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Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:44 am
by Aylstra Illianniis
Hear, hear! Although I have not completely boycotted them, as some have, I now only buy the novels, NOT any of the game materials, and even those only for characters and stories I am already heavily invested in such as Drizzt and Elminster. Everything else can just go take a walk as far as I'm concerned. Althouth- it I buy another 360, I MIGHT play some of their newer games- but they would, as Shir'le said, have to be really good.

So you read Spidey, too, eh? Yeah, I kept reading for a while hoping the situation would ge better. The new villains they brought in for the first few issues after BND were simply horrible- notably Freak and Paper Doll (two of the WORST characters I've EVER seen), though Menace looked like a cheap Goblin rip-off at first. The stories got better, as did a few of the newer villain concepts (Mr. Negative is interesting, and I love the new Kraven chick), and I like a lot of his new cast of friends.I missed a lot of issues over the past year due to lack of funds, but I did finally have some cash to buy the OMIT arc. BUT! After reading One Moment in Time arc, I actually cried. It was THAT awful. Not the story itself, just the way it ended. I'm sorry, but twenty years together, and NOW M-J decides she's "not strong enough" to handle being with him?! After everything they went through together?! Sorry, but I'm just not buying that. I still have New Avengers with him, thankfully, and my Deadpool and X-Factor, but for now, I'm staying away from the web-slinger until they fix it. (Well, okay- except for my D&D version of him running around in Waterdeep...) Ahem, okay. End rant.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:05 am
by Delvaro
D&D version of the web-slinger in waterdeep? Should i ask?

Heh, i wasnt exaclty readin spidey. I just have a friend who is a HUGE fan and well, i couldnt but hear his endless rants of how they ruined him over the years. Sure, ive read quite a lot, but i cant compare to my friend, not by a notch.

Well yeah. I wont buy WotC products other than the novels i like, and the games. Well, with the exception of Neverwinter because after years of waiting for NWN3 (and getting DA:O instead) im pretty much pissed and will buy everything with 'Neverwinter' in its name or some other new game that was not announced yet, or made for that matter.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:23 am
by Aylstra Illianniis
:p Heh, yeah, he was sort of an experiment. I had this fun idea of taking comic-book heroes and trying to convert them into D&D characters for a new campaign. He was my first attempt (human wiz/monk/enlightened fist) and came out pretty well. I am now playing him in a pbp adventure set in Waterdeep over on Candlekeep. He was first done by 3.5 rules, and the CK adventure is under Pathfinder rules. When I originally played him, I had reached 10th level (he was a gestalt) before we moved and I stopped playing. He goes by the name "Liante" (elven for "spider") and no one has (yet) caught on. I used the monk abilities for his jumping, fighting, and agility powers, and a few choice spells for the webs, climbing, and a few buffs.

I had plans for doing various other heroes, like Wolverine (dwarf bar/ranger with a half-troll template), Batman (human rogue/monk), Srorm (drow wiz/stormlord), and Dr Strange (human wiz/sor). I had wanted to do an entire campaign with everyone playing a conversion of their favorite hero, but the only one who ever bit was my hubby- who was wanting to play Deadpool.

On a related note- I just looked at my clock and it says it is 6:16, LOL!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:26 pm
by Delvaro
Hah! Thats awesome! :D I should try to do something like this, im sure it will prove quite fun!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:24 am
by Aylstra Illianniis
Yeah, you can work in two basic ways- either take an entire group of heroes and just do a D&D campaign based on the comics story-lines (IE- use comic super-villain conversions as NPC foes, perhaps with some sort of scheme to match the villain's persona) OR you could simply take one hero and do the "FR" analogue, with enough changes to the name and appearance so people don't catch on right away. When they finally do, it's friggin hilarious!! Mine earned the nickname "Spider-Monk" in the game group where I first played him, and I used some of his odd quirks in-game, like pacing on the ceiling, "perching" on top of objects, and making snarky jokes in battle.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:11 am
by Delvaro
Damn, thats spidey alright! xD Or a character that wear dark clothing and always speaks in the 'batman voice' xD

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:20 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
[quote="Aylstra Illianniis":2rbb2jah]I equate it to a lot of what Marvel has done in recent years. They took their most beloved character- Spidey- and used a cheap gimmick (a "deal with the devil" to save his aunt) as a means (read- excuse) to "un-marry" him after twenty years of one of the best relationships in their entire line. Now he's a thirty-something unemployed single loser, who can't keep a job, can't GET a girl, and has to mooch off friends and family to survive and keep himself in webbing. All while he is supposedly part of the Avengers- a PAID government-sponsored group of heroes!![/quote:2rbb2jah]
Actually, he seems to have a job in a corporate think-tank for geniuses now. But yeah, that he wasn't with MJ anymore (and in fact had the two of them laughing about the very idea of even temporarily moving back in together) was a rather big shock.

