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Narsia Ny'Dhun: the Forsaken Daughter

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:05 pm
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
Considering the fact that I seem to have way too much free time and absolutely nothing constructive to do with it I've decided to once again try my hand at building on my character and perhaps even get a little RP done. So here I'll give a biography and personal information on Narsia, but be warned that since I am a writer with a mind of my own (in addition to being one who's never played a game of D&D in her life, having only ever read the books) the information on Narsia won't really be following any set rules handed down by the almighty Wizards. Though if some of my info is too far out of the scope of lore or the rules I will try to fix it as best I can as it is pointed out to me.

We'll start with general character information, but a lot of it will be unspecified since I'm pretty much reseting everything and building her up from scratch, including her patron deity and alignment.

[b:bckhcivw]Name:[/b:bckhcivw] Narsia Ny'Dhun

[b:bckhcivw]Race:[/b:bckhcivw] Drow

[b:bckhcivw]Gender:[/b:bckhcivw] Female

[b:bckhcivw]Age:[/b:bckhcivw] Unknown due to her many years wandering the Untamed Wilds, but she is at least 75

[b:bckhcivw]Allignment:[/b:bckhcivw] Neutral Good

[b:bckhcivw]Place of Origin:[/b:bckhcivw] Ched Nesad, before the disaster.

[b:bckhcivw]Genealogy:[/b:bckhcivw] It is a little known fact that, by the raping of a very rare and prized slave many drow lifetimes before her birth, Narsia has a trace of Avariel in her blood. Because of this she possesses a physical beauty that surpassed many highborn drow of her day, but the harsh wilds and the scars of a thousand life or death battles have masked that beauty and made the relation hard to recognize unless one were to look very closely, take note of the shape of her face, her less than white hair and the slightly lighter color of her skin and know enough of the winged race to make the connection in the first place. It can be speculated that this relation to the free spirited race of winged elves is what made Narsia and Danatoth distinct from other Underdark drow.

[b:bckhcivw]Current/Past Relationships:[/b:bckhcivw] Deceased twin brother (her being the 'eldest' twin) and a disguised Silver Dragon whom she offered her brother's swords to add to its horde in exchange for a favor which she never received. After a time she nicknamed the beast Silvi, having found the name it offered her as being far too difficult to say in casual conversation.

Her weapons and further inventory are currently unspecified as she will be completely unarmed and unarmored at he start of my next RP, with the exception of a cloak that repels cold and an enspelled black silk blindfold that allows her to see the world during the day as she would see it at night even with the sun at its highest point in the sky. When beginning her story Narsia was in possession of basic Underdark warrior armor as well as her brother's long swords, Sar ha Panim and Soqed Hezi, but they were never her weapons of choice so much as ones of convenience and sentimentality as she had only claimed them after her brother's death. Before that point she had favored supporting him from a distance with what very basic Underdark magic she knew or using her body as a weapon and tearing things apart with her bare hands, enjoying the feeling of revenge experienced after ripping off a spider's legs or cracking the neck of a fellow drow that threatened she and her brother. The swords, as stated above, were offered to the Silver Dragon who befriended her and her Underdark garments were discarded at the advisement of a priestess who gave her new clothes better suited for the Surface.

As far as racial abilities go she has all the basics, save for levitation that she forfeited when she tossed away her House insignia. Her Darkvision is somewhat decreased as an effect of the spider poison that blinded her left eye and slightly impaired the sight of her good eye when the poison began to spread. Due to the fact that the ranger Malek and a group of priestesses got to her in time the poison was purged, but the effects could not be completely reversed and she can only hold her eye in the infrared spectrum for a brief period before experiencing a great deal of pain in that eye from the strain.

[b:bckhcivw]Personality:[/b:bckhcivw] Distant and cold on the surface, different from a typical drow who is cruelly unkind just for the pleasure of it. She keeps others constantly at a distance, currently counting her dragon friend as the only person she can really trust. But beneath her defenses sleeps a compassionate woman who holds life in high regard despite how passionate she is about putting down any who threaten her and those she might find important.

