The Noob strikes again.....

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The Noob strikes again.....

Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

Hello folks. As a few of you have noticed in the OOC and Role Playing sections of this forum that I am in fact a Noob. I myself call myself a [i:2ms9l66t]seasoned [/i:2ms9l66t] Noob. Anyhow.... I've been developing a character for roleplay on this site. Since I've never really wrote a backstory for a new character. (...Or correctly developed said character. >.>) A friend suggested that I get into D&D but since I don't know anyone who does it in my area....There lies the problem. So let me cut to the chase and end my rambling...

My question is this: How many rules of (the system?) D&D am I breaking with this character?

(NOTE: Let me inform you that the character is incomplete and is a work in progress.)
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

As some person once said, the admission of lack of knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.

Let me say first off that you should never be afraid to make mistakes but you should always be prepared to learn from them.

Ra'Sona posted this helpful sticky which you may or may not have read in regards to character creation:

Next comes from our most beuatiful and magnificent High Priestess Shir'le:

Read through them and I think you'll be OK.

If you're concerned about getting things right in regards to proper D&D, based on edition rules, then you can check out these links: ... -Feats.pdf

This is a free pdf of the 3.5 players handbook. You can view it or download it and read it at your leisure.

Also, please don't be afraid to ask questions about things you're uncertain about. There'll be planty of folks here who will be happy to help out :D
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

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Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

so far I've only glanced over the sites you posted. I've also googled a few D&D templates so far but in what particular section can I find one for Drow ?
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Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

[quote="T'riss'ae_d'wylthen":1qan4uma]so far I've only glanced over the sites you posted. I've also googled a few D&D templates so far but in what particular section can I find one for Drow ?[/quote:1qan4uma]

Oh and another thing... reading these templates and stuff is like reading another language... I can understand small bits and pieces (i.e. IN, Dex, etc.) only because I've played alot of MMORPG's. (i.e. Guild Wars, WoW, Jade Dynasty, Perfect World etc.)
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Post by T'riss'ae_d'wylthen »

@.@ some one make my brain larger......

I guess it's a safe assumption that you're asking, "Why did you say that just now?"

Well the answer is this... I've been pouring over different D&D books and references. My brain hurts... I've even gotten interested in the game. One simple problem though. I'm starting to feel a little bit intimidated by the mass of information available. Not to mention that I don't know anyone in my area who plays. Then there's also the plain fact that I'm the type of person that finds a hobby I like and then after a bit/while I tire of it and move on. I've got so much going on already lol.... HELP!! @.@
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »


[img:2cgwg5gj] ... -panic.jpg[/img:2cgwg5gj]
[points to sign]

I can understand feeling daunted by the amount of information that D&D represents but please don't feel that you have to learn it all in a matter of days.

It does help to know that basics oif the system and more so, if you understand things like the history of the Drow, their society, habits etc. That way when you RP, you will know what you're doing. Take your time and ask LOTS of questions as that way we can help you get to understand and learn about Drow, D&D and other stuff ;)

But here is another idea: Instead of coming at this as a novice, BE the novice. What I mean is this, you create a drow character for RP purposes that has no knowledge of her heritege, in fact she could be you who has suddenly found herself in the body of a female drow and has no idea how she got there. It would make interesting RP I can assure you. You could assume that she knows how to speak drow but not why, that she can do things but doesn't understand how or why she can do them. It would be a journey of self discovery in which she learns about the drow, the wider world of Forgotten Realms D&D and how she came to be there.

Please try not to feel worried or intimidated. We're here to help and try and make sure you find enjoyment in being a member of the Chosen.

I'll quote from some of Eilistraee's dogma, the beliefs and creedo that the goddess seeks to promote through her followers. This might help ease your concerns :)

[color=blue:2cgwg5gj]Aid the weak, strong, grateful, and churlish alike. Be always kind, save in battle with evil.

[center:2cgwg5gj]< On Strangers >[/center:2cgwg5gj]
Strangers are your friends. Any hungry travelers met with, who offer no threats, are to be fed—carry food at all times for this purpose. The homeless must be given shelter from storms, under your own roof if need be. In harsh winters, patrol the lands about to find and take in the lost, the hurt, and those caught in the teeth of cold. Try to convert at least one stranger per moon to the worship of Eilistraee. [/color:2cgwg5gj][/size:2cgwg5gj]

Full Dogma is here:
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

Hi T'riss :)

don't stress about learning all the rules mmk? ;)

From what I've read in the RP you joined, you're doing fine.

Having a werewolf as a companion is unusual but if that's her friend, hey, go with it ;)

You said you've played MMORPG's right? That means you understand the basics of the mechanics of the game like Str, Dex etc and such. If you can, try and get a copy of NWN as that will help you learn more about D&D. I'm sure you can pick up a copy dirt cheap in some bargin bin in Walmart or something? Or try and buy one on ebay?

Once you play that, you'll have a bit more of an idea about D&D.

Another idea is to go to your local hobby store and see if there's a notice board recruiting players. Or head over to your local campus and try & check out if there are any gamers guilds. Be careful though as some of the guys in these guilds are scary nerds but they are harmless all the same ;)
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