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Nutter Elf

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:16 am
by Caine Tir'ein-Deanna
Caine was born a Twin in a small village of Moon Elves, already the village treated him and his sister as special. His elder siblings would be asked to do chores while the sister and he played. In many children this would perhaps have led them to being utterly self absorbed, perhaps leading to a darker tale. In Caine and his sister it just led to them not paying much attention to consquences, there never where any.

They grew up to the Tales and the legends of the elven gods, one stood out to the pair in those days. Erevan and his (Or her the Tales where never clear) boon companion Aestarian. They loved the playful two and never grew out of loving the pair. They gasped and laughed in wonderment at the stories and vowed to emulate them. The sister manifested magical gifts at a young age, turning into a Cat, well the first time she didn't quite manage the full transformation, a sorceror. Caine waited impatiently to show a similar gift... it never came. He shrugged and moved on, his sisters talents where amazing enough for him.

Still he taught himself other skills to complement her talents, she could take other forms and make other wonderous effects with her magic, Caine taught himself how to get into places that for some strange reason the elders of the village kept locked. The pair got everywhere and played pranks on everyone. Eventually their parents dispaired and asked the two to settle down telling Caine he really had to find some role, some path in life. He became a Cleric, unfortuantly for the goals of his parents, of Erevan of course.

Eventually the pair grew bored, they reached a point where everyone in the village knew if something happened it was likely the Twins. They could get away with nothing and the patience of the people was starting to wear thin. With no regrets the pair left their home and took to the road.

In time their steps took them to the land of Cormyr, and into the Hullack woods. There they met a woman and Caines life was forever changed. This woman always covered made him laugh and put him at ease. They bonded over a game, where they challanged each other to make a serious woman laugh, Caine lost and his admiration for the cowled woman grew. They spent other adventurers together until one day they sat in a small Town on the beach and a conversation started.

This particualr beach was haunted they said, by a woman who in life had watched everyday for her husbands ship to come in, one day she sickened and yet continued to go out to watch, a week or so before the ship put in she died. The husband grief stricken and wracked by guilt erected a monument on the spot his wife had died, cursing his own name, for not staying with her, not cherishing what it was he had. The pair sat talking, and reached a conclusion that those whose hearts are made to wander, should find another whose heart is the same.

It was after that they went for another journey, traveling deep into the Hullack woods, to some of the oldest trees of that forest. There in a place touched by something sacred. The woman Erelrae took a chance. She told the Moon Elven man she had a secret, and she wished to share it with him. She took her cowl down showed him at last the face beneath.

For a moment Caines hand went to his short sword. A Drow! He had been tricked, and now she was going... but she was smiling and that smile, that laugh no, the woman before him he knew her. She had not a cruel bone in her body, and that smile, could hide no malice behind it. He asked the question the first that came into his head 'Soooo naked dancing that true?'

They talked some more after that. Eventually he took a chance after she metaphorically beat him over the head perhaps, and kissed her cheek, she responded with a deeper kiss. The pair... never looked back.

Yet somewhere along the line one question haunts the elf. He does not know how, or why, but his sister his Twin vanished one day. She ran off to prepare a prank telling he and Rae it would be amazing... and she never returned. He hopes she is somewhere still preparing it, he hopes it will amaze him, he is sure in his heart if she was gone from this life he would know. They where one soul in two bodies, through now he must tell his sister they are one soul in three, as he became Bonded to his Rae.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:29 am
by Caine Tir'ein-Deanna
Caines 'Coat'

Caines coat is a wonderous thing, the pride of all he owns. It helps him to hide even allowing him to vanish completly invisible, through it is not always so. It has two gifts the first merely makes him better at hiding, coupled with his Shadow Dancing it is often enough for the elf, but occasionally, he needs more aid, and then he must take a risk. For his coat is created only for the faithful of his diety, and Erevan is fickle. Occasionally instead of hiding him it does something... different, from changing his form for ten minutes (most often into that of a Gnome for some reason) or to painting a target upon his chest. Erevan helps those who first make their own luck and does not want his Cleric coming to rely on his aid too much, that or he just thinks it's funny. Caines not sure, and he isn't asking.

There is one other affect of the coat, which has become one of Caines favourite pranks, to those who are not of Erevans faithful the coat changes appearance constantly and randomnly changing into fullplate, to cloth to some strange materials never seen before and to everything inbetween at random.

To the Faithful through they can fix it's appearance to any they can imagine.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:42 am
by Caine Tir'ein-Deanna
Caines View of Eilistraee

Since it the purpose of this board some insight into Caines relationship with the Dancers perhaps is good.

Caine has had a rocky one with them at times. He loves them, for his Love is one of them, his family, yet he at times feels out of place in large numbers of them. The Moon-elf amongest them, and he knows that while they have taken many giant steps somethings are hard to shake.

Still he loves the church, he see's it as the ultimate proof of his own beliefs, that change is good, that those who take the chance can make something amazing. That even in the darkest of places, people are drawn to laughter. He is more a prankster and a trickster and has no desire to convert, but if Erevan was to vanish tommorow he would do so without regret.

Still having said all that he can't help but want to poke them occasionally. He has seen an amazing ability for the Illythiiri to become as stuck up, and as arrogant as a Sun Elf, and he wouldn't let an Ar'Tel'Quessir get away with such, he won't let them either.