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~Ssin'urn Streea~

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:53 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[b:3tnrjtdr][i:3tnrjtdr][font=garamond:3tnrjtdr][color=darkblue:3tnrjtdr]Subject to change as rp is now in play...This is just what I had writen as her history two years ago. I'm placing it here in order to rewrite her hisory.

Thankyou for your support.


[i:3tnrjtdr][color=indigo:3tnrjtdr]~TALE OF TWO SISTERS~
A Tale of Two Sisters
It happened during the Silence of Lloth (1372 D.R.) Many of the Drow pantheon saw this time as a rare opportunity to snag Lloth's followers. A time for recruiting more aggressive and dominant males into thier folds. In a small, lessor known city by the name of Tlethtyrr where underneath the surface, in the hearts of every dark elf, either Lolth or Vhaeraun were worshipped. There were a mere twenty-four Houses in the city. Two of them had been bitter rivals since the first drow arrived in the lands claiming it for their own. This was a time when the names of such traitors as Drizzt Do'Urden "never belonged" and were rarely mentioned in fear of losing any possible hope of Lloth's favor upon her return. Only those bold or stupid enough would dare speak of their stories in whispers behind closed doors. Matron Keeshe of the 2nd House Do’ Ghym, (Walkers in the Forgotten Ways,) then at her sixth century of life had well passed the flower of her age. She was yet again with child and still her house contained only males. Like all other Drow, the Spider Queen had not been answering the Matron's prayers. She grew increasingly desperate, knowing something must be done or she would end up dead, her House devoured by her own decietful sniveling sons. She knew of their secret plots. It became more apparent as their actions reflected the behavior of those following after the ways of Vhaeraun.

Matron Chiana of the First House, Neantak d' bel'la conceived about the same time and also was with child. She was a very liberal Matron who gave more privileges to her house males then would normally be done in such a fervent drow society. Matron Keeshe thought to herself, considering how Matron Chiana had become currupted, intimidated and overpowered by the males of her own House, having become weak and more dependant upon male majority and seniority. Matron Keeshe took this as an advantage for she had a way with collecting important information at just the right time and she devised to execute a cold, calculated plan to reclaim her supreme authority once again in Tlethtyrr.

Keeshe dressed in the guise of a male drow and set out on her own to kill each of the sons of her rival House one by one. Upon her return she received word from one of her most reliable sources that Matron Chiana would be giving birth within the hour. Again secretly Keeshe set out to finnish off and destroy her rival House once and for all. She entered into Chiana's quarters unnoticed and strangled her from behind. During the intense and arduous struggle Keeshe gave birth to her son and kicked him aside. She continued to stab Chiana repeatedly in the back until all the blood drained out of her body. Upon the very moment of her death she gave birth to twins.
One had the appearance of a perfect drow. She had the fiery red glowing eyes and a small yet strong build. Keeshe named this one Ssinjin, for she felt this child was proof of Lloth's favor upon her, the mighty sweet victory she had won.
The other child was slightly larger and lithe with cold, pale lilac eyes. This one she named Ssin'urn Streea in honor of Lloth's beauty and favor yet the same name was also intended to be a subtle curse upon her rival's House. She knew that Lloth was a jealous and self-serving goddess. No drow could ever have the goddess's name and live for very long.
Keeshe readily sacrificed her son to Lloth, tossing the body on the floor beside her rival in the attempt to disguise her trickery as if the male child belonged to her rival.
She bound the girls in swaddling cloth, tucking them under her cape. Silently she crept back into her own House. The news spread and gave rise to a new hope that the goddess would soon smile upon her children of Tlethtyrr once again. Matron Keeshe then openly proclaimed Lloth's favor, putting on her robes, and taking her place as Matron of the First House of the city.

The twins grew together for a short time. Ssinjin was
groomed under the constant supervision of Matron Keeshe 's own hand to become a fine priestess of Lloth. She was highly prized in the eyes of her Matron Mother who doted on the child to a fault shamelessly, giving her all the best life had to offer.