[b:bckhcivw]Bio:[/b:bckhcivw] Narsia Ny'Dhun was born the second daughter of a moderately high ranking House in the city of Ched Nesad, many, many years before the disaster that destroyed it. She was born the elder twin of the male Danatoth who she did not even know existed until they were both of proper age to take their rightful places in the House hierarchy and they met for the first time since they shared their mother's womb.

Danatoth had been destined for the warrior's path from birth and started his education promptly, but Narsia's tutoring started late as the Matron of House Ny'Dhun took her time in deciding what to do with Narsia. House Ny'Dhun's status was in part due to their reputation for standing out as a House of female wizards, but the House wizard, Narsia's aunt, had been killed in a power battle when the prior Matron had died. The House was without a wizard, but also its new Matron had only two daughters and only one of them a priestess.

It would be several years before the choice was made to enroll her in Ched Nesad's magic school, years that she spent secretly stowing into Danatoth's room to reenact the epic training battles with the House weapons master who took up the task of training him and poking fun at the various members of the House who the young dark elves thought were far too tightly wound to be real. The siblings became close friends and their secret meetings were a daily ritual until the time came that Dantoth was sent away and Narsia was left alone until her mother, after giving birth to her third daughter, at last decided what to do with her.

The years spent without her brother gave Narsia an exponential amount of free time that she occupied by reading. She purchased tome after tome from merchants, tearing through each of them one right after the other and craving more to sate her boredom and help her forget the loneliness she felt with her brother's absence. This excessive spending on books eventually lead Narsia to a series of books about the surface world that depicted things far different than what she had been taught was truth about Surface dwellers. She became fascinated with these stories and sought out to collect as many as she could, but for fear of her mother's wrath she chose to hide the taboo reading material away in her brother's abandoned room while he was gone.

It was this act that would spell disaster for her House. For only some four years into her tutelage in the arcane arts Narsia was abruptly pulled from her teachings and called back home to deal with a family emergency. The books she so cherished were found in Danatoth's room by a servant preparing the young warrior's room for his return. Narsia would return home to the sight of her dear brother tied to a table in the House chapel with her mother wielding a ceremonial eight-legged dagger.

Danatoth stood accused of heresy, because of her foolish choice to hide her books in his room and for reasons she would never understand she was chosen by Lloth to be the one to cleanse the Ny'Dhun family of sin by ripping out her brother's heart with that horrid tool.

Narsia's life among the drow had shown her horrors beyond her imagination, sacrifices she could never understand and levels of hate she never imagined possible. For a time she forgave what she had seen, telling herself that they were simply obeying the will of their Goddess who took them from the searing Light and into safety, but at this moment when she was faced with murdering Danatoth or seeing them both die something in Narsia's mind snapped and she plunged the dagger into her mother's neck, ripped out her throat with it, cut Danatoth's bonds and ran.

After gathering Danatoth's weapons and armor, equipping herself and stealing what supplies they could in the time they had to escape, the pair ventured out of Ched Nesad, never to see the City of Shimmering Web again. The city was destroyed a good ten years after her departure, but she would never know of it.

They wandered the Wilds for decades, trying to decide if they were better off dead or not when Narsia told her brother of the things those books contained. The two fell into a deep silence after a fight that erupted when Danatoth learned that his sister's recklessness had nearly gotten them both killed, but in time they agreed that if those books were true then the Surface world was their only possible refuge. But Danatoth would not live to see the Sky, for the same spider that had taken Narsia's eye took her brother away from her.

Many months later, out of supplies from the last caravan they raided together and half dead from battling one Underdark beast after another Narsia lay helplessly on a cavern floor when she heard a sound, almost like a voice carried on the faintest of breezes beckoning to her. Narsia had all but lost hope in ever finding her freedom, but the voice brought renewed hope. She crawled, leaving a trail of her blood along the cavern floor as she pulled herself inch by inch for nearly a mile until she finally found her way out and passes out beneath a tree.

Having gained the freedom she so desired, Narsia was resigned to die beneath that tree with the full moon shining down on her, but fate would not have her die yet. Thanks to the efforts of Malek and a group of Eilistreean priestesses, Narsia was able to live another night, but she was too stubbornly skeptical and too jaded by the cruel machinations of gods to accept the offer of sanctuary that the priestesses promised her. So instead she took new clothing, supplies and her health and journeyed north, in the opposite direction of the fellow drow that had treated her so kindly. She was intent on being far away from any dark elves for as long as possible, but a burning feeling in the back of her mind told her not to go.