No, I don't read Spiderman. Just read the last issue and then mostly because of the new [url= ... g:2rbb2jah]Spider-Girl[/url:2rbb2jah] (who I quite like so far).

Anyway, sorry for the off-topic. Just found myself, for some reason, reading a number of comics lately.

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:51 pm
by Delvaro
Oh no worries! Off-topic comments are not something one should apologise for, unless said topic has some importent issues with dire consenquences. So far, talking about spidey isnt something of that lot :P

And Spider-girl? Thats something new? :O

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:44 pm
by Aylstra Illianniis
No, but her series was cut some time ago, and was only recently started up again. I have not read any of the "new spidey issues since OMIT, so I didn't know about the new job. Last I had checked the Bugle was demolished, Jameson was Mayor (shocker, I know) and Pete was looking for a job AGAIN. for like the umpteenth time since BND started. I liked JMS's run when he was a high school Science teacher. It gave him a real-world feel without being too lame- and it really did fit with his personality.

As to my D&D incarnation, I'm using the black suit- which means I can play him a little darker, more like the pre-Venom days when the alien suit was making him a little more aggressive. Although I usually use non-lethal dmg in the game, he will occasionally break out the lethal dmg against some monsters- took a hobgoblin's head off with one hit!!! (and somehow appropriate...)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:35 pm
by Delvaro
Thats...bloody awesome. Very, very fitting the black suited spidey.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:06 pm
by Aylstra Illianniis
Yeah, the most fun with him though was running him as an NPC helping out my group's PC's. They first met him in a dwarven gladiator arena as an opponent in a match they entered (non-letahl- he was hard up for coin, of course). He promptly went one on one with the party's female elven ninja, and kissed her when she grappled with him! (I was going single with him, to make it more fun.) Meanwhile, the other three who entered were fighing my drow bard (Lothir, whom you may have seen in here) who was singing a ballad he made up on the spot while fighting. It was my own version of the "Gilligan's Island" theme, which I actually sang in-game. Everyone laughed, especially when the monk made up his own verse about kissing the ninja. That game was so funny we could barely keep in character...

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:54 pm
by Delvaro
Bwahaha! Now thats of something of an uncomprehansible magnitude of sheer awesomness! :D

Damn, i missed out so many years of D&D! Aargh, i shouldnt have given up and instead i shouldve just forced several people to play the game xD

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:20 pm
by Alak Xiltyn
About 5 years ago I played Deadpool as a Crazy in a Rifts campaign, NO ONE picked up on it, even when my character started talking to the GM. When he died I played a Juicer version of Deathstroke the terminator, a couple of people picked up on that one though.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:59 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
[quote="Delvaro":1bdx7hca]And Spider-girl? Thats something new? :O[/quote:1bdx7hca]
As I understand it there have been various versions. There's [url=]one in an alternate timeline[/url:1bdx7hca] who's the daughter of Spiderman (and MJ).

The 'new' one, as I understand, used to be called [url=]Araña[/url:1bdx7hca]. But now she's taken the name "Spider-Girl". She's a teenager with no superpowers (anymore), though she does have expert combat training and grappling hooks to swing spiderman-like. So far she seems to mostly be fighting common thugs (as the 'big' superheroes take care of the big villains) and she [url=]uses twitter[/url:1bdx7hca] (that's an official account). :p

In fact, there's as I understand quite a number of spider-themed superheroes in the Marvel universe.

[quote="Aylstra Illianniis":1bdx7hca]Last I had checked the Bugle was demolished, Jameson was Mayor (shocker, I know) and Pete was looking for a job AGAIN.[/quote:1bdx7hca]
It looks like the Bugle is being reinstated again. Jameson is still mayor (and still thinks Spiderman a threat... some things never change). He also lost his home and his girlfriend and pretty much only got the job thanks to Aunt May. I'm not convinced of the whole think tank thing (why does every superhero have to be so damn special in everything; can't any of them have like a [i:1bdx7hca]normal[/i:1bdx7hca] job?); the science teacher thing sounds awesome though.

[quote="Alak Xiltyn":1bdx7hca]even when my character started talking to the GM.[/quote:1bdx7hca]
Brilliant. :D

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:07 pm
by Delvaro
I agree. it just seems so...Peter-ish for him to be a science teacher! I know that spidey sometimes wondered what would it be like to have a normal life and there you have it! being a science teacher is very normal, and considering Peter rather like science to begin with...

I never understood that as well. Why do all the superheroes have to have something...i dunno, super about them? Like being a billioner, a super smart scientist or a...well, you get the picture.

By the way, batman doesnt have any superpowers to begin with! When a grow man starts running around wearing a bat suit, using gadgets to catch crooks... it doesnt look that good :P And last i checked, having gadgets doesnt make you into a superhero. It just makes you into a well-equipped vigilante.