Ssin'urn Streea was raised in a less than adaquate communal crèche with other drow children, the majority males. She fought for every morsel of food, every scrap of clothing, even for her life. Every privilege she obtained by trickery, rarely earned through intense competition as they would have simply disappeared without a trace. She grew up to be an extremely dexterous, willowy framed, and decietfully cunning dark elf with an exotic uncanny beauty that was almost terrifying to behold. She learned many languages but chose to respectively speak in only the dark tongue reguardless of the circumstances and retribution of her instructors. Her reputation as a matchless warrior was flawless. All who knew of her called her the "mirshann d' oloth" because she showed no emotion, no fear, and no mercy. To her, killing was just good business. She made no friends, spoke rarely with anyone especially those below her station, and continued to excel in her studies.
Together, working in tandum with her sister and scemes of her Matron Mother they were matchless against any adversary, enemy and drow alike. [/color:3tnrjtdr][/i:3tnrjtdr]

Subject to change as RP is now in play!!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:57 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[b:3funccbe][i:3funccbe][font=garamond:3funccbe][color=darkblue:3funccbe]Subject to change as rp is now in play...[/size:3funccbe]

[i:3funccbe][color=indigo:3funccbe] ~The End of a Dream~
The Spider Queen had been silent for so long that her children began to seek power from other members of the drow pantheon and more began to travel above ground. They even began to suspect that the goddess had deserted them so they sought out new heroes to idolize and worship.
Upon Lloth's return she was disgusted and wroth with jealousy over the stories leaking out about the two-drow sisters from the lesser-known city. They were receiving alot of attention as the word of their fame began to spread like a wildfire out of control. Even mortals began to give the honor of more talk of them in stories and song. It had even been said that the twin drow sisters were mirror images of another incarnation of Lloth.
The Queen of Spiders decided to teach her children a valuable lesson and to test them all to find out just where their loyalties lie.

While in the mushroom fields just outside the city walls of shadow, Lloth approached Ssin'urn Streea from a crevice of a rock in the form of a scorpion carrying her children on her back. The scorpion shifted her eyes and remarked to the drow,

"You must be the one they call Mirshann d Oloth. Which god do you serve for I would like to do the same."

Ssin'urn curled her pouted lips and replied haughtily,

"Have you not heard? Drow serve only the goddess Lloth all others must be weeded out and destroyed."

Ssin'urn Streea suspected this to be a traitor in disguise and took up a near by stone into her hand. The scorpion remarks lifting her claws and curling her tail...

"But where is your goddess? There is talk that she is no longer alive or has neglected her children."

Ssin'urn traced her finger around the stone clutched tightly in her other hand...

"Perhaps her children have neglected her and she will not give her favor in return for such insolence. I have favor with her for my prayers seldom go unanswered."

Ssin'urn Streea further remarks,

"You protect your children. They are safe upon your back just as Lloth does the same for us. We don't need to see her to know she is there defending us."

The beautiful face of a drow appears on the head of the scorpion.

"You have answered well, Ssin'urn Streea. Today you will give to me the head of your sister for I see no more loyalty in Matron Keeshe's heart. You do this and I will pour out a special gift upon you like no other of my children."

The scorpion disappeared and her children after her.

Ssin'urn moved quickly with a newfound sense of purpose and without question to fulfill the limitations of her testing.


The word escaped from the quivering mouth as a wave of total shock and disbelief sweeps over the priestess's face. Her life force slowly draining from her mangled, wounded form. Ssin'urn slowly withdrew her falacata from Ssinjin's spine as if in a trance. Like many other times of special, intense testing and punishments before, Ssin'urn Streea felt nothing, her face was like stone, having no expression as her dearest childhood friend, her sister, lay dying in a pool of her own blood. Ssin'urn Streea held the hope of life and healing in her hands but would refuse aid to her own who lay clasping her chest, desperately gasping for breath. Ssinjin's fingers crawled searchingly along the
dusty ground, not for a weapon, but to grip her sister's ankle. The priestess looked up with pleading eyes into the face of her best friend, now her assassin. The pale mouth parting slightly open as a shrill raspy voice released an echo that would cease to escape Ssin'urn Streea's mind for the rest of her life. A rush of relief cascaded through the assassin as she slowly severs the screaming
priestess's head from her body and puts it into a black velvet sack.
The flickering black mauve edged radiance surrounding the priestess now encompassed the assassin's form. Ssin'urn knew this sacrifice would insure her position now that Lloth's hunger had been sufficed for the time being. The assassin tore a piece of cloth from her prey's
robes and wiped the blades clean.

