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<Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:09 am
by Shriastae Tivale
This is going to be an experience, I think.

So I've been a major drow nerd for basically forever, but out of the RP scene for a while. While I was gone, most of my old sites just up and died on me. Ergo, I'm in need of a new one. Points to Zarae for pointing me here. I'd enjoy getting involved whenever I can, but I'm also assuming there's probably an orientation process - most sites have one.

The "experience" is going to be the direction this site seems to be aimed in. Sure, I've been a drow nerd for forever, but it was always traditional Lolthite drow...or at least black sheep who did their best to not get killed in traditional Lolthite society. I've done my share of mocking the zillions of Chaotic Good rebel drow aching to overthrow the blah-blah-blah, so we'll see how this place changes my opinion on that. :P

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:21 am
by Bhaern Quel
Welcome to the Chosen, we will either convert you or kill you (In role play should you decide to play), may you find some kind of home here (Spider kisser that you are ;) ).

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:25 am
by Shriastae Tivale
That entirely depends. Are dual scimitars and a pet panther standard-issue, or do I have to work my way up to it? :P

To be fair, Shri specifically was never an ardent "spider-kisser." Having three older sisters in the clergy who seem to exist explicitly to make your life a living hell tends to color one's opinion of the goddess in question. But then, Eilistraee always seemed to be less like a real goddess and more like the game developers throwing all of the Drizzt clones a bone. So I look forward to being proven wrong. :)

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:48 am
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Shriastae Tivale":2rikritt]That entirely depends. Are dual scimitars and a pet panther standard-issue, or do I have to work my way up to it? :P


Well I never had a character that had any pet, and well have forged swords, never a scimitar. As to working up to a blade, there used to be a system for that, it helps if you are female. I never got past a dagger. :)

[quote:2rikritt] But then, Eilistraee always seemed to be less like a real goddess and more like the game developers throwing all of the Drizzt clones a bone. So I look forward to being proven wrong. :) [/quote:2rikritt]

As to this, in many ways after RAS had such good luck with novel, I believe Ed Greenwood was ordered to make a deity for Good Drow. I am not certain of timing, I do know TSR did direct Ed to make the Good deity for Drow.

In second Edition there clearly were some similarities. "Eilistraee wields twin singing swords of dancing +3" however in 3rd she uses "The Moonsword" (bastard sword).

So it clearly could have been a nod to Drizzt in building the deity, however what Eilistraee teaches have little to being a ranger so there was always differences.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:07 am
by Shriastae Tivale
Oh, I'm well aware of her raw stats. Deities and Demigods was a very...interesting read. I just keep feeling that she exists just to make all of the rebellious good drow have an easier time by giving them some kind of precedent.

And the fact that Ed Greenwood was one of her primary creators does not redeem her. Elminster is a terrible character.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:13 am
by Aylstra Illianniis
Welcome, and let's hope you lean toward conversion, cause there's a saber-wielding bard wandering around here who totally dispises Lolthites, but pacifist that he is, he HATES having to get his swords bloody! (See avatar for description. Yes, he dual-wields, but he is hardly a Drizzt-clone. In fact, he's never even heard of the guy, as he's an off-worlder....) However, if Shri is young and pretty, he might be more inclined to flatter/flirt her into surrender.... :p :angel: (Just don't let his half-dragon wife find out!)

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:16 am
by Bhaern Quel
Aylstra *LOL*

I was wondering when or if you would greet our newest member.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:10 am
by Shriastae Tivale
Alrighty kids, time to explain.

Shri was raised in a proper drow "noble" house. Not one of the ruling Houses of the city, but still nobility. Her sisters, all older, went to the Arach-Tinilith as every good noble girl did. Shri was the youngest of four sisters, and she didn't fancy fighting for their scraps in the clergy, so she went a different way and learned from her brother. Eventually tragedy conspired to make her leave. She isn't a spider-bitch. She's not even orthodox. She just thinks of herself as Lolthite because that's the only religion that most noble girls learn.