In spite of that little voice in her head, she ventured north into the mountains where she met with the humanoid figure of the disguised Silver Dragon she would later know as Silvi. The dragon was disguised as a beautiful middle aged woman with a mane of ankle long hair so black that it paled the tint of her skin. When finally assuring the woman that she was no threat, then befriending and learning the truth of the dragon's identity, Narsia offered her knew friend Danatoth's finely crafted swords in exchange for the favor of killing her.

Confused at the strange little drow's request, Silvi asked that she explain and learned that Narsia hard journeyed north away from the surface drow with the intention of seeking out a new path to walk that was hers and hers alone, but all she found was loneliness and renewed despair when the first human settlement she wandered through almost proved the death of her. She was certain that she had nothing to live for and prostrated herself at the feet of the dragon...and there she stayed for a whole week while the ancient beast considered the offer.

In the end Silvi did take the swords, though not her favorite treasure she had no weapons of their kind in her collection, but denied Narsia her request. Instead she took the swords as payment for the use of the dragon's lair, any prey on the mountain that she did not eat herself and one ride down from the dragon's mountain should Narsia decide to leave and look for that path that seemed to elude her so.

And so, with nowhere else to go and no other options open to her other than death, Narsia agreed to give the surface world another chance. And so she stayed on the mountain with her dragon friend and learned from Silvi all the dragon knew of the surface. For several decades she was happy where she was, but recently she began to think og that forest to the south where she first left the Underdark. She began to think of the drow again, the ones who had helped her...and so, with a heavy heart she told her friend that it was time to go.

Phew! And there you have an up to date profile of Narsia Ny'Dhun.

Any comments or questions, feel free.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:15 am
by Merinid Tlin'orzza
A well put together character background. :) If you need help on D&D material, here's a good place to start: [url=]The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) ::[/url:iq79afct]

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:19 am
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
Much appreciated, I'll give it a look. Also I'm glad at least one person approves. When I first posted this I wasn't sure how others would react since it doesn't really follow any rules at all.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:29 pm
by Malek
Nice work.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:38 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
In a way I personally prefer character descriptions like this over ones with loads of numbers and stats and rules and such. It seems to me that this kind of character sheet is a more storytelling-oriented approach where others are more of a game-approach.

Not that anything is wrong with either, just personal preference. :)

In general well done, though there’s one thing which caused me pause. You said that she is 1/5th Avariel, but I’m not sure anyone can be 1/5th anything, certainly not with only a single ancestor to provide the blood for it. It tends to be full, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc. Also I’m fairly certain that the offspring of two different elf subraces is either fully one subrace or fully another; there are no half mixes of elves. Though I can imagine the blood having some influence still. So I’d probably change the description to “Narsia has a trace of Avariel blood”. This also leaves the question of how many generations ago open.

Anyway, sorry to harp on that little bit, just stood out to me. :oops:

Overall seems quite well done. :)

Love -x-x-x-


Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:26 pm
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
The harping is greatly appreciated actually, I wouldn't have realized the error otherwise. Thank you very much. I wasn't aware of the rule about subraces either, only that an old DM friend of mine had mentioned that certain drow with eyes colored other than red usually have the influence of surface elf in their blood(with the exception of Gromph and Liriel whose eye color can't really be explained) and since Avariel is my second favorite elf race I thought I would go with that over just making her another drow with differently colored eyes.
I'll do some thinking, then edit accordingly, but I believe I'll keep it in there, just with a more open-ended fraction to make the strength of the influence harder to determine.

Also, I have to agree with you about the storytelling oriented character sheet. That's exactly what I, as a writer, was going for. Aside from the fact hat I've never played a game of D&D in my life my intention with Narsia was to tell a story that I could have control over without the roll of a dice to impede my decisions and such. I don't find anything wrong with the more technical sheets either, but this is my preference. Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:41 pm
by Narsia Ny'Dhun
Slight alterations made the the genealogy section and the mention of Narsia's inventory below the Past/Current Relationships section.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:27 pm
by Morfilmar_Desh
Nice one :D
