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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:00 am
by Elspath
Two versions of Zelda Twilight Princess... A gamecube version and a wii version. both seem simular in graphical options and look but the wii you get to use the wireless controller as a sword stick and aiming divice for your bow and grappling hook. Plus many sword techs would (seems to me that is) be allot funner playing with the wii. pressing the numchuk forword to bash your sheald in to the enemy, swing the wirless controller to slash and perform speshal moves, dodge and parrie.. Deffently sounds fun!

well i hope this was usefull information... damn nintendo. making us choose -_-

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:28 am
by Shir'le E. Illios

Ok, here’s some Spore goodness… you know the game by SimCity and The Sims creator Will Wright and the game that looks simply like the most [i:gmj0dugm]fun[/i:gmj0dugm] game I’ve seen in a long time. has [url= ... l:gmj0dugm]several movies[/url:gmj0dugm] showing the game. In particular I suggest looking at the Spore Gameplay Movie 1 (even though it’s a rather big file). has what seems to be [url= ... l:gmj0dugm]the same demonstration[/url:gmj0dugm], at a bit lower resolution (and filesize). Though the sounds seems to be better and shows the beginning menu.

And has a [url= ... 0:gmj0dugm]talk with Will Wright[/url:gmj0dugm] as well as some [url= ... 3:gmj0dugm]hands-on experience[/url:gmj0dugm] with the game. Well worth a look (despite it being streaming video).

There’s also a bunch of articles with each of those… but seriously just watching the movies should tell you just about all you need (and if not you can probably find them easy enough on the respective sites).

Anyway, enjoy. Looks like a fun game indeed. And on the PC to boot. :D

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:37 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:2t4is1gs]Hey, anyone else here have PSP? Or am I the only one? :( [/color:2t4is1gs]

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:40 pm
by Elspath
you just replyed to my gamestop thing that said i had a psp :P silly

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:55 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[quote="Elspath":1ejs8ldm]you just replyed to my gamestop thing that said i had a psp :P silly[/quote:1ejs8ldm]

[color=darkred:1ejs8ldm]Wait... I thought PS3 and PSP were two different game systems. the PSP is the gameboy-like one. :? [/color:1ejs8ldm]

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:00 am
by Elspath
no one has mentioned ps3 :P i said psp, ps3 isent even out yet

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:36 am
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:1vgspal3]Oh, oops, sorry, I'm such an idiot. :-[ I was looking at this thread and i didn't pay attention to the specific thing you bought on the other thread. Duh... I'm not really thinking strait today.[/color:1vgspal3]

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:32 am
by Elspath
G4 just had a excuseive NWN2 video that was totle CG movie clip with no real game play. a wizard with a sword vs some kind of shadow creater i have never seen before. they clashed swords and the wizards sword shattered in to the nwn2 name... the end... very disapointing -_-

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:43 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
I think I already linked that movie earlier in this thread... and it's far from a G4 exclusive (as just about any gaming site has it for you to download).

Oh, and I've got a PSP as well. :)

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:29 pm
by Elspath
maybe its a tv excuseive ? :P they pout excuseive on half the stuff thwy show, and i guess it probley is sense for tv, there the only ones doing it :P

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 6:10 pm
by Shir'le E. Illios
E3 2006 has ended… but the stream of information has not as I’m expecting that over the coming week we’ll get reports from people who’ve been there and are now writing up their impressions and putting their videos online and such.

Though I’ll also probably focus mainly on Neverwinter Nights 2 from here on in.

As far as that goes, I’ve kinda lost track of what NWN2 related videos and information I’ve already posted so I’ll just put up a lot of links here and let you sort out what you have and haven’t seen. :tear:

Also in no specific order. has [url= ... l:1wm5eitb]a number of videos[/url:1wm5eitb] up for NWN2, icluding some quite new ingame footage from the E3 show floor.

Fulgore/Mordaedil just gave me [url=]this page[/url:1wm5eitb] with a pretty nice demonstration of NWN2 in it, again from the show floor (but quite different content, including character creation and the toolset). also has a [url= ... 2:1wm5eitb]fair amount of movies[/url:1wm5eitb]. I think I’ve already linked most of them… except the streaming video Stage Show Demonstration. In this GameSpot interviews Feargus about NWN2 while Chris Avellone shows off the game.

At [url=]A Land Far Away[/url:1wm5eitb] they have a couple of audio interviews with the Obsidian devs answering more community questions. Nice about this over the other inverviews is that here they actually ask questions about things we don’t know yet, though they weren’t able to answer all of them. Quite worth listening to.

NWVault also has some big things for us in store, like videos of the toolset, but it’ll have to wait until they can get it up. In the meantime Maximus posted a [url=]teaser screenshot of the toolset[/url:1wm5eitb].

Also know that there has been a little bombshell going off in the Neverwinter community last week, as it became known that the game probably won’t ship with a DM client. Though that seems bad news, it’s not that bad if you consider that Obsidian have clearly stated that they have every intention of releasing a DM client for free (or as part of a patch). The reason it’s likely going to be delayed is because they’ve decided to make some big changes, adding community-requested features and such, to it. Details on exactly what, when and how are sketchy (as Obsidian isn’t sure themselves yet), but they expect to be able to let us know more in a couple of weeks or so.

Alright, that’s it for now. I’ll keep you posted as I come across more. :)

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 6:16 pm
by Elspath
As much as I enjoyed watching E3 and scoping all the videos that have been popping up so far im afread im slightly disapointed in the showing sony and Microsft showed at this E3. Nintendo is the only one to show something new and existing with playable games for there new wii controller that seems extramly fun even though the games are just slightly better then what the average xbox can do.

Hopefully more information will pop up in the next week or two that will give some more of the hidden gems that are back in the dark areas of E3.

Hope you all enjoyed E3 or the information that came out!

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:31 pm
by Shir'le E. Illios
Quick update here...

If you ever wondered what kind of creature Robin Williams would make in a game like Spore, then [url= ... e:2q1zaqs1]now is your chance to find out[/url:2q1zaqs1]. :)

Love -x-x-x-