So no, there won't be any killing. There might be some flirting, though. ;)

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:26 am
by Shir'le E. Illios
Greetings Shriastae Tivale and welcome to our site. :)

I've always considered this site open to all, drow or not, good-aligned or not, follower of Eilistraee or not. Though of course you'll find mainly good-aligned drow followers of Eilistraee here; if you can deal with that then there shouldn't be any problems. ;)

Regarding Drizzt, though there are definitely those who like the character I think that the general perception towards him tends to be fairly cool. Primarily I think, or at least in my case, precisely because the perpetual misperception that good-aligned drow and followers of Eilistraee are really all just a bunch of Drizzt clones.

I don't know why the goddess was created, whether it was as a nod to Drizzt-clones. All I know is how the goddess is now (well, pre-4E now anyway). And to me she and her followers are independents, taking their own path. To me they're champions of freedom and acceptance, often choosing the most difficult of lives to support it. I'm sure I won't have to explain to you how difficult life as an Eilistraeen in a predominantly Lolthite society is. And on the surface, where drow are generally often still considered with a "kill on sight" attitude it is no easier. Communities like this then, both for players and their characters, are a safe-haven and a momentary reprieve from constant persecution.

I don't think that in any way this makes it "an easier time" being a follower of the Dark Maiden. :)

All that said I truly hope that you'll enjoy your stay here, slow as it might move at times, and that despite being Lolthite you'll find a home of sorts here.

Love -x-x-x-


Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:50 pm
by Irennan
Drizzt clones can exist with or without Eilistraee (actually, true Drizzt clones will pick Mielikki...), so she definitely isn't needed or even useful to such characters. Their attitude is also different: Drizzt avoids his race, maybe even despises it (AFAIK); Eilistraeens fight so that drow can be free to forge their own path and place on Toril, to live according to their own choices, to express and fulfil themselves (and to enjoy life without being shackled by some idiotic brainwashing dogma). They do this by creating, building such 'place' and defending it when needed, proving that the dark elves are more than a bunch of indoctrinated, mad zealots obsessed with 'powah' for no reason. Fighting for one's own people seems something legit and sign of depth of character to me, a trait that the portrayal of other drow factions ('cept Vhaerunites) lacks, replaced by a trivial 'mwahaha we're evil'. So yeah, it is a kind of annoying and false cliché to be told that Eilistraeens are angsty Drizzt clones.

Anyway, welcome to these forums.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:23 pm
by Shriastae Tivale
Oooh, I can tell I'm going to like you guys. You [i:mr5fmtag]think[/i:mr5fmtag]. :D

Slow is fine. I'll be moving regardless, and a couple of you seem post-per-day active, which is more than enough. Glad to be a part of it. ^_^

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:30 am
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Shriastae Tivale":3ok7d59y]Oooh, I can tell I'm going to like you guys. You [i:3ok7d59y]think[/i:3ok7d59y]. :D

Slow is fine. I'll be moving regardless, and a couple of you seem post-per-day active, which is more than enough. Glad to be a part of it. ^_^[/quote:3ok7d59y]

Well slow you are getting clearly. I watch almost every day however sometimes not much to reply to.

Not sure though if you list me as one that thinks. *S*

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:37 pm
by Shriastae Tivale
Like I said, I'm fine waiting. I've been part of larger RP boards that have slow months. As a rule, if a board lasts for more than two years with at least intermittent activity, it'll last for as long as the admins care about it. Slow is fine. Things will get better in time.

I'll get you something to reply to when I finish that bio I've been working on for Shri for the past two days. Need to remind myself who I'm writing before I write her.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:06 am
by Bhaern Quel
[quote="Shriastae Tivale":6mzdtmxu]

I'll get you something to reply to when I finish that bio I've been working on for Shri for the past two days. Need to remind myself who I'm writing before I write her.[/quote:6mzdtmxu]

Well always a problem at times, playing a character as opposed to the non role play discussions. I am still trying to get to know Amil and he is playing.

Of course you do not need to play Shri in RP until you are ready.

Re: <Insert Generic Greeting Here>

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:25 am
by Shriastae Tivale
Writing is different for different people. I like to have a character's backstory written out before I start writing her in actual RP, just like I like having a character's backstory worked out before I start playing them in an actual game. I know the roughish estimates of who she is...but until I have it in front of me, I'll keep changing things, tweaking this or that. She'll always change a little each time. I need to have it [i:3mkq9yj5]set[/i:3mkq9yj5].