Let your inner RPG geek free

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Let your inner RPG geek free

Post by Shyressa »

Just curious what all RPGs everyone plays or has played before, mostly just pen and paper ones, but could include computer games if you want!

Games I have played or still do now and then:
D&D (I know HUGE shock there!!) from the old Basic set to Planescape, Spelljammer, Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Mystara, and yes...even the board game LMAO
Star Wars (both the West End and WotC versions)
Vampire the Masquerade

and some really old school ones like:
Star Frontiers
Traveller 2000 (I think that was what it was called)
Car Wars
Top Secret

Bad thing is I still have TONS of books from most of those games still floating around lol
Last edited by Shyressa on Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Merinid Tlin'orzza
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Post by Merinid Tlin'orzza »

I've played Exalted (in a Breath of Fire Campaign and an Earth 1870's Wild West Campaign), Vampire World of Darkness, some 2e but mostly 3e D&D (in several custom worlds and 3e FR), and Alternity (in a Imperial sided Star Wars Campaign as a TIE pilot).
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Post by Tyrmer »

Lemme see:

3.5 D&D both generic and FR. Played Dragonlance once.
A little 3.0 D&D when my mate insists we use his old books
D20 Modern/Future/Past etc
World of Darkness
Vampire the Masquerade
Warhammer Fantasy RPG
Star Wars D20
Star Wars D6
Discworld GURPS
Mutants and Masterminds
The OLD Judge Dredd ruleset (before D20)
An anime one I can't remember the name of.
Various systems my mate tried to create but failed miserably.
Various systems my OTHER mate made that were ok.

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Post by Kaele »

[color=indigo:3hl12uch]Well, MMORPGs are the only rpgs I'm used to - never did the pen and paper or MUDs myself. I suppose high school drama classes don't count, right? ;) Oh, I suppose there are a few of the old single player pc games I used to play that might count as rpgs, but they are ancient (Rise of the Triad, anyone?). My problem with single player games is that once I've run through it, I'm done with it. :roll:

My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies (yep, started playing an ent the month it came live but have long since dropped it), World of Warcraft, Everquest2, a little bit of LotROL and Guild Wars, as well. I've dabbled with trials of other games (thus LorTOL), but that about covers it. My new hubby is the rpg geek in the family. Hehe [/color:3hl12uch]
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Post by Argoth »

D&D 3e and 3.5e
Warhammer Role Play the newest edition and the former one
Mordheim (a miniature game, but with RPG traits)
Vampire the Masquarade (or whatever)
Developing a Star Wars system I'm going to leed a campaigne in.
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Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

Hmmm, let me see if I remember…

A Dutch translation of a German (I think) roleplaying game which, in English, would roughly be translated to “The Black Eye” (or “Eye of the Master” as it was called when translated from Dutch). Was actually my introduction into roleplaying, starting with a number of “choose-your-own-adventure” books using that rule system.

D&D 1[sup:1xrusxih]st[/sup:1xrusxih] ed. Only very little though… the guy who sold his second-hand rules to me was supposed to be our DM. But when he tried to run a game he failed miserably saying that instead he played:

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying. Played that a fair bit. On and off as a player and as a DM… and we were constantly making new characters. In the end we abandoned the game when we found out how horribly unbalanced it was (if two starting-level dwarfs can take on a room full of various undead without much sweat then something is wrong).

Moved on to a variety of other non-rp Warhammer games from that; Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Also moved on to a variety of card games (Magic was just starting around that time, also played a lot of other ones like the Vampire one, a Star Trek one and Netrunner).

D&D 2[sup:1xrusxih]nd[/sup:1xrusxih] ed. Really wanted to get back into roleplaying so started some D&D games and I think we played this more than any of the others (still with a lot of continually creating new characters and switching around who the DM was). That was good fun for a while too, though I think the miniature battles were more interesting to most of the other players (as they were more interested in battle than in roleplaying).

