The Sunstone Mask

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Location: A spooky wood, with man-eating little giant space hampsters

Post by Rooky »

*Rooky looked in shock at the halfling*
YOU WHAT?! you beat off a fully grown, male werewolf with a spoon?!
*She tried to say something, but it just wouldn't come out.*...I feel like an idiot... in fact I feel dumber then that werewolf...
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Post by Rooky »

*Rooky looked in shock at the halfling*
YOU WHAT?! you beat off a fully grown, male werewolf with a spoon?!
*She tried to say something, but it just wouldn't come out.*...I feel like an idiot... in fact I feel dumber then that werewolf...
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Post by Sabaal »

(OOC: I'll start talking in 1st person. Is easier and I tend to forget I'm using 3rd sometimes)

Lilac: When Tara asks if Rooky would like the story of Tara V/S the werewolf I look at her and then to Rooky with curiosity.

"I'd like to listen to it" and then, when she tells it I try hardly not to laugh when she calls the werewolf "Captain Fuzzy" and when she finally finishes the story and Rooky asks her in disbelief I can't hold it any longer and laugh hard enough that half the Inn can hear me.

"Oh, sorry, my friend" I say when I finally calm down "I'm sorry, but that was trully awesome! and very funny indeed. Sometimes the smaller things can take down the mighty. That's why I never underestimate anyone. It reminds me of another story. Although it wasn't funny me and my friend had to use our witts to not get eaten by a family of lions." She starts, like she wanted to tell a story but doesn't dare to because it could not be a funny one.

[color=blue:3uadaa79]Philia: "My senses are the ones of my race. No more and no less, and also developed by my profession, although I have been surprised more than..." she talks lower as Jandar hits Tebryn in the side of the head "... once" and when I see the tail dropping to the floor at my back I glare at my shield for some unknown reason.

"Nice tail, Tebryn. I also have a similar one. Care to see?" I say, while looking directly into Tebryn's eyes with my silver pools. Perhaps as an invitation or maybe not, then I turn to look back at Jandar.

"You're a gentleman, Jandar. Thank you... and your friend is funny. A good combination to travel with. So... do you know anything about Theros? I have to keep travelling tomorrow so I'll just stay here for the night. New Athen's not very close and I still have to travel through the rift again, I guess"

OOC: I'll IM you about this "rift"[/color:3uadaa79]
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Location: A spooky wood, with man-eating little giant space hampsters

Post by Rooky »

Since I really have nothing smarter to do, and really need to forget about htis whole spoon thing...*while saying that, Rooky took a silver spoon that was located near Tara away and throws it behind her hitting someone in the head*...It just might be interestiong. MAybe I can htink up of one later.
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Post by Tyrmer »

Selvik laughs hollowly at this in his rasping mind-voice, he lifts a sleeve of his black robe to show withered skin, here and there holes show through to shriveled sinews and brittle bons. "Oh I got my wish on my creators alright when they were trying to increase the life span of a Mind Tyrant. They turned me into an Alhoon, or Illithilich. I am undead, but what they didn't realise was that through all their experiments aimed at increasing their own power, they had to, by necessity, increase mine first. My arcane powers which weren't too bad anyway, were increased tenfold by their experments. As soon as I "awoke" from the ritual by which they rose me from the dead as a lich I was immune from their mind powers to restrain me. How they squealed as I rose from the slab as it melted from MY mind powers. Their thralls turned to dust and their escape routes closed by my magics. I made a point of eating the brain of their commander, it was most interesting to absorb all his knowledge as he had to untold numbers of slaves before him, though I didn't much care for the taste. I strapped down most of my captors to the slabs they experimented on slaves on. One, I expanded his brain capacity till his skull cracked under the pressure, another I tried out my hand at Illithid Grafting on, I pared off his skin with his own tools as I had seen him do to other slaves to use them as disguises. How another screamed as I plucked out his eyes with my bare hands and replaced them with live coals and slowly cut him into little pieces from the ends of his limbs upwards." Selvik's eyes have taken on a firey gleam by this point but it suddenly dies away to a look of sorrow. "I left the city after that. Surprisingly none of the other Mind Tyrants got in my way. I returned to my home city, but my house had been overthrown in my absence. It seemed ironic, the one thing that had kept them afloat was the support of the males. But with my patrols' captain gone they revolted and went over to another house. Most of them were sacrificed or summarily executed however to show other males that such rebellions were a bad idea. I made my way to the surface after I was coldly recieved there. I reasoned that as an enemy of the drow I would be welcomed, pah. The life expectancy of a drow here is even less than one still in the service of Lolth unless he can find a patron. I was chased away from countless villages by peasants waving pitchforks, as if they could even have harmed me. I only met one surfacer who treated me with friendship and compassion and that was a human child of only nine years of age." A single tear rolls out of one of his sunken eyesockets and down a tentacle.

