Shores of Dispair (part 6)

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Post by CinderSuru »

( Ok i guess cinder is back in the lab, wasn't paying attention I guess about the portal. ok the food thing didn't happen and Cinder returned to the lab)

Cinder hug Adain " we can still talk from time to time, i let you know how things are going with the interpertations ", she snifted, then kissed him tenderly placing her moon stone in his hand. " It is only a few weeks, i hope. Please be safe everyone. "
She then turned to her grandmother and they vanished along with Meldrinus.
Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((portal, u mean to use it for a door?))

the rogue realized what was going on, a bit too late. she'd been avoiding speaking with anyone and (sulking? not sure the word i want here) that she had tried to focus on the task, and only on the task. she was about to say something to the druidess, "Wa...."but she was too late.
'there you go again. get your head on right!' she scolded herself.

((see ya Cinder when u get back!))
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian stared at the moonstone for several moments before placing it carefully in his belt pouch. He closed his eyes for a moment, then sighed.

"So why do I have a bad feeling about this?" he asked Veraka.

Then he face the opening door. The elementals made no effort to stop them from approaching it.
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((the sites been so dead the last few days...everyone on break?))

Zarae a bit flustered went back to the now open secret door and studied the contents.
inside were piles of rounded smooth stones piled everwhere, and of many sizes. in the far back was a self of random miscellanous things, mostly containers, flasks, ect.
a cage was on the left wall, that stood near as tall as the rogue. dried bits of gunk were stuck on the cage floor. the chain hung down the side from where it had been locked up. on the right was ledges carved into the cavern that was above her head. a fine dust would be seen if anyone got to lookin.
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian did [i:1dnowz0z]not[/i:1dnowz0z] like the looks of that cage. Everything else looked mundane. But what would he know? He had only a little magical training.

"Somehow I was expecting something...different."

He tried to look into the strange place while still watching the elementals.

"What in the realms happened here?"
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

"i have no ideas at the moment...but that looks like an experiment," indicating the cage, "or was an experiment."
the rogue walked over to the rocks to examine them, first without touching.
"these it? not much to them..." she started. maybe the magic was hidden. she rubbed her chin a moment, before deciding to reach over and pick one up, tho careful to watch for anything, especially a trap.
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Post by Adian Novar »

"They look like...crystals," Adian said. "Like the ones embedded in teh floor of the other cave that...popped us around form one place to another."

There were others of various shapes and sizes...none of them appeared to be enchanted at first glance.

"Storage, you think?"
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder was home in the mountains in the north of Evermeet in her grandmothers humble family manor. She was happy to be among her family and friends that she grew up with but Cinder was put to work without delay studing the books that would help her interptute what had been retreived from the caves.
Sitting by the fire on a comfortable chair in her bed chambers she read studiously with intence interest. A bird sung out side the window and her thoughts drifted to Adain, watching the bird as it flew away, she remebered when first her eyes found him weeks ago, her heart had sunk into depths she had never known.
" Adain " she sent her thoughts to him " can you here me? " she wispered
" What have you found behind the door " she asked hopping he could hear " .
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Post by Zarae Zyne Kilanatlar »

((i was letting V have a chance to catch up. so im not ignoring))

the rock was ordinary looking for the most part, yet it was a powerful mineral. likey used in spells, potions or who knew what. she pocketed it for further study.
"I beginning to think so," she replied standing back up from her kneeling position. there must be more to this cavern system than we can figure."
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Post by veraka »

[quote="Adian Novar":2xes70hi]"So why do I have a bad feeling about this?"[/quote:2xes70hi]

The aasimar looked up from his dark contemplation and stared at Adian, "maybe because there's something here, that's much darker and more sinister than even my rampaging berserker power."

Looking to the cage that Adian was referring to.
"Whatever it is, it either got away or we killed it already. My copper's on the former though."
He looked around, his glowing silver eyes flashing as his senses picked up whatever it was that Adian was unsure of.

"Whatever it is, I say that it needs to be killed, how and in what fashion doesn't matter to me," Veraka growled, letting a tear slip down his cheek; "if it means I can avenge what happened to Neriah, then so be it. I'll take that path."

"Would I really be that missed; how cute. I think I should give you a treat for being so worried," purred an all too familiar, soft-feminine voice spoke from behind the aasimar's back.

Veraka froze as his mind, at first didn't believe it, but then he whirled around, finding his eyes radiating joy as they laid his gaze upon Neriah, as she walked up to him with [url= ... y:2xes70hi]an expression[/url:2xes70hi] that he found slightly amusing.
((NOTE: I am ONLY referring to the expression that is the pic. And I take NO credit for this pic; the awesomeness of credit must go to Adian. Props to ya man ;) ))

Veraka found himself in an sheer moment of emotional bliss as his beloved wife brought her lips to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held them there, even as he wrapped his armored arms around her fey'ri waist and pulled her in as tight as he could. Time passed for an eternity between the mighty aasimar paladin and the fey'ri sorceress that was entrapped within his protective, but loving arms. Passion flooded Veraka's veins as well as hope, love, and an understanding that he had almost took for granted beforehand. The berserker, the power that had been boiling beneath Veraka's surface, now just evaporated as the love and happiness that he felt returned to him again. Neriah was truly a key to his heart and part of it as well.

