The slow rot of freedom

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Talwyn Aureliano
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The slow rot of freedom

Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

I have just learned that my own government, the Federal Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, has sort to bann access to the whistle blower site Wikileaks because some brave person has leaked their blacklist of internet sites that the Aust.Govt want to stop people from viewing because they will be embarrassed by the revealations of what they have sort to bann.

Now the argument and justification that the Aust. Govt. are using to do this is in order to bann access to Child Pornography and other criminal websites. What they have ignored is that by banning these sites, it makes it harder for the Aust. Ferderal Police to track down the rockspiders who use P2P share exchange to distribute their filth. What is even more insidious though is the number of non porn related sites being added to the list, including Wikileaks.

This is unacceptable. In a democarcy, freedom of information is the means to keeping governemnt in check. If this is removed, for example censorship of the media, arrest and detention/intimidation of disenters etc, then this is no longer a free society.

I do though take hope that enough people will see what is being done by the current government and throw them out of office come the next election.

I can no longer remain silent while the slow rot of tyranny undermines my country >:( ... 520591.htm
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Post by Argoth »

What can I say? I live in a former USSR country, between other post USSR countries and Germany. My country was pronounced 'free' in 1989 but the left side parties all derive from the communists that governed the country before that. Here no one goes into politics because they want to help. They go because they want to steal. All of them. And frankly I don't give a shit about it, as long as they do something for the people while they're at it.
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Post by Alaric Darkrose »

The Obama administration was talking about if they were able to resurrect the fairness doctrine, applying it to the internet. Now, for those not familiar with the fairness doctrine, in theory, it was supposed to require news agencies to present both sides of the issue so that the listener (it was applied to radio) would be able to make up their own mind. In practice though, it was typically misused by liberals, who would used it to shut down conservative radio commentators. It was reppealed by Ronad Reagan.

Now this is sheer madness, because the internet isn't as easily controlled as the radio is, and is supported by servers in different regions in the world, not locally like radio is. Also, they'd piss off every hacker in America, especially the members of 4-chan, who are currently content to order 400 pizzas to be delivered to the Amsterdam Scientology compound.
"There are those who think, and those who dream. I, for one, refuse to choose between the two." -Liriel Baenre.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

An update on this situation:

Last Thursday evening, Senator Conroy appeared on ABC televisions program Q&A, a public forum in which citizens can directly ask questions of politicans and other leaders in society.

Conroy, who is pushing for the censorship of the Internet, received "an avalanche" of questions never before seen in Australian political history. Thousdands upon thousands of concerned citizens who see this attempt at censorship as a direct attack on democracy have spoken. Conroy, like a typical spinless bastard politican, dodged and ducked the questions but you could tell he was extremely uncomfortable and his political career is now hanging by a thread.

Recently we here in Australia, voted out a sitting prime minister from his own electorate, something that has only vere happened once before in Australian history. When someone utters the phrase "the people have spoken" it is actually true!

I am heartned by my fellow citizens efforts to fight this Nanny State intrusion into freedom of expression. If child porn is the cause for concern, then properly fund police agencies to go after these sick bastards. Don't use child porn as a smoke screen for theunderhanded attempt to place limitations on freedom.

@ Argoth - I understand your apathy towards your leaders and get your cynacism. However, if you want freedom, then you have to start by taking an active interest in it. The self obsessed bastards who manipulate, lie, cheat and steal from people count on peoples apathy and lack of interest.

Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.
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Post by Rooky »

Croatia was not an official part of the USSSR, but was part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Yugoslavia had always been a home to a very diverse population, not only in terms of national affiliation, but also religious affiliation.
Many religions comprised the whole of Yugoslavia: Islam, Catholicism, Judaism and Protestantism as well as various Orthodox faiths composed comprising over 40 in all.
The religious demographics of Yugoslavia have changed dramatically since World War II. A census taken in 1921 and later in 1948 show that 99% of the population appeared to be deeply involved with their religion and practices.
With postwar government programs of modernization and urbanization, the percentage of religious believers took a dramatic plunge.
Connections between religious belief and nationality posed a serious threat to the post-war Communist government's policies on national unity and state structure.
After the rise of communism, a survey taken in 1964 showed that just over 70% of the total population of Yugoslavia considered themselves to be religious believers. The places of highest religious concentration were that of Kosovo with 91% and Bosnia and Herzegovina with 83.8%.
The places of lowest religious concentration were Slovenia 65.4%, Serbia with 63.7% and Croatia with 63.6%.
Religious differences between Orthodox Christian Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Muslim Bosniaks and the rise of nationalism contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991, along with a man named Miloshevich.