Master of the Lady's Dances
Recoverer of the Tome of Moonlight
Scribe of the Dark Maiden's Temple

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Post by Nedylene »

[color=green:2wumfkhm]Sabaal and Rooky:Tara nods her head and smiles cheerfully at the female lycans gasp of shock.
[t:2wumfkhm]"You would be surprised what a creative and well placed threat can do, though it may have been more a matter of luck that saved me.He may have just thought that anyone who can drip melted silver on his head wasn't worth the bother."
[t:2wumfkhm]She turns then to Lilac and says,
[t:2wumfkhm]"Tell you what, let us play a game. You tell me your story and no matter how tragic it is, or how sad, I bet I can retell it , keeping it as close to accurate as possible, but make it even more hillarous than my lycanthrope story."
[t:2wumfkhm]Tara then watches the spoon get chucked behind her, clocking the server in the head with a dull thud, that causes him to trip and almost spill a tray filled with beverages.
[t:2wumfkhm]"I give it a six, decent execution but your aim was off. If you got him in the gut he might have succeeded in dropping the tray."[/color:2wumfkhm]
[color=darkblue:2wumfkhm]Tyrmer:Akordia looks at you, and you can see tears brimming in her eyes.
[t:2wumfkhm]"Though I have never been subject to such a vast and horrendous amount of torture, I know how it feels to be alone.A long time ago, when I was little more than a girl, I fled the underdark to excape the assasins that had killed my maton mother and were going to kill me.I thought to head to the High Forests, where I knew of a few small villages that the assasins who had taken over my house were planning on attacking. I went to warn them, and hopefully gain aid in defeating them, for like you said, the enemy of my enemy and all. But like you, I recieved only pitchforks and angry villagers who sought to kill me for the sole purpose that I am a drow.I fled into the forests then, and thought I would die there, lost and alone and blinded by the infernal day star.But some people found me, fellow drow.They took me in and attended my wounds.They could do nothing however to aid those villages that were, indeed , destroyed by the drow.At first I rejoiced in this, fit revenge for them not listening to me.But these drow that aided me, they taught me a better path and a better way. "[/color:2wumfkhm]
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Post by Ceistant »

[color=green:1yi5q2e2]OOC\ Nedylene, lol cool. I thought I would ask.[/color:1yi5q2e2]
*The near calamity of the server’s interrupted step catches Chal’lochar-gloth with a start. His free hand, previously resting gently in his lap, quickly grips the hilt of sword from beneath his robes. His eyes move, as if he as already mapped the interior of the tavern, noticeably marking each of the other drow in the room, with rapid glance. Markedly on his face, he realizes it was merely a clumsy servant and not a threat. He posture relaxes again and his hand slides away from the sword, but not before revealing an overly gem encrusted hilt and handle.*[/color:1yi5q2e2]

Directing his attention back to Devante, “Helm, I ‘have’ heard that name before, along the trade road through Cormyr. I came across a merchant, whose bodyguards carried this name on their tongues.”

