On the Shores of Despair

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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian flinched away from the shining armor, unable to endure the glare even with the cloth over his eyes.

"Stand where you are," he said, actually feeling dizzy from the brightness, as though he had looked at the sun itself. He drew his hood even lower and tried to reorient himself. "I would know your intentions, Veraka Orden."

He never cursed his sensitivity to light, but he was certainly annoyed with it right now. Between that and the insane would-be dragon rider he was strongly inclined towards caution.
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Post by veraka »

Veraka stopped short upon hearing the drow paladin, and from seeing him cringe away him, he did so.
"If my intentions are as plain as the light coming off my armor is; to find my winter wolf companion, Aurora," Veraka said to the drow, pausing to find his next words over his grief.
"Though, I would like to know your name, my unusual paladin friend," he said finally, choking down his emotions.
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Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian had never considered himself a palidin...merely a servant of the goddess at best. Palidins, he'd heard, were said to be larger-then-life. Adian was only a little over five feet. He knew he was different from his peers, but surely not that special.

He caught the pain in the man's words, though. It was real, not an affectation. Despite his best efforts he was touched to the quick by it.

"I am Adian Novar," he said. "In service to Eilistraee. I have been warned of these 'wolves', though I confess to never having seen one. My companions and I are looking into a mystery surrounding Tearlap lake. Perhaps there is a connection between our objectives."
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Post by CinderSuru »

~Cinder now mounted on her carefully packed Caribou dressed in her hides and fur boots with a white hooded cape and leaped out the door flinching at the suns rays shining throw the trees.~

" Evil Adian hmm... although there maybe evil in the vicinity I am not convinced it is from this individual, Insane well now that is hardly arguable. I sence it too though, but I am not convinced he is the source. I am going to take a ride some thing with bad intent is about I won't be more than an hour that will give you enough time to sort things out here. ~ She tightened her hood over her eyes and with great speed Meldrinus leaped into stride at her direction.~
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Post by veraka »

Seeing a female drow take off in some direction, Veraka turned to Adian, saying, "Well then, Adian, it seems we both draw our swords for the Dark Maiden in times of need. Would you mind if I tag along with your group; I don't know of how much use I'll be to you all, but, I'm sure that you and your group could use an experienced front-line soldier."
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Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((im thinking of * for my thoughts so i aint gotta say 'she thought' all the time...))

[i:fenk3wwi]that cant be the same one. Pyoro said it ate a wizard. well dragons do have bad days I guess.[/i:fenk3wwi] she signed.
Sitting on Moonlight, she watched Pwdn help the recent newcomer. meanwhile Adian was chatting with the other surfacer. a race she hadnt seen before. She looked back to Lyon and Frad.
*I hope we dont have jealosy issues*.
Cinder then headed to scout on her mount.
*so two more join and we still only have 4 mounts...*
It was ironic how much most her companions easily accept others, no questions or suspicions.
finally speaking, "well now everyone's up, we should get the horses ready and head out."
Moonlight neighed his agreement to that as he pawed the snow.
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Post by Biot-Savart »

-Biot-Savart joins the other and just as he wants to introduce himself, he hears the roar of the dragon returning. He crouches ready for the fight, but to his amazement the dragon lands in the center of where they were gathering in the open patch of land.-

-The dragon looks at Biot with a look Biot has never seen before from a dragon, almost manlike.-

-The dragon starts to speak-: [i:27akzmd5]"Two days hanging on to me, I'm impressed. You don't see that often. You've earned my respect drowling. Ask anytime if you need my assistance."[/i:27akzmd5]

-Bio can't believe his ears, did the dragon just speak?- Ive never heard a dragon speak, at least not in the realm I was raised. How is this possible?

-The dragon looks at the drowling with its face just the width of a bastard sword blade from that of Bio- [i:27akzmd5]"Your not from around here are you?"[/i:27akzmd5]

-Bio takes a step back- No I'm not, or at least not for long. My mother died giving birth to me and I was taken on by humans, where I worked as a slave. I was shackled with magical chains. And then I got rescued, only a few months ago by....

