[Campaign] Darkness Falls, Light Shatters

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Post by Zekafae »

Zek went through the portal making sure everyone got through, he'd start stabbing people if they didn't start moving. Patience was a virtue of his that only worked when things were not pressing against other things with him. Finally he moved back to his table and picked away at the food he had left. Fingers lightly drumming on the table he shook his head and muttered." Guards... so stupid it makes my head hurt..."
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http://dragcave.net/user/Zekafae (click please?)

Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

((just bored so thought i'd type something small))

"what do you think," Inrii whispered to him taking a bit out of a juicy fig. this mess was...well a mess.
"I think we have to get involved now."
her hand rubbed her face in slight frustration over it. at least it wasnt as bad Veraka was having it. her chin rested in her partially gloved hand. Zarstra poked her head out of the pouch to snag a fig from the plate, Inrii still watching the group for some plan as well as running over the words spoken by the wizard in her head.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
Posts: 768
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:41 am

Post by Zekafae »

Nodding slowly" A situation that probably could have been avoided.. just now we're dragged into it. Yes.... For many reasons..." Drumming his fingers on the table lightly he thought for a moment on things, Eili meanwhile jumped into his lap and laid there almost as if the -deterrant- to make him sit there and not cause trouble. Mostly of stabbing someone in the face.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
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Post by Calabask »

Kalannar gave the guard a big grin as Veraka cleared them to follow him back to the Old Skull, befiore he left he tossed the man a bottle before trotting along with a swagger. "[i:lm46jc12]Don' be so serious all th' time mate!"[/i:lm46jc12] He exclaimed before letting out a relieved sigh as they broke line of sight. As they entered the Old Skull he'd just blink as Veraka was tackle hugged by his daughter and immediately the rogues eyes went about the place, looking for anything especially shiny, or old looking that might be worth something. A look that Luexena likely knew far too well by now.
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Post by Drakashin »

Drakin followed the others back up stairs after replacing his own disguise. Once back in the main hall, he moved over to an empty table in the corner and sat down, rubbing his eyes.

[i:ako8z7ti]Well,[/i:ako8z7ti] he thought to himself, [i:ako8z7ti]who needs sometime off anyways.[/i:ako8z7ti]
No Mercy for the Weak;
No Pity for the Dying;
No Tears for the Dead.

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Post by veraka »

((Ok, for this post, I’ll be taking control of Drakin, and Zek for this post.))

Veraka took note of Elwyn's comment, and replied; "If I get my hands on them, the flesh might be a bit overcooked, all things considered. Lighting does not bode well for those who're caught in its wake. As to the identity of the attackers, well, from what I [b:vbu4do4c]have[/b:vbu4do4c] been able to gather, they're Lothites to begin with, though, I've no idea [b:vbu4do4c]why[/b:vbu4do4c] those blasted spider-kissers are interested in my wife and son."

Veraka looked to Drakin, who merely stared back and gave a subtle nod. The assassin then made his alongsidet the bar, talking to the bartender, who was shaking his head, and grumbling about something.


[color=darkblue:vbu4do4c]Zekafae's ever wondering eyes would take in the little dispute between the half-drow, Drakin, and the stubborn barkeep. Getting up from his position, the ranger got up from his seat with Inrii, and, his patience already wearing dangerously thin, stalked over to the bar.

Coming up next to Drakin, the two assassins proceeded to 'talk' to the barkeep, whose face grew paler and paler with each passing second that the two assassins were there. Finally, the man nodded vigorously and proceeded to go around, shooing the other patrons out of the Skull, all of them grumbling.

The two assassins then turn and walk back to their respected seats.
"There, that should give us some breathing space," Drakin says to Veraka in his usual calm, raspy demeanor, as he takes a seat alongside the edge of the table.[/color:vbu4do4c]


Veraka nods towards his half-drow friend, and then turns around and waves all of those who are not seated with him to come over and take a seat somewhere near him. ((Basically all of characters who aren't under Alystra's control, and Drakin.))

"Well first things first, for those of you who [b:vbu4do4c]don't[/b:vbu4do4c] know me, I'm Veraka Orden, paladin and Storm Warrior of Bahamut. The reason I'm here in Shadowdale is simple really. I came here to get my daughter away from three drow assassination squads that were sent by the same people or person who wants me dead, and now it seems my daughter as well."
With that said, the aasimar waved an armored glove towards his friend, who was to his right, indicating that Drakin should probably introduce himself as well.


[color=darkblue:vbu4do4c]Drakin was next, flipping a small knife as he said, "I already know many of the people here already; Inrii, Lothir, Zana, along with the furball. Though they may not remember me as much as the crazy gargoyle I traveled with at the time,” he said with a smirk, “But, for those who don’t know me, I am Drakin. I make my living by killing.”[/color:vbu4do4c]


Veraka nodded to his friend, then scanned around at the crowd of friends, both old and new, gathered around him, waiting and wandering who would introduce themselves next.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Inriiaynrae Jaelre
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Post by Inriiaynrae Jaelre »

Inrii watched as Zek and Drakin cleared the inn. a surprising feat for this place. she finished the last of her plate and was quickly storing the cookies in her pack before causually heading over to join with the strange group.
"you might have to show me that trick now," she whispered to Zek as Veraka spoke and began introductions. it was a strange bunch she was gunna be with that was for sure.
crossing her arms and weight on her left hip, right elbow on her sword, and leaning on the ranger a tad bit, "well, the tin can already gave up my identity. but anyway, Inriiaynrae Jaelre."
the emerald, violet eyed lizard then crawled up onto her shoulder, and if a lizard could woulda cleared her throat for her introduction.
"Zarstra," indicating the lizard who gave a grin with her name.