On April it was I believe, the 7th 1963, Josip Broz Tito came to power, and quickly asserted his place as one of the most powerful men in the whole of Yugoslavia.
Slobodan Penezić Krcun, Tito's chief of secret police in Serbia, fell victim to a traffic incident after he started to complain about Tito's politics.
The Interior Minister Aleksandar Ranković lost all of his titles and rights after a major disagreement with Tito regarding state politics.
Sometimes ministers in government, such as Edvard Kardelj or Stane Dolanc, were more important than the Prime Minister, and all of these two men were held in agreement with both Tito and Staljin,
and the only reason why Russia and America allowed Yugoslavia to exist was merely because Tito had a sivler tounge, and know how to play with each country's children.

Over the years Serbia grew very powerful, and Croatia soon rebeled (Croatian Spring). Tito was born here, and he couldn't go against his own, but he still couldn't throw his power away. He listened to Croatia's demands, but still appeased the Serbs with the arrest of some Croats.
Serbia loses a significant amount of it's power, and for the time being the Croats are appeased.
Tito dies later on, and Miloshevich takes up after him.

[url= ... c:mv9c13k6]Slobodan Milosevic[/url:mv9c13k6]

During Miloshevich and his dear old friend Franjo Tudjman, our very first president, bans vere set in everywhere. The situation was very much like in Russia during Staljin... the only difference is everyone knows about Russia, but we're a bit in the shadows. Mass killings, camps, and ditches were an all around normal sight. My family moved from one destroyed house to the other, until three years before the war ended.

In the meantime, famine and oppresion struck in. The blame was on both sides; Serbs shot at Croat civils, Croats shot at Serb civils...but neither side will admit it's guilt.
Today...I dare say it's worse...Signers bring up old wounds, and boys with no chest hair carry the Ustash many years after the war.
Nazy Germany and Italy set the seeds for the movement, if my History is correct.

I know several families... I consider myself free enough to say I dodged more then one lead pipe from their sons. Recently graduate highschoolers took their last mementos near nazi symbols. There is infact a complete ban of information in the country, and has really nothing to do with other country's...just us.
The newspapapers give you no information, but what they are allowed to give you. The political chairs are being warmed by faschist inclined supporters; Thompson and his lackeys for example...every one of his lyrics is a portal into a bloody past...each one reffers to a war criminal and supports him...each child supports it...each child carries the nazis symbols and waits in the shadows.
It's been 20 years since the war... Ironic no?
Sanader, the prime minister has his ass fucked by the mafia, and goes to buy them cookies in sign of gratitude.
The country's fundings are dropping with each day; Workers are loosing they money, they aren't getting less of it, they're not getting payed at all, because our mighty leaders must get payed their 100.000 euro quota every once in a while. The 30 beggars under my balcony? They'll get to that some day.

Rise a revolution Talwyn. At least you can still speak out. From the day Croatia had it's name officially written on a piece of paper in 1800's we couldn't.
Rise the revolution.
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Post by Helix »

I'm very glad it seems to have worked out for you in Australia, Talwyn.

And because it seems appropriate given the topic (however off color), I give you the Grass Mud Horse song:

There is a herd of Grass Mud Horses
In the wild and beautiful Ma Le Desert
They are lively and intelligent
they are fun-loving and nimble
They live freely in the Ma Le Desert
They are courageous, tenacious, and overcome the difficult environment

Oh lying down Grass Mud Horse
Oh running wild Grass Mud Horse
They defeated river crabs in order to protect their grass land
River crabs forever disappeared from Ma Le Desert

Kudos to Australia. :D
You fool, I am not your enemy, I am your denial. -Ahmad Shamlu
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

Thanks Sharaz for those wirds, very apt indeed.