Recollecting the moment, “Vigilant One, Great Guard, I see now; very befitting for them, considering their occupation.”
With what could almost be mistaken for self amusement, “Although they seemed a bit less interested in passing conversation than they were in showing me the long end of their pikes. But such has not come to be unexpected in my travels.”
Taking a look around the tavern, noting the other drow, “It is comforting to find a place where my people are more accepted.” Glancing again at one of the female drow, “Maybe a little too comfortable”, he says with slight smile.
Mend the broken blade of my Father.. to
Recover the lost blade of my Sister.. by
Honoring the silver blade of my Mother.. so
I may Forge my own..
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Post by Tyrmer »

Selvik wipes away the tear with another of his withered tentacles. "I too have found a better way since then. As I said I "live" between enclaves of the Lady, using my skills to aid our cause where I can. There isn't much of a niche for half drow, half Mind Tyrant Alhoons anywhere though. And I seem stubbornly resistant to transformation magics. Wherever possible I hide my identity from the general populace and set myself up as a hedge wizard of sorts, preaching the good will of the Dark Maiden and giving my services at just enough profit to keep myself in commodities." His eyes wander along the shelves behind the bar. "The main problem with my transformation, is that an Alhoon's innate resistance to spells inhibits its full metamorphosis to a lich and it suffers from dehydration, so whenever I stop I try to drink as much water as possible, but I posess an intense curiosity about alcohol, I try the various brews and vintages of as many races as I can. Dwarven Stout next I think." He says to the barkeep, placing more coinage on the table.

Master of the Lady's Dances
Recoverer of the Tome of Moonlight
Scribe of the Dark Maiden's Temple

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Post by Velve »

Devante nods sadly, a look of guilt on his face. "Yes... it is sadening so many never know that there are good sides to everyone... as well as evil sides.."
He sighs slightly, his right hand rising to rub his eyelids with thumb and forefinger before continuing, "I always try to head away from such bigotry.. the main reason I don't get on well with many of my own faith."

His warm smile returns now, his brief spell of sadness gone as if it never were. "The people here, however, are well past such things, it gladens my heart to see."
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Post by Ceistant »

“Sad maybe, but people of any race are subject to their own variety of prejudices. Like me for instance, I was taught from a very young age to distrust all and hate most. I wouldn’t have known any other way to think if it weren’t a small few that knew of the world outside. Not to mention this world above. So when I am met with fear, anger, or detestation, I am reminded that they too were raised to for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, I am no less likely to stand and defend myself, but given the opportunity I make a point of avoiding most rural settlements and always those with heavy attended centers of worship. Faith can be powerful, but when combined with prejudice and hate, it can be very dangerous.”

“I was told though of place where there were others of my kind, which shared my beliefs, could come together. Maybe they would have more insight on how to remove this stigma that all ‘Drow’ are full of treachery and murder. Until I then, I avoid the confrontations that would further this belief.”
Mend the broken blade of my Father.. to
Recover the lost blade of my Sister.. by
Honoring the silver blade of my Mother.. so
I may Forge my own..
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Post by Velve »

Devante nods slowly and understandingly, "Well, things can never be perfect. We can only make the best of things," he states simply.

He frowns faintly, his eyes gazing at the wall behind Chal’lochar-gloth, clearly in recollection of something, yet this only lasts a second before his attention centers back on the man. "If I may ask, what god is it you follow, then?"

He turns to look to Kosef, making it clear he hadn't forgotten he man. "And you, Kosef? May I ask of your patron diety?"
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Post by Nedylene »