"A priestess's sole purpose in life is to weed out the weak and sanctify the strong. It is the drow way. Those who show signs of weakness, reject the training of treachery and ruthless ambition, show any affection or caring for others, or question the dogma of success
at any price they are the beginnings of a plague and must be rapidly weeded out."

Ssin'urn said coldly as she carved another notch in the
handle of her falcata, threw the bloody cloth onto the headless body of her sister and walked away.

These long buried memories come flooding back inside her head as she wanders the worlds above. [/color:3funccbe][/i:3funccbe]


Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:11 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[i:mn5f2vqr][color=indigo:mn5f2vqr][center:mn5f2vqr][b:mn5f2vqr]Name: [/b:mn5f2vqr]Ssin'urn Streea

[b:mn5f2vqr]Race:[/b:mn5f2vqr] Drow, Dark Elf

[b:mn5f2vqr]Alignment: [/b:mn5f2vqr]Chaotic Evil

[b:mn5f2vqr]Age:[/b:mn5f2vqr] 150

[b:mn5f2vqr]Gender:[/b:mn5f2vqr] Female

[b:mn5f2vqr]Ssin'urn Streea
Known in the dark tongue as Beautiful Death. (Ssinjin=Sweet: her late twin frateral sisters name, added to her by Lolth as a reminder of supreme sacrifices which constitute reward. This just being a mere fragment of her sorted life history and struggle to survive.)
A "jack of all trades and a master of none." This female dark elf (drow) priestess / assassin, is an "extreme" Tested of Lloth variety now expanding her horizons. She carries a blow dart gun with deadly poison darts, a matched set of notched handled falcatas on her back under her star shaped shield. She is adorned in typical priestess garb with mauve emblem of her scorpion familiar on the back of her robe. Her armor is composed of giant arachnid armor fashioned from a fiendish monstrous scorpion and reinforced with a supple yet strong metal backing. She enjoys mixing spells to create morbid results with temporary durations for her psychotic pleasure. To her, all other races are inferior, merely tools to be used and disposed of, or destroyed on a whim. She may consider forming alliances with other evil or non-evil races, but these alliances will only hold good as long as they are profitable for her. She has no qualms about turning on an alli as well as her own kind. Ssin’urn Streea has taught muscles under glossy smooth ebony skin. Her thigh length snow white hair is shaggy and thick. She has cold pale lilac eyes. An exquisitely beautiful dark elf with a fascinating but deadly elegance, possesing cat like grace. Being extremely intelligent, supremely arrogant, highly ambitious and horribly ruthless, Ssin'urn Streea prefers to speak only in her superior native dark tongue, occassional drow sign, and reads various forms of body language. Shedelights in inflicting mental anguish and physical torture as a means to further her ambitions. She can seem detached with a strong sadistic streak in the depths of her dark vicious heart. Despite her obviously cruel nature she is just a girl trapped in a brutally mentally prepared and vigorously trained high priestesses body with nowhere to go and nothing to lose.[/color:mn5f2vqr][/i:mn5f2vqr]

[b:mn5f2vqr][i:mn5f2vqr][font=garamond:mn5f2vqr][color=darkblue:mn5f2vqr]All IS Subject To Change As RP Is Now In Play...[/size:mn5f2vqr]

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:17 pm
by Bhaern Quel
I think you might be able to edit your poll, going to test my test poll right now.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:23 pm
by Ssin'urn Streea
[quote="Bhaern Quel":2580gfko]I think you might be able to edit your poll, going to test my test poll right now.[/quote:2580gfko]

[i:2580gfko][color=indigo:2580gfko]Yay!! It works now!!!Thanx!![/color:2580gfko][/i:2580gfko]