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OOC sign up for The Cure of the Castle in the Mist

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:22 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
Greetings fellow RPer's :)

I've been thinking I'd like to run a campaign as both player & DM here and I think I have the adventure to start us off.

I see this campaign as being like a P&P play by email or forum in this case.

Once this campaign starts, there will be no Johnny come latelys jumping in. Sorry but the adventure calls for all the players to be there at the start and those that want to jump in after the campaign starts won't be welcome.

Firstly though I'd like to lay down how I expect this to work.

First submit your character here in this thread.

[b:3y2v4cq4]Please use the 3.5 D&D character system of feats, powers etc.[/b:3y2v4cq4]
I'd like a full character sheet with items, equipment [no unique or uber power artifact items >:( ] and please don't make the character any more than lv 15 or have overly generous powers etc. There will be bonuses for player that choose lower level and not so mighty characters. I prefer that players uses they intelligence, wits and cunning to deal with challenges but brute force will work as well ;)
Also include your PC's backstory and a description or picture that you think best represents them.

Lets try and play it like you would a proper Pens & Paper D&D module Ok? ;)

As DM, I will be controling the monsters and challenges and as such as well as providing the plot and setting. As DM, my word will be final.

I will be fair and honest, that I solemly promise :angel:

[b:3y2v4cq4]Posting in the campaign. [/b:3y2v4cq4]

They way I'd like this to run is that there will be 3 forms of posts which you'll have to label up at the top. First off will simply be conversation. With your postinng, if you are having a conersation with another player then feel free to post upto 4 replies as that conversation will be considered as happening in real time and thus other players won't feel left out or behind if some or having a yarn or argument etc.

The second form of posting will be actions and intentions that are not combat related but still involve using spells, abilities, intentions to move etc.

[u:3y2v4cq4][b:3y2v4cq4]THIS IS NOT COMBAT[/b:3y2v4cq4][/u:3y2v4cq4]

I can't stress that enough.

This is to cover what your character is actually doing or planning on doing. For example; [i:3y2v4cq4]Talwyn looked over at the pack of seedy half orcs in the bar and concentrated, activating his Detect Evil ability.[/i:3y2v4cq4] Once you've posted your action etc, as DM I'll respond in kind eg: [i:3y2v4cq4]Talwyn felt mild pain and saw that the 6 half orcs who had now noticed his gaze on them, were most definetly evil.[/i:3y2v4cq4]

With this post you will be limited to one a round so please so as not to get ahead of the other players.

Finally combat.

There will be a seperate thread for combat postings only so as not to clutter up the main adventure thread.

With combat, everyone gets one post per combat round in which the rules of D&D apply. Thus you can cast a spell, move, use a weapon, perform a feat or manoevere or anything else that is combat related and again, all within the limits of the D&D rule system. As DM I'll actually roll dice! :eek: just for hit/miss results. Damage will be arbitary and most battles won't go for more than a few rounds anyway.

But here is the kicker! :devil:

Your characters will have to have Hit Points and they WILL be subject to damage :devil: They will have to make saving throws and checks like disarm traps as well. As DM, I'll make those rolls using the 3.5 edition system. Lost Hit points will be recorded on your character sheet.

This will mean that healers and healing spells/items etc will be in use. Using healing will come under INTENTIONS and I'll be rolling to determine to see how effective the spells etc are.

All spells will have to be memorised and will recover after a minimum 8 hour rest period.

So to summermise essentially what I'd like to see is this:

When you post you put at the top either [Conversation] or [Intention or Action]. When combat occurs, we'll move to the combat thread and fight it out there round by round.

I know this departs from the free form role playing we're all used to but I'd like to give this format a try.

I'll leave this up and open for the next 5 days for people to respond to.


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:21 pm
by Pheurazath
Have room for a warlock? (Complete Arcane class) What about starting level?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:21 pm
by Talwyn Aureliano
[quote="Pheurazath":7qf4x3ga]Have room for a warlock? (Complete Arcane class) What about starting level?[/quote:7qf4x3ga]


Starting level is upto you but no higher than lv 15.


