Updating the members Roster

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Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Talwyn Aureliano
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Updating the members Roster

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

Dearest Shir'le and Bhaern,

I had a brief look through the members roster and noted that there appear to be some omissions of current active members [me for a start] :'(

Also what is the policy regarding inactive members? How long will you keep their accounts open? I'm not advocating total removal but maybe after a period of 6 months they get removed from the members roster but still keep their account? Just throwing it out there...

Also the Tasks roster needs an update with Argoth being named Master of Music and myself as Master of Joy 8)

I'd also like to apply for the task of Master of Food if I may?

I did start a thread in the Promoting Joy section dedicated to food and recipes and IRL, I almost completed a chef's apprentership back in 1990 before I decided to ditch it and go to University :p

I'll update the thread and provide more links to wonderful things to cook and eat ;)

To the other members still lurking here, there are a number of other positions still open that could use someone to fill them. If you feel like stepping up and becoming more active, perhaps consider the roles below that Shir'le has created and work towards attaining your place 8)

[center:303vzrik][b:303vzrik](Positions open)[/b:303vzrik][/center:303vzrik]

[b:303vzrik]> Starlit Hunter <[/b:303vzrik]

The Starlit Hunter is responsible for organizing games. Training games within the group, friendly quests with others or even full-blown warfare, all such games and more are organized by the Hunter. If you have a group of adventurers assembled but are short one hand (say a cleric), then one might consider contacting the Hunter and asking to find one among the Chosen. It would be especially pleasant if the Hunter could host a semi-permanent server where stories can be played.

[b:303vzrik]> Mistress/Master of Hunting <[/b:303vzrik]

We are all part of the circle of life. Birth… death… rebirth. Hunting is in our blood, a way to feed ourselves and keep our surroundings safe. Never do we take more than we need; never do we kill more than we need to, more than we must. But there also is no denying the exhilaration it offers and the challenge to our abilities. To hunt is to live and to feel alive.

[b:303vzrik]> Mistress/Master of Beauty <[/b:303vzrik]

How does one write about beauty? Beauty must be seen, beauty must be experienced, beauty must be grown. Over the times there have been some great poets, sages and artists, all trying to express beauty. But despite all their attempts they have always fallen short of their subject. Still, in the efforts they have created a beauty of their own, a beauty for a new generation to pursue. And thus we aspire to beauty until all the world knows is beauty in its myriad forms.

[b:303vzrik]> Mistress/Master of Moonlight <[/b:303vzrik]

One night, when still but a babe, I was lost in the forest. The haunting darkness of the faint starlight chased me, cornered me. Then, through a break in the clouds, the moon shone on my path. It remained there till I found again my way back to the temple. It was thus that I learned that the moonlight guides us from the darkness. And if it can guide us then so can it do for those still hidden in the shadowy recesses of the Underdark, welcoming them to the light of the surface. If you let the moonlight guide you the light will in time shine from you to guide others.

[b:303vzrik]> Mistress/Master of Drow <[/b:303vzrik]

To forget who we are is foolish. We are the Ssri-Tel’Quessir, known my some as dark elves, drow, Ilythiiri or Tel’gothrim. We are hated, feared and despised, unwelcome wherever we go. Envied for our grace and cunning, scorned for our passion and dedication, we must never forget our heritage or what we could have been. Thus we can fight to preserve what is good about our race and make our own place under the infinite skies.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

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Shir'le E. Illios
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Re: Updating the members Roster

Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

[quote="Talwyn Aureliano":27mpw43h]I had a brief look through the members roster and noted that there appear to be some omissions of current active members [me for a start] :'( [/quote:27mpw43h]
The members roster show those who have applied to join the Chosen of Eilistraee. It is a way for people to say "hey, I'm (/my character is) a follower of Eilistraee".

I did/do have something for "Friends" as well that's supposed to be invite-only. I just never started using it. :o

[quote="Talwyn Aureliano":27mpw43h]Also what is the policy regarding inactive members? How long will you keep their accounts open? I'm not advocating total removal but maybe after a period of 6 months they get removed from the members roster but still keep their account? Just throwing it out there...[/quote:27mpw43h]
At the moment there is no real policy regarding inactive members. But it's a good idea to have one (just need to make it easy for me to see how long people have been inactive).

One idea might be to automatically not show people in the members roster if they've been inactive for a long time, but keep them in the group so that when they get active again they'll automatically appear again. Or something along those lines.

[quote="Talwyn Aureliano":27mpw43h]Also the Tasks roster needs an update with Argoth being named Master of Music and myself as Master of Joy 8) [/quote:27mpw43h]
Ah yes. Just send me a descriptive text to replace the one currently under the heading and I'll get on that. :)

[quote="Talwyn Aureliano":27mpw43h]I'd also like to apply for the task of Master of Food if I may?[/quote:27mpw43h]
At one point I had a whole process for how people could take those various positions. But that seems to be pretty much out the window now. So sure, if nobody objects then I'm fine with that.