[color=darkred:2kqte8v4]Sabaal:Philia: Jandar strokes his chin thoughtfully for a moment, which serves to distract his attention from tebryn who says,
[t:2kqte8v4]"Why, yes, my lady, I would love to see your tail."
[t:2kqte8v4]His voice is as sinfully rich and smooth as dark chocolate,and drips with innuendo. He has a faint hissing accent, akin to a drow's.Jandar looks over at him and snarls something in a strange tongue.( ooc if you have any ranks in language drow and infernal you may roll to see if you understand)
[t:2kqte8v4]Tebryn just chuckles, and Jandar rolls his eyes,and says to Philia,
[t:2kqte8v4]"I am afraid I must beg your apologies again.It is rare for Tebryn to meet a woman who has a chance of..surviving his...attentions.As for your father, I have never heard of him, but there is a man , a wandering bard named Jamal who visits this place fairly frequently.He knows just about everyone and everything, and should be in here before too long.If you plan on staying a couple more days you may meet him.[/color:2kqte8v4]
[color=green:2kqte8v4]Tyrmer:The bartender slids you the drink you had asked for and Akordia sits silently for a moment.
[t:2kqte8v4]"I have never meet anyone with a problem like yours and I hate to say it, but I know of nothing that could help you.Oftentimes, I find that the gods send us such problems to strengthen us, to be a part of our destiny and our path in life .For some reason the gods have determined that your life shall be walked as an Alhoon, I hope someday you discover why."[/color:2kqte8v4]
[color=indigo:2kqte8v4]Velve: Kosef replies,
[t:2kqte8v4]"I am a follower of Helm as well, Devante.My father was a planetar, and my mother , a paladin of Helm.They met after a battle one fierce night, and my father admired her strength and dedication . They traveled together for a time, until my father had to return to his own plane.He did not realize that he left my mother pregnant with me.My mother was not a small woman, she was a human and solidly built, she didnt even realize she was pregnant until she was almost 6 months gone.She gave birth to me on the outskirts of a battle field, where she had been mortally wounded.My father arrived in time to rescue me, but I fear he was to late to save my mother.He placed me in the care of some priests of Helm.How I arrived here is a far longer story."[/color:2kqte8v4]
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Post by Ceistant »

With a contemplative look, “Her name escapes me, but my mother taught me of her and the gift she offers to my people. One of freedom and merciful kindness, an escape from the world we were born into and ultimately enslaved to by the Spider Queen”

“My mother and sister both would secretly steal away to commune with this ‘Maiden’, as they called her, and other than the teachings they instilled in me, and the distant sound of my their voices as they sang to the ‘Maiden’, I know little of her. All I know is that when I look for meaning or direction in my travels, I hold my mother’s sword to my brow, focus my thoughts to her face, and the darkness subsides. I followed her in spirit, but know nothing of her will.
“Before my sister was taken from us, she told me to find my way out of the ‘Darkness’, and search for a sword that matches our mother’s. Since then I have traveled seemingly with out direction, except for the faint notion that the path I take is lead by something more than me, and the hardships of it are my test. Or my penitence.”

“My father was less inspiring”, he says with a chuckle and a smile, “He was more.. realistic about our lot in this world. He taught first the way of the forge, and after crafting my first sword, how to use it. He would always say, ‘The darkness will never stop coming unless you meet it and send it to its end. No song, no prayer, no dance, or ceremony will stop the things that would seek to take you into it, but this sword you have made with your own hands, this will end them.’

“It seems almost a hundred years ago, almost like it didn’t really happen, but then sometimes it’s as vivid as if were yesterday that I lost them and began I flight from the Underdark and then from Thay.”

“It wasn’t until I landed on the western shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars that I felt at last I was no longer fleeing from something. Finding myself here, I feel like I can finally start my search.”
Mend the broken blade of my Father.. to
Recover the lost blade of my Sister.. by
Honoring the silver blade of my Mother.. so
I may Forge my own..
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Location: A spooky wood, with man-eating little giant space hampsters

Post by Rooky »

OOC: Nedylene, I think you forgot about Zareari
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Post by Tyrmer »

Selvik nods sagely. "Yes perhaps one day I shall find out why it should be I who was chosen. BUt perhaps you have heard of Mystra and her Coin? It explains one theory as to why anything happens. But you mentioned your story. Please, tell me of your life."

Master of the Lady's Dances
Recoverer of the Tome of Moonlight
Scribe of the Dark Maiden's Temple

High Priest of the Church of Rooky :D
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