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:25 pm
by veraka
Alright Talwyn, I'll be the first to admit, that I'd never really done a campaign like how you're describing, but if you're willing to explain things to me, I'd be happy to jump on. 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:51 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
This style of Role Playing and DM'ing is a first for me as well but I believe it will work.

After reviewing my outline in my initial post, I'm revising it to make it easier and there will be only 2 types of posts.

The first is what we're all familiar with, that is to say the standard sort of freeform conversation that happens between characters. In these posts, your character will talk and such. Minor and major actions [just not combat] like expressions, emotional reactions or emotes are covered her as well as running, jumping, singing,dancing, drinking etc.

This format pretty much covers everything you want your character to do that will effect the other players and/or NPC's of the campaign. Now my example is this:

[i:1cs2bwfl]"Myna had an impish smile on her face as she regarded Talwyn who sat on the wooden tree stump looking across the quiet forest glade. She slowly began to undo the clasp to her cloak and let it drop to the grassy floor. Pushing out her chest slightly she began to untie the small knots that held her dress together, revealing her dark coal gray lusterous skin. She smiled demurley as she let the dress fall away and stood naked letting the gentle breeze wash over her perfect body."[/i:1cs2bwfl]

Now this is where you would react to the action of the other player with your own. Here is a follow up example:

"[i:1cs2bwfl]Talwyn looked slightly shocked as Myna slowly began to remove her clothing with a coy seductive smile on her face..."[/i:1cs2bwfl]

Of course yyour PC can't react unless something like Myna getting her gear off has been posted previously. ;)

Pretty straight forward eh? ;)

I think everyone should be down with this.

[b:1cs2bwfl]Basically I want to seperate combat out from the role playing.[/b:1cs2bwfl]

I hope everyone understands that.

Combat will take place in another thread and will consist of what your character will do in that round of melee:

Eg; Veraka draws out his sword and initiates a whirlwind attack on the three nearst Driders to him.

Once everyone has posted their PC's stated intentions, I'll post what the "monsters" are doing in response and post back the results.

Eg; Seizing the initiative, Veraka rolls a 18 on D20 [rolled by me] and successfully slashes into the Driders that were attempting to surround him. His blade hacks through their chittinous flesh sending an arc of foul black ichor spraying across the dark dungeon floor as the wounded monsters reel back in pain howling.

I hope that is clear enough and I'm open to suggestions or other ideas as well.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:16 am
by Pheurazath
Splendid! I have a Warlock character sheet in mothballs, starting level 8, with a bit of a small history to include for sake of a simple introduction, and information a DM may decide to use for plot devices. In a previous table-top campaign, his greatest accomplishment was numerous called shots, down the throat of a Purple Worm, its mouth caught open, while caught up in a duel of opposed grapple checks with a party member half-inside the beast's mouth, using Eldritch Blast.

Why I so enjoy the Warlock for purpose of campaign-style RP, is it is simpler to put on a character sheet than a dragon, and I find the limited spell selection, and unlimited spells per day much more to my liking than a vast selection of spells, at the cost of running out of them without regular intervals of rest.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:20 am
by veraka
Got it, I guess that was what was confusing me was the posting and how it would be carried out. The other thing is, I don't know if you noticed this, but Veraka is two base classes, barbarian & paladin.

For the most part, that doesn't make a problem for me except the fact that Paladins are supposed to lawful alignment correct, well for the most part, Veraka is a neutral good to chaotic good alignment. Which means that his paladin abilities, smite, and the like would be gone correct. The way I developed his character was that he was a barbarian by birth, so he knows what the rage feels like and therefore can call on it sometimes, but he's a paladin/weapon master by training, and later divine champion, so I'm curious how would this go out as far as contradictions go, or do divine champions have their alignment restrictions to?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:39 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
@ Veraka

While tradionally Paladins are supposed to follow Lawful Alignments and Barbarians are usually anything but lawful I believe that isn;t always the case. Barbarians often have their own rather rigid code of honor and warrior ethos which, in a way, is similar to a paladins just not as defined and strict as a typical paladin. Paladins typically come from more advanced societies and thus have more laws to guide them whereas your classic barbarians [ie; viking or Mongol steppe riders] are tribal societies but they still have some form of LAW at the core of their society. Your character is a paragon of barbarians, a champion that embodies everything that the "tribe/race" stands for.

