Website Moved to New Host

This is the place where the leaders of the Chosen post news. News about the Chosen, news about drow/Eilistraee, news about NWN/NWN2 and news generally considered interesting to us. This is also the place where you can comment on those news items. :rss:

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Shir'le E. Illios
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Website Moved to New Host

Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

You might have noticed the last couple of weeks that the forums were inaccessible, throwing up a 500 error when trying to view them.

I contacted my website host about this, but from bad experience in the past wasn't expecting much. And indeed, a week later they still haven't fixed it (or even replied to me beyond an automated message).

I then found out that I couldn't even get to phpMyAdmin (which is used to manage the database for the site). Another angry message to my host and finally they escalated my ticket and a day later I got a response telling me that I needed to reset my database password (though they didn't bother to tell me why I suddenly had to do this). And with that they closed my support ticket. I did reset the password and could get to the database again, but the forums were still down. And with the ticket now closed they weren't going to look at that.

At that point I was completely fed up with them. I took a backup of the database and went looking for a new web host. I found one in DreamHost (which had some good reviews online, has some good documentation available and seems to make it easy to transfer an existing site).

Last weekend I moved everything over to the new host (well, most everything; I also took the opportunity to do some clean up). Checked that everything seemed to be working and pointed the domain to the new host (can take up to three days for that to fully propagate around the net). I also upgraded the forums to the latest version of phpbb.

It looks like everything is working again now. Though it could be that there are bits that I'll have to fix when we come across them. Hopefully things will be more stable now. And apologies for the downtime. I still don't know why it suddenly stopped working on the old host.

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Re: Website Moved to New Host

Post by Irennan »

Thanks a lot Shir'le, it warms my heart that you still look after this place, even if it's just the few of us :D
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Re: Website Moved to New Host

Post by Dostrealt »

Thanks for moving the website and upgrading the forums.
Shir'le E. Illios wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:54 pmLast weekend I moved everything over to the new host (well, most everything; I also took the opportunity to do some clean up). Checked that everything seemed to be working and pointed the domain to the new host (can take up to three days for that to fully propagate around the net). I also upgraded the forums to the latest version of phpbb.

It looks like everything is working again now. Though it could be that there are bits that I'll have to fix when we come across them. Hopefully things will be more stable now. And apologies for the downtime. I still don't know why it suddenly stopped working on the old host.
I'm seeing some broken BBCode tags, where it looks like some random characters have been added into the opening tag and the new version of phpBB is confused by these characters and isn't showing things like quotes or tables.

Is that something we should just try to fix in our own posts...or are you working on some sort of magical way to do a mass fix?

EDIT: Just to clarify, it only seems to be old posts that have problems.
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Re: Website Moved to New Host

Post by Shir'le E. Illios »

I'm aware of the broken BBCode tags. Those have been around for a while (since I last upgraded the forum software to a new version). At one point I was using a forum extension to allow adding new BBCodes. But with the new forum version that extension no longer works (and I haven't found a replacement). So any old post that used those BBCodes will now be broken.

Love -x-x-x-

F'sarn natha tithaur wun l'su'aco.

-= Shir'le E. Illios =-
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Re: Website Moved to New Host

Post by Leema Har'gachi »

Shir'le E. Illios wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:03 pm I'm aware of the broken BBCode tags. Those have been around for a while (since I last upgraded the forum software to a new version). At one point I was using a forum extension to allow adding new BBCodes. But with the new forum version that extension no longer works (and I haven't found a replacement). So any old post that used those BBCodes will now be broken.

Love -x-x-x-

That is a shame. But at least this help to explain why so many of those old thread I was looking back on last month had some many additional character that I know wasn't there before. WIsh I remembered my PHP from web development better, I probable would have know what BBCode was if I had, then again I was taught HTML 5 back when 8 was being to phase out for 9 soooo, when it codes to website coding language I am kind of behind on my coding, and don't even get me started MYSQL. That program language just pissed me off, no matter how hard I try I just couldn't understand anything I was trying to do with it in class, fortunately unlike with HTML and PHP I actual had a book for that class (one that I still have). Sadly, I can't even sit myself down to read it for more than a minute before my brain starts to hurt. :/
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