I know about the Ushtasi. One of my best freinds family comes from Split and they managed to get out of Croatia in the late 1960's and immigrate with many others to Australia.

I learned at school about the Ustashi's role in collaborating with the Nazi's in WWII and asked Dan's dad, Pavel, about it. His father was one of Tito's partisans and fought against the Nazi's and their lackies. It worried him greatly that the fascists were on the march again in Croatia and we have seen some elements of that raise its ugly head here in Australia, especially when there are any sporting clashes between Serbs & Croats. The most recent was at the Australian open where a bunch of thuggish dickheads [serbs & croats] decided to have a brawl outside Rod Laver arena. Needless to say they all were arrested and are now doing time in jail.

However, none of this helps you in your situation. all I can do is let my fellow Australians know that Croatia is falling under the grip of Fascism once more. The cronies of organised crime and hatred appear to be calling the shots there. The Croat police appear to corrupt as it looks likely that some of them were involed in the rape & murder of the Asutralian backpacker Brit Lapthorne recently. The invetsigation by the Croat police was a joke and they ignored or lost vital evidence. Hell, these clowns can't even dispose of a body properly nor cover their tracks effectively, such is their arrogance & incomeptence! Idiots and amatuers that deserve nothing less than a bullet in the back of the head. Sorry if I speak harshly but I am in favour of the death penalty when it comes to bastards like the ones who did in young Brit.

In reagrds to your bleak situation there are some things you can do. Write/email Amnesty Internation and explain what you see is going on. Take pictures of the Ustashi symbols that are appearing and let them know that fascism is on the rise. Try & find out who doesn't support these bastards and make a network of allies & friends who you can rely on. You already seem to take your personal security seriously which is good. Always be on the look out for these pricks and try to avoid their attention. If things get to unpleasant, you may have to consider leaving. That's the hardest thing to do but it's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.

I'm sorry that I can't do more for you and that this isn't really focused enough. I haven't had time to really think about strategies and methods of action that you could take.

Personally though, I think the world is heading in a very dark direction. The rise of China and the way Russia is acting more beliicose only increase my concerns that a war is coming. After every major economic downturn, a war had followed within a few years. I think the storm clouds are slowly gathering.
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Post by Argoth »

Wow. It appears that communism and fascism are two of the most dangerous ideologies ever, providing their long term effect and presence.

On the other hand fascism is not logical at all. If each country has a fascist in there, and they all share the ideology of race purity (for example; it could be also nation's purity) then they should be fighting against each other.

Again, I saw a very funny comic strip somewhere with a bunch of nazis from radical nationalistic parties and the head person was shouting:
"No German will spit in our faces! Sieg Heil!"

This paradox may lead to a very fatal end.
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Post by Rooky »

Actually, I do in fact support Communism. But, Communism as it was shown to us is in fact more along the lines of Faschism, rather then what Karl Marx had in mind.

Marxsism as a core belief holds that class strugle is a problem of social change; to clarify myself, Karl Marx rose his idea in the beginning of the 19th century when the Industrial Revolution got it's kick. Note, that during that time a social class came into being, which was unheard of before - the Proletariat, or the opressed working classman (citisen)
The Communist Manifesto says the following - "The history of all hithterto existing society, is the history of class strugle."
The Marxists attemtpted to lessen the influence of Capitalists (known as the bourgeoisie), who held the power needed to create the necessities of life.
The Proletariats (Workers) have to work for those necessities. While I do support the idea "earn your food", I support it in a way, that when one's time is done with work, money is gained and food is on the table.
Note, I'm still in the 19th century, and will probably never touch any later eras during this post.
As I was saying, when the Proletariats came into being, the idea of work and get paid was quite tempting.
Mechanisation, industrialization all went well. The Capitalist leaders at some point came to the idea "pay less, work more". I would like to remind that the 19th century was still the era of men wearing top hats. If you ever listened to your grandparents you'll know about the coal-mine workers. Those were rarely men at the age of 30. Those we small children, boys to be precise from the age of 8 and onwards.