I'm happy to accept your character just as long as you can make it work ;)

@ Pheurazath

Excellent. I look forward to reviewing your character sheet :D

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:00 am
by veraka
Thanks Tal :))
Well looks like a got a little bit o' work ahead of myself, but I think I can get a base Char sheet up and running. Thanks for being flexible. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:12 am
by Pheurazath
To Talwyn:
How might I post a character sheet for your review?

To Veraka:
If Divine Champion is anything like Champion of Torm, Paladin levels would be for the most part, redundant as they both mostly chare the same class skills and abilities, however, Champion of Torm, requires only an alignment of Any Good.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:19 am
by veraka
From what I've gathered, Divine Champion's are somewhat like a Champion of Torm, only the Champion of whatever deity they choose, in Veraka's case, Bahamut. From then on, they get abilities that almost mimic a paladins, if not are the same. Of course, don't quote me on this.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:05 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
Here is my character sheet and profile.

Now you don't have to go into as much detail but it does help, especially with feats and abilities, to have those fully realised.

[quote="Talwyn Aureliano":31gxogk6]Following T'risstree lead, I thought to update Talwyn to a 3rd Ed style of Character sheet.

[u:31gxogk6][b:31gxogk6]Personal Information [/b:31gxogk6][/u:31gxogk6]

Name: Talwyn Aureliano
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Classes: Paladin - 11 / Monk - 2 / Champion of Torm - 3
Weight: 194 lbs
Alignment: Lawful Good
Eyes: Green
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Deity: Torm
Age: 34

Str 18 - +4
Dex 14 - +2
Con 19 - +5
Int 13 - +2
Wis 14 - +2
Cha 17 - +4

Hit Points = 137

Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative)
Spd: 40 ft.
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis)
Attack: +16/+11/+6 melee, or +16 monk, or +15/+10/+5 ranged
SV: Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +8

Languages Spoken: Common, Drow, Chondathian, Kara-Turian.

Skills and feats: Balance +4, Climb +8, Concentration +14, Craft +3, Diplomacy +12, Handle animal +12, Heal +8, Knowledge (history) +4, Listen +10, Move silently +10, Profession +12, Ride +10, Spot +4, Tumble +12;

Aura of Courage
Combat reflexes
[Deflect arrows]
Divine Grace
Divine Health
[Flurry of Blows]
Improved Initiative
Improved Crit. [LongSword]
Improved Unarmed Strike
Lay on Hands
[Monk AC Bonus] -only if not wearing armour-
Mounted Combat
Power attack
Quick to Master
Remove Disease
Sacred Defense
Smite Evil
[Stunning fist]
Summon Mount
Weapon focus (long sword).
Weapon Proficiencies: Martial, Monk, Simple

[u:31gxogk6][b:31gxogk6]Inventory [/b:31gxogk6][/u:31gxogk6]

[b:31gxogk6]* Items Carried [/b:31gxogk6]
Axe, hand/throwing +3
Elixir of Health x 4
+1 Mace of Disruption [x 2 damage vs Undead, Undead must Sv vs Fort at -4 or be destroyed]
Sword, two-handed +2
Musical Instrument (Lute)

[b:31gxogk6]* Items Readied [/b:31gxogk6]
Sword, long +3 Frost Brand (+6 vs Arachnids) - "Spidersbane"

[b:31gxogk6]* Items Worn [/b:31gxogk6]
Cloak of Arachnida
Full plate armor +3; Fire Resistance 30%
Helm of Defense +1
Ring of Regeneration (2hp per turn)
Shield, medium +2; 10% Magic Resistance - "Saving Grace"


Talwyn was born in 1346DR to the love of Sir Lucien Aureliano, paladin of Torm from Tantras and Jacinta Brianna. Sadly though, before the marriage was consecrated by the Tormite Church, Sir Aureliano was killed in battle and his betrothed died during childbirth.