Neriah finally released Veraka from her passionate kiss, though she had a gleam in her eyes that said much more.
"I never want to have that happen again, to either of us," placed a slender hand over her womb, where their child was, still developing.

"I never want to see it happen to you or our child again. I don't know what I would do if something happened to either of you," Veraka replied in soft tone, still looking into her eyes.

"That is good, for I will not always be around to assist you like I was this time; fortunately for you, your friend, Adian, was here with his enchanted blade that was able to reach me through the magics I bestowed upon it."
Sanisa walked in right behind the fey'ri, her expression one of tiredness, but contentment.

"Mom," came the aasimar's voice, but there was a hint of a child in it, something that Sanisa thought she'd never hear from her son.
Veraka strode over to the solar and embraced her in a hug, with as much strength and compassion that he could muster. Sanisa returned his affection with equal measure.

"Thank you, mother. I . . . " Veraka couldn't finish the sentence as he somewhat choked on the words.

"Now, it was nothing, Veraka; you are my son, and Neriah is my daughter-in-law now, [b:2xes70hi]and[/b:2xes70hi] she also carries my grandchildren. By the Nine Hells, will I stand by and willing [b:2xes70hi]let[/b:2xes70hi] something like that happen to them." Sanisa said this with the authority and protectiveness that only a mother could have known.

"Now then," she released the her son from her arms; "I believe you have someone to thank for my assistance."

Veraka's eyes snapped open; "you're absolutely right." Without a second thought, the platinum armored paladin turned about to look Adian in the eye. As he strode up, Veraka extended his hand to the young drow's. When Adian accepted Veraka's hand-shake, Veraka brought him in for a brotherly hug, and good pat on the back, despite the young paladin's size.
Veraka released the young drow and looked him directly in the eyes.
"I won't forget this for as long as I live. Only a true friend would have done that for another; thank you Adian, I owe you my life for your action."

With that said, Veraka raised himself up to his full-height, and walked back to Neriah. When he reached her, he turned about and said, "so, what [b:2xes70hi]are[/b:2xes70hi] those crystals for exactly, if they're used for magical purposes?"
In War, Justice; In Peace, Hope; In Death: Sacrifice


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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian turned and his face lit up when he saw Neriah returning to her husband, a saucy look on her face and fully flesh and blood again. His smile just kept getting bigger...he was very glad fior the big warrior, glad for his wife, and glad for their love. He'd had no doubt that Veraka's mother could rescue them. He was just glad that his gamble had worked.

"You don't have to thank me..." Adian started to say as he reached for Veraka's hand...and the next instant the dark elf seemed to disappear into the aasamar's bear hug. A few moments later he was allowed to breathe again, only to be rocked forward by the warrior's hearty pack on the back.

"All I did was call for help," Adian managed to say. "And you have done as much and more for me."

Adian looked at the gems and shook his head.

"The crystals in the first cave were teleporters," he said. "Maybe these were intended to be enchanted for that purpose. But we also know that crystals are somehow connected to the 'living light' as the mage called it in his notes. Perhaps some of them were...practice or something."
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Post by Delvaro »

OOC: Okay, i hope this corresponds with hte rest of the story, had someone giving me the quick recap :P)

IC: VElkyn stumbled through the snowy ground, his black cloak wrapped around him tightly. Just his luck, being caught in this blizzard which almost appeared in the span of seconds, quickly wrapping its frozen hold around the young drow.

He knew that he needed to find shelter, else he wont live long. He could barely see anything in front of him, even with his keen eyes and the frozen wind kept pelting his face and he couldnt but feel the sting at the tip of his ears, which he suspected were frozen solid, even under the hood of his cloak.

If anyone who knew him saw him right now, they would've laughed. He was a north-dweller after all, and seeing him freeze to the bones was rather unusual. Vel looked around him, looking for more or less a miracle to save him. The chances of starting a fire to warm himself up were slim to none so that left the last option: find shelter and wait until the storm will end.

Looking around, squinting his eyes as he did so, he kept moving, fearing that if he will stop he will end up frozen to the ground. And then, as if Corellon himself answered to his prayers, he spotted a cave. Smiling to himself and stopping his chattering teeth he headed to the cave.
Vel''bol zhah veirus, shlu''ta tlu pahntus. Vel''bol zhah velkyn, shlu''ta tlu muth. Vel''bol zhah dossta... shlu''ta tlu usst.

My character:

Velkyn Val''''Serra
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Post by CinderSuru »

Cinder did not seem to have a clear conection with Adain
She put her book down and sat up in her chair and focused.
She hear something going on in his cluttered mind, he seemed to be happy about something.
" ADAIN " she shouted in her mind. " is Neriah back " ? she said hopefully.
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Post by Adian Novar »

Adian winced as Cinder's voice thundered in his head.

[i:34o9k8v7]She's fine,[/i:34o9k8v7] Adian sent back. [i:34o9k8v7]Veraka's mother came through. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out how to breathe properly again. Vereka's reaction was enthusiastic.[/i:34o9k8v7]
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Post by CinderSuru »

"Oh that is wonderful ' Cinder said. " There is some one entering the cave a drow male by the way. " she warned.
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