In any case, Marxists hold that such a system is...faulty, as exploatation comes into action as it did.
Workers worked twice their normal hours for far less money. They lived in patched up shacks, with barely enough food and clean water. You can imagine what it might have looked like...

Marxism, in it's core was the overthrowing of capitalism and it's replacement would be a classles society in which goods and necessities are produced for their use and not for profit, and re-distributed according to the principles of (at first): "from each according to [her] ability, to each according to her work"; and finally, in the most advanced stage: "from each according to her ability, to each according to her needs".

Since the initial formulation of the above principles by Marx in the mid 1800s, Marxism has developed and evolved in various ways. While there are many theoretical and practical differences among the various forms of Marxism, most forms of Marxism share these principles:

An attention to the material conditions of people's lives and social relations among people;

A belief that people's consciousness of the conditions of their lives, reflects these material conditions and relations;

An understanding of class in terms of differing relations of production and as a particular position within such relations;

An understanding of material conditions and social relations as historically malleable;

A view of history according to which class struggle, the evolving conflict between classes with opposing interests, structures each historical period and drives historical change;

A sympathy for the working class or proletariat;

And a belief that the ultimate interests of workers best match those of humanity in general, in short;

To achieve the impossible - Utopia.

The first to go through with the idea (as I am familiar with) was Lenjin (Lenin, whichever); It went well...then downhill, then he opresed, then it hit him and he woke up one bloody morning and said;
"What the HELL am I doing?!"
Then he realised he will destroy the economy once and for all if it keeps goin' like this, then he switched to CAPITALISM, since there was no way IN HELL it would WORK.

And Talwyn;
For the speaking out thing. A few of us cynics gathered up and asked real nice, with sugar lumps on top, did everything that you named to the EU. You know what they wrote back?

In short;

[color=red:25c5elgb]I'M NOT TOUCHING THAT WITH A 10 FOOT POLE.[/color:25c5elgb]

*shakes head* And I have yet to die...
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »


I agree that the EU are a pack of lemon scented pussy wipes and haven't got any balls whatsoever when it comes to defending human rights and democracy elsewhere in th world.

The fact that they sat on the sides lines back in the mid 1990's when the civil war raged in Yugoslavia and thousands were murdered shows what utter cowards they are. I loath them all. Honestly I think they deserve a resurgent Russia on their doorstep. Also I think the US and UK should tell them either to put up the necessary troops for Afghanistan or they end the NATO alliance and tell Europe to go fuck itself. Invite the Russians in! :devil:

Anyway, I digress...

That's why I said write to Amnesty International, not the EU. But even writing isn't enough and if things are as bad as you say then perhaps there is little hope for Croatia as the EU won't do anything and the US has no inteerst in getting involved in the Balklans anymore. So your only options left are to either leave or keep a very low profile. Neither of which appeal to you I think?
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Post by Rooky »

Leave with what money, to where, and who will take me in?
*shakes head* I'm in shit, I accepted it, and dodged my fair share of fists, pipes and chains. Less words, more brawling that's how my life went. I made peace with it...i don't really care anymore.
I support you Talwyn. If they every ban porn here, the revolution will be world wide.
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

[quote="Rooky":20nb0n2k] If they every ban porn here, the revolution will be world wide.[/quote:20nb0n2k]

It has been widely accepted that if they ever ban porn on the internet, the the 'net will collapse down to just one site:


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Post by Argoth »

Hey Rooky, you're one step closer to surviving the shithole you're in. No offense ment, of course.
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Alaric Darkrose
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Post by Alaric Darkrose »

Well, Rooky, America's an option. Contrary to popular belief, we are pretty accepting, as long as you don't mooch off of the system. There's organizations and charities that can help you out.
"There are those who think, and those who dream. I, for one, refuse to choose between the two." -Liriel Baenre.

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