The infant was raised by Sir Aureliano's closest comrade, Sir Daeviadian Turretton, came to collect him and take him to Tantras where he would be trained at first as a paladin of Torm.

The academy of Tantras taught Talwyn how to be a Paladin, what is required for service to Torm and how to dispense Justice & Law to the world. He did not inherit his father’s title and rank and due to this, he had a difficult time at the academy, suffering the jibes and slurs due to his illegitimate birth.

After gaining his spurs at 17 he was dispatched on a diplomatic mission to Kara-Tur with a senior Diplomat and spent the next 4 years travelling there. While there he took up many pastimes such as learning the art of unarmed combat, learning eastern cooking styles, eastern sword styles but most of all, finding love with the king's advisors daughter, the beautiful Lee Tien'shi. They spent 2 years together and were betrothed to one another. It was here that Talwyn received training in the Martial Arts practiced by the Monks of the East.

However before his Monk training could progress beyond novice levels, a civil conflict broke out in the kingdom he was visiting and so he went to war. For four years he fought for the kingdom but grew sicked to the soul of constant war and slaughter. He became near broken by grief and loss of his beloved Lee Tien'shi, his first true love who was killed during an assasination attempt on her father and the king. With the diplomatic mission over and the war concluded, he was granted leave to go forth and find his way in the world.

He became a Knight Errant, selling his sword to those of good & lawful alignment, who needed a strong & fearless warrior to aid their cause. He then returned to the west, recently stopping near the lands of his father, the Vast and fetching up back at Tantras and the Temple of Torms Coming.

From there he was dispatched to Cormyr, to visit the City of Arabel where he spent a year and a half battling the various threats and infestations that plagued the city due to it's unstable place thanks to Tymora having manifested there during the Times of Troubles.
A detailed account of his adventures can be found [url= ... 7:31gxogk6][b:31gxogk6]HERE[/b:31gxogk6][/url:31gxogk6]

An excerpt from the diary, from the last page is here for you to read:

[b:31gxogk6]*A note has been added in another’s handwriting on the last page of the diary*[/b:31gxogk6]

[i:31gxogk6]It was not long after the Paladin Talwyn Aureliano of Torm and his wife Eve Seline fled Cormyr that this diary was received at the Court of the Regent of Cormyr. Once the Regent and Head War Wizard read through the contents was an inquisition held into the state of affairs of the city of Arabel. Witnesses were questioned and events thoroughly investigated.

The corrupt War Wizard Lilyis was tried and convicted of treason and was burned alive at the stake in a public execution for her crimes.

The noble House Bhahiir was destroyed. It name was removed from the rolls of honour. It was also found that many of its members had to be executed for treason and other high crimes against the crown.

A pardon was issued to Talwyn on behalf of the crown although he has never returned to Cormyr.

The Crowns agents have learned that Eve Seline abandoned Talwyn Aureliano not long after they departed Cormyr. Once again, she secretly returned to pursuing her foolish search for a source of eternal youth. Her vain and dangerous obsession quickly drove her to take up vampirism. She found an old vampire who, seduced by her wiles, agreed to turn her into one of the living dead. She then destroyed the old vampire as he disgusted her with his decrepitude. Eve then set about creating a vampire coven of her own making. She insinuated herself into an unsuspecting travelling troupe of bards, slowly murdering each one and turning them into her vampiric slaves.

It is said that Talwyn relentlessly hunted her coven down over a period of months, following her trail of death. He caught her as she was creating more sycophantic vampiric followers who would worship and adore her. He decapitated his insane wife before she grew too powerful and destroyed the coven she had founded. Their bodies were burned and the ashes scattered over a near by salt lake. The Church of Torm granted an annulment of the marriage to the half elven bard Eve Seline, citing her pursuit of darkness and his resolute action in destroying her and the coven of vampires.

Talwyn Aureliano returned to Tantras for a year and was inducted into the Order of the Golden Lions as a Knight Captain and made a Champion of Torm. After a year of service with the Lions, he was given a new mission to return to the West to act as liaison and aid the Dark [drow] Elven cult of Eilistraee. His last known where abouts was said to be Skullport near Waterdeep.