-Suddenly Bio feels a sharp pain in his back as his adrenalin wears of. He pulls a large branch of a tree out of his back and falls face first into the white snow on the ground passed out.-
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Post by veraka »

(Biot, I'm going to assume that you're bleeding from that wound.)
"What the?!" Veraka exclaimed, upon seeing the silver dragon land next to the half-drow, whom immediately fainted onto the ground, bleeding from an open wound in his back.
"Eh, lovely," he said as he rushed over to the half-drow. Examining the wound, Veraka shouts "Whosoever the healer, if we have one, should see to this young one."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian got there first. Instinctively ready to help, he kneeled by the injured man and pout his hand on him. Almost immediately the bleeding stopped and the wound began to close. Adian whispered a prayer to the goddess for the sake of the wounded man, and the injuries began to fade. Not entirely, but enough to stablize the stranger.
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Post by Biot-Savart »

-Biot opens his eyes slowly, not knowing that Adian might have just saved his life, his eyes struggling to focus. The first thing that comes into focus is a drow woman riding away on her Caribou. She seems vaguely familiar and then he remembers. She is the one that helped him escape from his enslavement, and he calls out her name.-

Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »

The proceedings were all getting a bit complex, and Pwdn was feeling a little carried away. Still, aside from being clearly mind-addled the newest appearance seemed more or less healthy, and hadn't responded to her offer of aid so she could only assume he did not wish it. Returning to Lyon with an incredulous shrug she led him to the stables to properly introduce him to Phenix, who seemed to find him rather brash for her tastes but enjoyed his obvious admiration for the fine mare. Pwdn would allow the two strangers to better settle before trying to interact with them, so as not to crowd them.

Phanix seemed perfectly willing to carry all three, having barely been aware of Pwdn sat on her back and not expecting a dwarf to be such a burden either. Lyon's experience with riding further encouraged her and consideriung the matter closed she stuffed her face with as much of the exceptionally sweet hay here as she could, realising that they must be about to set off.

((Having a friend over for the weekend, won't be on until Monday))
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Post by veraka »

Veraka smiled Adians way; "Very impressive my friend; for drow paladin, you seem to have a abnormal number of healing spells at your command, much more than I ever did." Veraka said to the paladin, impressed with his display of healing energy. Upon hearing the crazed, dragon-riding, tree-crashing half-drow call out a name, which seemed to be directed at the drow female that had taken off ahead, Veraka cocked an eyebrow.
"This is getting more and more difficult to understand by the second."
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


Adian Novar
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Post by Adian Novar »

"It's just a talent I seem to have," he said modestly, shrugging. "I've been able to do this since I was a small boy...to a somewhat lesser degree. Only recently have I been able to assist with more serious injuries."

He looked up at the silver dragon and could feel his heart pounding in his ears. This was the second time he'd found himself facing one of these creatures, and merely being in their presence was terrifying. He kept the fear well-controlled, though.

"Are you saying this idiot managed to stay on your back for two days?"

Adian knew how high and far dragons could go...theoretically. If the dragon had been serious, surely it could have gotten rid of the fool well before this.
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

Moonlight must have known of the dragon or had some conversation with (him or her). He didnt spook or even show fear. He stood there, the sun hitting his deep black fur and illuminating the silver mane.
Zarae watched the interaction, the dragon landing and Adian's medical care.
*this trip gets more interesting by the hour.*
"Vendui mighty dragon!"
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Post by veraka »

Turning his head to face the silver dragon, Veraka gave a quick bow, knowing well what dragons were capable of, seeing as he'd met Bahamut himself more than one occasion; "Greetings, great silver one. I'm afraid that I have to agree with my paladin friend here; you let the half-drow hang on to you for two days straight?"
Last edited by veraka on Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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