((edit: Inrii is still disguised, but the name should give it away))
Last edited by Inriiaynrae Jaelre on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Main character: Inriiaynrae
Second Character: Ariali
Antagonist: Alya
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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

OOC: Please tell me I'm not ther furball...

Elwyn stood up, placing a hand on his gourd, and waving a hand timidly, he was very shocked to come out of his contemplations to see so many drow in the inn, and said with a heavy Calim (Arab) accent, "Hello, I'm not sure if any of you knows me, I am known as Alhmadi Abdul-Ahad Anwar, or Elwyn, since you northerners can never seem to get it quite right. And no, the name Elwyn does not translate into my real name, I simply like the sound of it." (And I'm just not going to write out all of ... that).
Elwyn shrugged, "I make my living... by learning, crafting, and performing." He shrugged, and the little iron dolls he was playing with stopped their dance and both gave a wave and a bow, and returned back to their dance. Elwyn sat down again, his expression unreadable behind the black cloth that covered half of his face, though his eyes did dart between the drow.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

The young bard tipped his glass as he took a sip, and then spoke. "Most of you already know me, even if you don't recognize me in this guise. But for that fellow over there I DON'T know," he said, indicating Zekafae, "I'm Lothir E'Terrin'dar, formerly of a nasty little place called Argonia on the world of Asharra- that's just a few systems away, as the Spelljammer flies, or so I've learned- and these are my wife Vala, her brother Sir Palax, and my two little angels Zakniirachel and Mayerelaen."

He waves a hand at each in turn as he introduces them, and gives Inrii and Elwyn both a snarky grin. "Bet some of you never thought you'd hear the word WIFE from MY mouth, eh?" he says, chuckling.
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

Elwyn chuckled, his breath ruffling the cloth, and nodded, "Oh, I figured it would come along sooner or later. You were always a little madder than I, in certain respects." He shrugged, "I tend to scare people away, though I assure you, I haven't the slightest idea why..." He scratched his head through the white hood of his cloak, "I think it's because I've never really combed my hair... Women must only like men with nicely groomed heads."
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Zanathie Avuna
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Post by Zanathie Avuna »

Zana stood by the crowded table towards the back, arms folded, legs spread. She grinned at Lothir's comment and decided it was her turn. "I suppose it's best for everyone to know each other, so I am Zanathie Avuna, bounty hunter slash assassin, depending on the job."

She leaned back on her heels, done with her intro when she felt a whack on her hip. She looked to the side and Vlad was glaring at her with an expecting look on his face. "Oh, yes, and this is the furball, Vladimir, or Vlad for short."

[i:136oiqlv]Asshole,[/i:136oiqlv] he said, annoyed.

[i:136oiqlv]I try.[/i:136oiqlv]
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Post by Zekafae »

Smirking slightly" In time, when you can clear the worst tavern in the city out or the region for that matter.. you know you have a reputation going." He mused lightly and supported her weight as she leaned against him. Shaking his head slowly" Something he really shouldn't do... I'd normally silence those who'd slip my name. But really.. if my reputation of skill in hunting and assassinations were known enough.. I'd be killing constantly... probably those who want to match wits." Rubbing his forehead some." My name is Zekafae Rilynath. Hunter, slayer, mercenary, thief, treasure hunter, assassin.." Motioning to the cat whom had knocked over some milk and was drinking happily" Eili, my cat." Whom just flicked her tail as she continued drinking.

Taking a breath he shrugged slowly" Now that introductions are out of the way..." Right to business." What's going on and why is this happy rag tag group meeting all in the same place somehow knowing each other from long ago.. " He glanced over to the paladin for a moment.
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Twilight vampires are the vampire equivalent of Pluto...
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

The bard gave Zekafae and Elwyn both dubious looks. "Well, if by madder you mean better with the ladies, then I won't argue, Elwyn. But, uh, I think maybe the hair is only PART of the problem."

He turned to Zekafae and raised one thin white brow. "Well, I've been on adventures with most of them at one time or another, and several of us have spent time chatting and sharing stories in a couple of inns here and there."
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

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Post by NathreeDe'Shezbron »

A huff of air, and the flapping of his cowl was a clear sign of Elwyn's false indignation, "Ah, but I know the anatomy of neigh to every living creature... held a good part of it in my hands. I think I know more about women than you do, good bard." Elwyn's dolls seemed to glare at Lothirr, and waved their pinkie sized arms in what was meant to be a threatening manner.
A fight need not end with the death of participant. A fight also ends when the desire to do violence is gone.

Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

He laughs out loud at that last comment from the human. He simply can't help it. "Ha! Elwyn, abbil, I THINK you confuse knowing about anatomy with actually KNOWING about women. And I've had my share of study in that department, same as you. Had a tutor who kept some pretty detailed works on anatomy of various races- even planar beings. But that's not the same as knowing how to interact with a lady. THAT, my friend, takes a certain amount of understanding of how they THINK. If you'd like, though, I could always offer a few pointers. Assuming you're interested in that sort of thing."
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
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