The Crown of Cormyr holds this diary as a record of the service of the Paladin Talwyn Aureliano of Torm to the city of Arabel and the Kingdom of Cormyr.

1377 DR[/i:31gxogk6]

Since he was a Paladin of considerable expertise and combat prowess, it was decided by the Temple elders that he be sent westwards to the lands of the Sword Coast. It had been determined by Torm himself that other goodly faiths be supported and defended as part of the debts of duty. Talwyn was tasked in seeking out those who worshipped Eilistraee, a lesser but benign drow goddess who’s followers’ numbers were small and often mistakenly persecuted by ignorant surface people who saw all drow as being evil vicious killers.

He arrived in Waterdeep and soon made his way to Skullport where he encountered Quile, one of the fabled Seven Sisters and Eilistraee’s high priestess in the west lands. Quile was at first hesitant to accept his offer of service but he soon proved himself by sniffing out and quickly killing a few assassins who were trying to infiltrate the temple. Satisfied that the human paladin was worth keeping around, she sent him out to aid the scattered small communities of Eilistraeen worshippers.

Talwyn is a strikingly handsome man with flashing sea green eyes and short cropped sandy blonde hair. Although he possesses immense physical strength, he is not over muscle bound but has more of an athletic physique which is evidenced by his natural agility and grace. His skin is lightly tanned and dusted with freckles which become numerous if he tans further. He has a ready easy going smile that has a dash of roguishness in it. Due to his Ring of Regeneration, he has no scars or marks on his body despite being wound in combat on countless occasions. Also, because of his exposure to certain magical tomes in the east, his physical constitution is immense and thus he is able to outdrink almost anyone he comes across. This little ability has served him well in past negotiations in which his opposites have sought to ply him with alcohol in order to gain advantage in the talks. He pretends to be drunk in oder for them to let down their guard and thus he gains the advantage. He is a proficient musician and singer and is known to upstage fledgling bards on occasion with his repertoire of songs, some of which are quite colourful and bawdy. He is quick witted and often in a cheerful frame of mind. Although he has suffered great losses and hardships, this has not affected his positive attitude and this has made him quite a formidable warrior. He believes in the strong bonds of comradeship forged in the heat of battle and has often risked his own life in order to save an imperilled companion. His bravery, kindness and compassion have earned him great respect across the lands in which he has travelled. He has remained unattached romantically, preferring to enjoy the closeness and intimacy of an intense affair rather than giving his heart to one completely. An affair between himself and a drow priestess ended amicably when she was forced to leave and travel to Cormyr. He know finds himself at a loose end, waiting for the next adventure to grab him.[/quote:31gxogk6]

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:46 am
by Pheurazath
The proposed character history is not as... detailed as that, nor would i expect it to be, given the peasantry history of the family tree, and the generation-by-generation inclination to hide knoweldge of certain truths from subsequent generations. Warlock being a family curse, running in the male children, powers realized upon entering puberty, due to a purely human bloodline thus far, 13th year. The demons in fact responsible for putting this 'curse' into effect, have so far gone as far as to ensure, each male child, finds a mate, and that their first born is always male, whether it be by orchestrating events so that he meets a mortal girl that appeals to him, and vice-versa. IF it becomes necessary many a succubus, and lilitu have been brought into this conspiracy to keep the curse going, in the event one of them might have to go to the material plane and assume the necessary role of 'wife' to ensure the curse continues.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:12 am
by Talwyn Aureliano
That's fine Pheurazath

If you could just put up the stats, any items, or equipemnt carried plus a brief physical description then that will be enough.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:23 am
by veraka
Though I'm not sure if anyone can answer this, I'll throw it out there anyways. So, due to his upbringing, Veraka has come across this darker side of himself, what I call the berserker, if anyone hasn't read the char profile. I was wandering if there's even a feat or curse or character trait out there within the DnD rules that could accurately describe or depict something of that nature?

If anyone has suggestions or sources, please send em, I'm at a lose for what to do about this.