children, What's your opinion of 'em

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Zanathie Avuna
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Post by Zanathie Avuna »

Agreed. The corruption nowadays is astounding.
Alak Xiltyn
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

As I for one have no intentions of ever having children and, until recently, did not have the time to give a pet the attention it deserves it's tricky for me to weigh in on this subject. The colossal need for sentencing reform aside we're tippy toeing some rough forum territory here so I think I'll attempt to steer us away from that into something I think we might be able to make headway on.

What about disciplining children? We all have seen those screaming children in the store and had to listen as their parents dragged them up and down the isles either ignoring them completely or placidly watching while their children destroy everything around them? How would/should/do you handle this?

Whenever one of us threw and tantrum in the store our parents would drop what they were doing, drag all of us home and come back later without the trouble-maker. What did your parents do?
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Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

I lived in fear of mine.... And Alak, I'm not sure how old you are now, but I said the same thing for years, about not ever having any. And then- Nature said "oh, yes, you ARE!!" Sometimes she's a wicked Mother, herself :devil: :p I'm not complaining, though- our little duckling is the best thing I ever created!!
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Zanathie Avuna
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Post by Zanathie Avuna »

Are you kidding?!? For me, just give me my little stuffed animal bunny, a leg of chicken and I was good to go for a couple of hours (until the chicken was gone).

But otherwise, I say give the kid a cookie, or a toy, or something that'll keep him occupied for the time. Easiest was to please a kid: give him more sugar. But I have to admit, I do get kinda annoyed (okay, really annoyed) when a kid is crying, or destroying stuff and the parents isn't doing anything about it. I don't want to tell the parent what to do, cause I know parents hate being told how to raise their own child (ugh, I've heard that so many times).

For some reason, though, kids always seem to smile at me. I don't even like em' that much and they do. So I make funny faces, especially when I see them frown, and their mouth open, ready to cry, this usually stops them (but not all of the time).
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

[quote="Zanathie Avuna":3u9en8m7](though I don't think that's used anymore)[/quote:3u9en8m7]

i think old sparky we in FL (well, im not in FL any more, but i'm still a north floridian) is still in use.

rape use to be punished by death.

as for life, it is valuable and precious. and the Creator [b:3u9en8m7]abhorrs[/b:3u9en8m7] things done to kids, the most innocent. and people are called to care for our world and take care of it, being good stewards of the creation.

as for what my parents did...? hmmm, well, mine werent around really and i dont remember much of being a kid...maybe thats why i aint grown up? lol
Last edited by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar on Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Alak Xiltyn
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

*shrugs* It's not that I'm jaded for failing to find "that special someone" or what not and I treasure the time I get to spend with the rug-rats when my sisters loan them to me but I'm an insular sort of person who prefers quiet. It would take an incredibly patient and tolerant woman for me to settle down at all, nevermind have children. Heck PEOPLE aren't conducive of my preferred lifestyle, children less so.

Thats not to say it won't happen someday, simply that I don't plan on it happening.
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Zanathie Avuna
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Post by Zanathie Avuna »

I know how cliche this sounds, but I really do think there's someone for everyone, you just have to look. That's the hard part, and it always will be.
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

LOL! Alak, I was married for seven years, with no plans for ever having kids, and using "measures" to ensure that, and STILL the universe decided I was going to anyway. I'm not saying you will or won't, but sometimes, it's just meant to be no matter what your plans. We were perfectly happy before the little one came along, and sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we'd kept her, but I'm glad she is with a good family, and I'm equally glad I had her. And from what I've been hearing, she's very much her mamma's daughter!! :D
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Alak Xiltyn
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

[quote="Zanathie Avuna":320zlxxj]I know how cliche this sounds, but I really do think there's someone for everyone, you just have to look. That's the hard part, and it always will be.[/quote:320zlxxj]

The last three women I've dated later admitted they were married... 3 women... in a row... if thats not a sign from God I don't know what is. lol

Seriously though, it's not that I'm jaded, or socially inept. It's that I really don't want there to be someone in my life, I'm good with just me.

No Wife, no kids, no problem... a clone though, that would be pretty awesome.
"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire
Zanathie Avuna
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Post by Zanathie Avuna »

Hey, at least she's with a good family, and from what it sounds like, you keep in touch with the family? That's awesome. Most people don't.
Alak Xiltyn
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

Seconded, my niece's Bio-woman hasn't seen/asked about her since she was born, needless to say what you're doing is great.
"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

i didnt think u were that old Aylstra...;)
tho i aint sure what the average age is
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Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

Not afraid to admit that I'm 33 (almost 34.) And yeah, we keep in touch, and she just turned three, and is already trying to read!
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Alak Xiltyn
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

[quote="Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar":3oon8e8s] as for what my parents did...? hmmm, well, mine werent around really and i dont remember much of being a kid...maybe thats why i aint grown up? lol [/quote:3oon8e8s]

Sounds like my Dad, it wasn't that he was a bad father, he just wasn't an interested father. Maybe thats why I don't want kids, because I'm too much like my father and I know it.

[quote="Aylstra Illianniis":3oon8e8s] she just turned three, and is already trying to read! [/quote:3oon8e8s]

Wow, heck of a kid! Of course in this day and age reading is more important than ever.
"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

Ugh, sounds like my dad too. The man's a total antisocial bear, who thinks anything that doesn't personally interest him is "stupid", which is pretty much anything outside of fishing or NASCAR. An intelligent conversation with him is pretty much impossible. Good thing my mom was always more articulate and involved.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

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