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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:36 pm
by Bhaern Quel
Well I could dig up a little more, however I believe Vhaeraun hates his mother because her plan failed to take out his father. The battle of the Seldarine, that resulted in banishment. The Weaver of Destiny weaved him out as much as posible.

The hated of Eilistraee appears to derive from compedtition for followers as well as Daddy likes her better.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:36 am
by Argoth
Wow. Never would have imagined Vhaeraun was the main drow deity before the Crown Wars. No wonder he hates Lolth so much. I would, with an evil allignment, someone steals most of your followers, who wouldn't? O and where was our dear Eilistraee back then?

O and in my opinion its not like Eilistraee dicides who actually can stay in the night above, and who can't. Anyone of the drow from the Underdark can. They are welcome to do so. But I suppose it involves following some rules, like following Eilistraee, or at least leaving all evil.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:12 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[quote="Aergale":2elxpp74][quote="Unaena_Stealthfoot":2elxpp74][color=indigo:2elxpp74]Vhaeraun is vaguely creepy to me. Not as much as the spiderbitch, of course, but I went on the Vhaeraun site and it kinda felt pretty hostile to an Eilistraeen. His followers are fairly acceptable though.[/color:2elxpp74][/quote:2elxpp74]

Wait, were you expecting a character who is strongly related to night (especially nights of new moon), shadows, thievery, rebellion, is often worshiped by assasins and has a really bad temper (or rather, is like a nuclear bomb when angered :-)) to be all sunny and friendly? :-)

Would you want your baby sister to be more powerful than you? I don't think so...But you still have to take it anyways...They always are...they always are...[/quote:2elxpp74]

She is not more powerful, she just has better PR :-) And better allies, of course :-)[/quote:2elxpp74]

[color=indigo:2elxpp74]Power doesn't necesarily mean raw power. Better PR, better Allies: Eilistraee is more powerful than Vhaeraun. If Vhaeraunites tried beating up on Eilistraeens, who do you think would come out worse for wear? Hmmm? :bored: And no, I wasn't expecting some flower-loveing pansy like Mielikki.[/color:2elxpp74]

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:54 pm
by Aergale
[quote="Unen_Stealthfoot":1hzwzmsn][color=indigo:1hzwzmsn] If Vhaeraunites tried beating up on Eilistraeens, who do you think would come out worse for wear? [/color:1hzwzmsn][/quote:1hzwzmsn]

Well, if you look at it that way, then maybe. Of course, there is that little fact that vhaeraunites are supposed to be masters of intrigue and all, but who expects most canon novel writers to remember it? :roll:

Either way, i wouldn`t want to see something like that happen. IMHO, The trio of Vhaeraun, Eilistraee and Kiaransalee definately has to stay, unless either Kia or Eili are replaced by someone no less interesting and deserving of their respective portfolios and niches (hardly possible, because they fit their places very well - not perfectly, but perfection is boring.)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:38 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:345eyual]Who thinks Jarlaxle should ascend to demigod status. *raises hand* I don't think the drow have any neutral dieties, so he could fill in there, though he'd probably take over one or two of Vhaeraun's portfolios (Spies, etc.) He could be the drow god of wealth, the gods know he's richer than most emperors :roll: .[/color:345eyual]

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:58 pm
by Aergale
NO!!! Demigod is not enough for Jarlaxle. He should replace Ao. That would make Abeir-Toril even more interesting. *hmm, i wonder if it could be made into a fanfiction... :-)*

I mean... think about that. Imagine all the madness that would ensue.

"Sane is boring"(c)

:devil: :devil: :devil:

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:41 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:8ghtoqyt]YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget about converting to Rooky, who cares about her when we can worship Jarlaxle! YYYYEEEEHAAAAAAAAWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: [/color:8ghtoqyt][color=darkred:8ghtoqyt]Finally, another Jarlaxle fan.[/size:8ghtoqyt][/color:8ghtoqyt]

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:05 pm
by Aergale
Yes! Jarlaxle is awesome :-) Hmmm let us see...

(The Great Trickster, He of Many Faces, The Joker)

Overdeity of Abeir-Toril

Symbol: A black-skinned hand holding a laughing purple mask

Home plane: Huh? Wherever he damn well pleases

Alignment: Jarlaxle is beyond alignments

Portfolio: Abeir-Toril, opportunism, chaos, trickery, breaking and bending the rules, profit, sense of humor, fashion, paradoxes, mysteries.

Worshipers: Opportunists, adventurers, mercenaries, pranksters, madmen.

Cleric alignments: Any

Domains: Chaos, Trickery, Travel, Knowledge, Charm, Luck

Favored weapon: Charm and eloquence, of course :-)

Dogma: Do as thou wilt, and have fun with the results

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:25 pm
by Argoth
Let's replace in our lexicons the word chaos for Jarlaxle. That way it makes more sense. Or does it ... :smirk:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:28 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[quote="Aergale":3jt1l9ep]Yes! Jarlaxle is awesome :-) Hmmm let us see...

(The Great Trickster, He of Many Faces, The Joker)

Overdeity of Abeir-Toril

Symbol: A black-skinned hand holding a laughing purple mask

Home plane: Huh? Wherever he damn well pleases

Alignment: Jarlaxle is beyond alignments

Portfolio: Abeir-Toril, opportunism, chaos, trickery, breaking and bending the rules, profit, sense of humor, fashion, paradoxes, mysteries.

Worshipers: Opportunists, adventurers, mercenaries, pranksters, madmen.

Cleric alignments: Any

Domains: Chaos, Trickery, Travel, Knowledge, Charm, Luck

Favored weapon: Charm and eloquence, of course :-)

Dogma: Do as thou wilt, and have fun with the results[/quote:3jt1l9ep]

[color=darkred:3jt1l9ep]Awesome! Although, his symbol would have to be either a bolero hat and/or a ruby-red eyepatch, not a mask.[/color:3jt1l9ep]

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:29 pm
by Aergale

[color=darkred:rxyghb2z] Although, his symbol would have to be either a bolero hat and/or a ruby-red eyepatch, not a mask.[/color:rxyghb2z][/quote:rxyghb2z]

His style is too unique for elements of it to be used on holy symbols or emulated by clerics. Besides, i dont think using either real or painted hats as holy symbols would be something Jarl would approve of. He is the only one who can pull off wearing those ridiculous clothes and still look incredibly good. :-)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:09 pm
by Unen_Stealthfoot
[color=darkred:28nsie85]Then a hand holding a hat (as though tipping it to someone, esp. a lady), because he has nothing to do with masks, and to many gods already are affiliated with masks. They're generic for gods of trickery, and call Jarlaxle what you will, he is [i:28nsie85]not[/i:28nsie85] generic.[/color:28nsie85]

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:49 pm
by Aergale
[quote="Unen_Stealthfoot":1hk0p1ds][color=darkred:1hk0p1ds]Then a hand holding a hat (as though tipping it to someone, esp. a lady), because he has nothing to do with masks, and to many gods already are affiliated with masks. They're generic for gods of trickery, and call Jarlaxle what you will, he is [i:1hk0p1ds]not[/i:1hk0p1ds] generic.[/color:1hk0p1ds][/quote:1hk0p1ds]

Well, the point of using a mask was to incorporate laughter/a smile in the holy symbol without actually having to use a face. An actor`s mask was what i had in mind, not a thief`s mask. But yes, a hand holding a hat would work admirably. Would surely add a more personal touch to it all as well as be much more funny.
Cheers :-)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:34 am
by Argoth
Blesphemy! The power of Rooky damnes you all!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:33 pm
by Rooky
Yes...bow down to my deadly farts....