I will say though that I still have intentions to use the wiki better (as in, actually use it :p ). A number of those tasks (like Mistress/Master of Drow) will then be linked to what information people add to the wiki.

And I should probably put the unfilled tasks more under a list of 'suggestions'. There is no real requirement for them to be filled. :)

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

Alright, made a couple of changes to the [url=http://www.eilistraee.com/chosen/member ... p:32l43un4]Members Roster[/url:32l43un4].

Right now it only shows members who have visited (as in logged in the forums) in the last 180 days.

Of those it only shows members who have their deity set to "Eilistraee" and their alignment to either LG, NG, CG or CN.

Everyone else is still in the "Chosen of Eilistraee" usergroup, so it's just a matter of logging in again and setting their profile setting properly again to show up in the list again. This should be automatic.

Right now it hides empty groups. I was getting sick of continuing to see the empty "Dark Ladies" and "Silver Blades" groups there. Once there are members in those groups they should start showing up.

I've also added a "Friends" list. This list can be used to add people who don't worship Eilistraee (as their patron deity) or such and thus technically aren't a "Chosen of Eilistraee". Talwyn would be a prime example of someone to add to this list. :)

Of course, since the group of "friends" is currently empty it doesn't show up yet.

And I think that's about it for the moment.

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

The "Dark Ladies"... what does that entail? Lol I'm ever the curious one :P 8)
T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

[quote="T'riss'ae_d'wylthen":53cc3uwz]The "Dark Ladies"... what does that entail? Lol I'm ever the curious one :P 8)[/quote:53cc3uwz]

From Wikipedia:

[color=darkblue:53cc3uwz]Eilistraee's followers are fairly small in number, and frequently met with distrust from both the generally drow-fearing outside world, and followers of evil drow deities such as Lolth. They have only gained steady acceptance in small areas, particularly High Forest and Waterdeep. The most well-known temple to Eilistraee, the Promenade, is located near Skullport under the city. The other places of worship are shrines with only a small number of priestesses and warriors, located in areas like the Gray Forest. They are working on both making their presence known and dispelling fears, as well as trying to convince evil drow to abandon their ways and join them.

[b:53cc3uwz]The clergy of Eilistraee are collectively known as "the Dark Ladies", although individual temples often have their own naming conventions for both the clergy collectively and individual titles[who?]. Young initiates and acolytes are known as Maids. Individual titles vary greatly from temple to temple, but some suitable examples include Moon Dancer, Moon Singer, Dark Huntress, Argent Maid, Living Sword, Unsheathed Blade, Sword Smith, Bright Edge of Darkness, Darksong Knight, Protector and Ghost of the Moonstruck Night.[/b:53cc3uwz]

Priestesses of Eilistraee have no ceremonial garb; instead, they aim to wear as little as possible during their official ceremonies. When relaxing, they prefer silver, diaphanous gowns. The holy symbols of the faith vary, including: a silver sword pendant the size of a hand, a silver bastard sword outlined against a silver moon with silvery filaments, and a nude long-haired female drow dancing with a silver sword in front of a full moon. These are often worn as a pin or hung around the neck by means of a slender silver or mithril chain. Recent events show that the faith of Eilistraee is opening up to male priests, despite the initial dislike of the female worshipers[original research?].

One of the highest rites and ceremonies of Eilistraee is 'The Hunt'. The followers of the Dark Maiden take up their blessed weapons after stripping themselves of armor and clothing, under the light of the full moon, they hunt a chosen animal (and in some more violent cases, orcs, werekin or other such fiends that threaten the safety of the surrounding area and its occupants). Ceremoniously, they partake in something of a dance as they chase down the animal (or fiend) and sacrifice it in the name of their Deity. If it is an animal that they chose, the body is usually dressed and prepared as a meal for the partakers in The Hunt. The meal is followed with a celebration of song and dance in praise of Eilistraee and of the earth and moon itself.

Two of the most popular Eilistraee followers in the Forgotten Realms novels are Liriel Baenre and Qilué of The Seven Sisters. Halisstra Melarn, the Lady Pentinent, was also a priestess of the Dark Maiden during the Silence of Lolth.

In the computer game Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark, Eilistraee's followers stand at the forefront of the ragtag rebel army's fight against the evil Valsharess. A mysterious priestess of Eilistraee known as the Seer leads a small band of Eilistraeen drow in an abandoned Lolthian temple, located in the Underdark port city of Lith My'athar.

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Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

Interesting... hmmm..... *thinks about becoming a Dark Maiden in the member's roster...* >.>
Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

Hmmm, master of beauty sounds interesting. I do have my broken-dreams art thread and I can always step up contributions elsewhere if needed?

Or am I getting that completely wrong?
Bhaern Quel
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Post by Bhaern Quel »

I know RL has been giving me grief, at least I am still walking, however the clean up of list has been something Shir'le and I have discussed before. It always becomes a judgment call of whom to remove. Some almost certainly used an auto login program, others however might still have some true interest just nothing they have seen.
The problem however became a little more complex because some users appear to disappear on their own.
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