Willing Adventureres. Actually a game system I designed myself as a mix of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying, Warhammer Fantasy Battles and D&D. The idea was that it was more focused on miniature battles with simplified character rules, but still enough there to allow for roleplaying. I always wondered if it was similar to Warhammer Quest, but never tried that. Oh, and the game was designed to allow swapping DMs and allow for smaller parties (even one-on-one with a DM) and shorter adventures. Basically, a game designed specifically for my group. Though by that time we started to drift apart anyway (people going off to college and all).

Rifts. I’m playing that a bit online now these days actually. More because I’ve got a close friend who likes the game and to play together than liking the system much myself (it’s too chaotic and messy and complex and detailed for my liking).

Also read a wide variety of rule systems for other roleplaying games, including ElfQuest roleplaying (I’ve got a younger brother who loved those comics), Deadlands: The Weird West Roleplaying Game, Vampire: The Masquerade and World of Darkness/Vampire the Requiem (i.e. both old one and the new one), Amber Diceless Roleplaying, Wheel of Time d20, D&D 3E (no, never actually played that in PnP)… that’s all I can think of at the moment. I would’ve liked playing Vampire, but I particularly regret not having had the chance to play Amber. That game was so not right for my group though (and I’ve tried to get them to play it).

Beyond that there’s a plethora of computer games of course, both MMOs and cRPGs. But I guess the list is already long enough. ;)

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-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Post by Argoth »

Just heard one of my friends is going to run a "7 seas" campaigne. Jack Sparrow will return!
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Post by Merinid Tlin'orzza »

I forgot to add. I played d20 modern (two campaigns) as well.
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Post by Malek »

I play D&D 3.5 along with various video games, but if I told you them the list would put me to sleep, cuz looking back alot of them sucked.
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Post by Arathen »

I suppose I started in Middle School when I joined a 2nd Ed. group. I fell in love with the game, and in particular with elves...as well as Bladesingers. I've wanted to play one ever since, and strangely have never actually made it until recently.

I've played a bit of Vampire: The Requiem, but mainly play 3.0 and 3.5 D&D, and eagerly await 4th Edition.
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Thalon Mercrow
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Post by Thalon Mercrow »

not to be a jonny come latly but i stared playing D&D way back in maby 5 or 6 th gade my frends introdused me in to it
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Post by Mousestalker »

In no particular order:
D&D 1st edition (little, crumbly booklets)
Twilight 2000
Star Wars
Tunnels and Trolss
Top Secret
Bunnies and Burrows
Car Wars
and others
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Post by nightcancerwolf »

Just FR for D&D, that's all for pen and paper

Video games quite a few.
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Post by BaravarImrathiln »


Mage: The Reckoning
Vampire: The Masquerade
1st Edition D&D
1.5 Ed. AD&D (Hard to find books now to buy, but I still have mine)
2nd Ed. AD&D (And FR)
3rd Ed. AD&D (With FR)
3.5 Ed AD&D (With FR)
Swords & Sorcery (Scarred Lands/Ghelspad)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2
Baldur's Gate for the PC...Throne of Bhaal & cetera.

My oldest character is about...17 years old...I tried to adapt him upward from the 1.5 Edition rules and he got creeepy powerful. It was remarkable.

I'm sure I'm leaving out some of this list, but that's all the ones I can think of at the moment.
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Post by Alak Xiltyn »

*Sigh* This may take a while...

Mechwarrior/CBT RPG (My sister's boyfriend introduced me to 2nd edition back in 95)
D&D (3.5 was out before I ever touched D&D)
Star Wars (WoTC edition)
Vampire the Masquerade
Mutants and Masterminds
d20 Modern/Past/Future/Horror
Call of Cthullhu
A decent home brew system
and of course, my own home brew system

As far as video games go... well... let me put it this way, I used to work at Gamestop so my fingers would fall off before I got through half of them.
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