features available earlier to be more useful overall, while the sword attunement I moved up. I also made a completely new feature, that will give sword dancers some more defensive options.

Sword Dancer

Patron Deity: Eilistraee.

Eilistraee’s Favored: At 2nd level, you have started your training down the path of Eilistraee’s sword dancers, her cleric who dedicated there life to lead drow to the land of light. You gain a bonus spell slot of the highest spell level you can cast, when you gain access to higher level spell then the spell slot changes to the new higher level. This spell can be only be used to cast your deity spells. You make choose which deity spell you prepare in this spell slot as long as you are at the level to cast spells of that spell level. You regain this bonus deity spell slot when you would regain your normal spell slots. You also gain proficiency with dancing and singing skills.

Eilistraee’s Moonfire: As a sword dancer eilistraee has granted the gift of summoning her sacred fire, eilistraee’s moon fire. Once per day as an action, you can cast Eilistraee’s Moonfire as a spell-like ability. It is casted as a second level spell and doesn’t require any somatic or verbal components. You gain another use of this spell-like ability at 4th level and every two levels thereafter. At 10th level, you can spend two of your daily uses to cast Eilistraee’s Moonfire as a 5th level spell.

Sword Dancer’s Blade Dance: Sword dancer’s are taught how to evade enemies attacks while striking at them. As a move action, you move 5 feet in any direction (this counts as your full movement action for this round). Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to your armor class; you lose this bonus if you are flat-footed. If a creature during this period of time misses on a attack roll aimed at you, you can use your reaction to move 5 feet in any direction again.
Armor of Silverhair: At 3rd level, as a free action you can channel Eilistraee’s power within you to infuse your hair, causing it to glow softly with silver light which aluminate up to 10 times your charisma modifier feet away. You can dismiss this power whenever you want as a free action.
While your hair glows and you are not wearing armor or using a shield you add your charisma modifier to your armor class in addition to your dexterity. This is a supernatural ability

Dark Maidens Grace: As your devotion to Eilistraee grows, she grants you even more magic. At 6th level, when you have magic missile prepare, you can once a day cast the spell at its base level without using up a spell slot.

Silvery Blade: You can enchant a bladed weapon with Eilistraee’s holy power. At 9th level, three times per day, as an action you can channel Eilistraee’s power into a single bladed weapon that you are touching. For one hour, the blade glows with a silvery radiance that makes the weapon resistance against damage, immune to the effects of rust and acid, and give a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls for the duration of the effect. When you use your action to make an attack with a weapon under this effect you can make one additional attack as if you had the Extra Attack feature. This is a supernatural ability.

Sword Attunement: At 12th level, you can perform a ritual dedicated to Eilistraee, which imparts the dark maiden’s divine power into a sword, which you dance with during the ritual. In order to perform the ritual, you need a sword (of any kind), an open field or other large space with at least 120 feet of room with an open view of the moon. The ritual must be performed on a night with a clear visible moon, where you perform a dance to the Lady Silver hair for one hour with the sword in hand; the dance must be performed unclad. After completing the ritual, you have attuned the sword to you, while you are using the sword it functions as a +1 dancing sword, if the sword you attuned to was already magical it gain the dancing property in addition to what other properties it might already have. You can only have one attuned sword at a time, if you wish to attune to another sword you must perform the ritual again, when you do the previously attuned weapon loses its powers from attunement.