The Drow of Psycha Durmont

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The Drow of Psycha Durmont

Post by Dostrealt »

Psycha Durmont is a fantastic 3D artist who does a lot of artwork inspired by Dragonlance.

Sadly Dragonlance doesn't have drow in it, so most of Psycha Durmont's work doesn't have drow in it, but she does have two pictures that look a bit like drow to me:

[center:2ai6lkxf][url= ... f:2ai6lkxf][b:2ai6lkxf]Winged Dark Elf[/b:2ai6lkxf]
[img:2ai6lkxf] ... rk_elf.jpg[/img:2ai6lkxf][/url:2ai6lkxf][/center:2ai6lkxf]

This picture could easily be the drow version of an Avariel.

[center:2ai6lkxf][url= ... y:2ai6lkxf][b:2ai6lkxf]Dark Beauty[/b:2ai6lkxf]
[img:2ai6lkxf] ... beauty.jpg[/img:2ai6lkxf][/url:2ai6lkxf][/center:2ai6lkxf]

This picture looks a bit Arabian to me. It looks a bit like a drow looking at some sort of woodland fey creature. As she isn't eating said creature, she would probably be a Eilistraee worshiper. :p
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