Back and Sorry

When you want to ask out of character questions, discuss plots, talk about roleplaying or simply present your character’s bio, this is the place to do so. Small OOC bits may be accepted in the roleplaying forums, but this is the place for the larger posts. Do keep the topics related to the roleplaying however, otherwise go to the General Discussion forum.

Moderators: Shir'le E. Illios, Bhaern Quel

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Arya Baenre
Posts: 538
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:57 am

Back and Sorry

Post by Arya Baenre »

Hey, all,

I'm really, really sorry for disappearing earlier this year without any comment or anything, I hope I won't do it again, but school's started, and everything's ten times busier than it was ... I just felt really bad about leaving without saying anything ...

I also would like to thank everyone that helped me for my essay =D

*Gives warm hugs to all*

I'll try and come on more often, promise

This --->Image<--- is NOT a request.

Your hair is pretty like a tree.
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