Music video thread - part 2

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Post by Argoth »

Not to good for a bbc production, the Merlin series. At least I didn't enjoy it as much as I usually enjoy things like that.

And the womanizer parody's very nice, I liked it very much ;) .
Aylstra Illianniis
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Post by Aylstra Illianniis »

Here is one of my favorites- the video is from Princess Tutu anime series, but I think the song and video both kinda fit with the Dark Maiden's persona as Lady of the Dance (And it's my bard's own personal theme song, lol!)
By the Dark Maiden''s grace do we meet. May she guide and protect us.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins." -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

A link to my tales, including my Marvel hero!:
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

Here's a new artist which I think is quite good and he might just make it

In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

Just had to share this

L'''' ghefna i''''dol ulu doera natha wael zhah talinth dosstan mzild bekea taga byrren
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

just had to go with this...


its spot on! :devil:
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

A brooding dark song...perfect!

In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Gareth Ravenmantle
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Post by Gareth Ravenmantle »


T'risstree Helviiryn
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Post by T'risstree Helviiryn »

This is for all those basement dwellers

L'''' ghefna i''''dol ulu doera natha wael zhah talinth dosstan mzild bekea taga byrren
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »


In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Gareth Ravenmantle
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Post by Gareth Ravenmantle »

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

Bohemian Rhapsody as you've never seen it before :p

In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Thalon Mercrow
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The Protomen

Post by Thalon Mercrow »

[b:17fxzo06]the band[/b:17fxzo06]
The Protomen is an American rock band best known for composing original rock operas based on the popular video game series Mega Man.

The Protomen's work is based on the story elements of early NES Mega Man games, but the games are brightly-coloured, largely plotless action whereas the songs are about an Orwellian nightmare. Instead of wreaking nonspecific havoc with six Robot Masters, Dr. Wily has crushed the spirit of mankind under the heel of his machine horde. Dr. Light still creates Protoman, though now he works for twelve years when the watchful eyes of Wily's robots aren't upon him. Much is made of Protoman's symbolism as a saviour and his messianic title, "the son of Light."

No one would oppose Wily's rule over Man except for Dr. Light, who works in secret to create the perfect warrior to defeat Wily's robot soldiers. This robot, Protoman, stands up against the leaders of the robot army, but is destroyed. No one would help Protoman: humans stand by and watch helplessly as they chant in unison, "We are the dead."

Dr. Light is broken. He sent his only progeny to die for people who chose to stand by and let it happen. Light tries to reject his trade and destroy his workshop. Instead he finds himself creating a new robot as a companion, Megaman, whom he warns that the fight is hopeless and that the human race, no longer willing to fight for themselves, deserves to be ruled by Wily. Megaman, having a strong sense of justice, refuses to accept that he can't help. He takes it upon himself to fight back against the robotic army, now led by Protoman, who in secret survived his battle and has come to much the same conclusion as Light, that "there are no heroes left in Man."

The two brothers then argue for Mankind's future: Megaman claims that there is hope, and that they are just not ready to fight. Protoman believes they never will be able to fight and that they are as good as dead. He cries to the assembled masses to stand against him and show that they deserve freedom. No one comes. The masses call for Protoman's death. There is a sudden flash of light, and Protoman falls. As he dies in Megaman's arms, Protoman tells him that perhaps if this story is passed on, mankind will find that "...a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

The masses try to comfort their hero over the death of his brother, but Megaman, enraged, leaves but a few parting words: "You are the dead," then tosses his helmet aside and walks away. Wily then orders the execution of the people for daring to think of rebellion. No one is spared. As Megaman walks away, he doesn't turn back at the cries of the people until he hears them cry out in unison, "We are the dead."

[b:17fxzo06]ActII:the father of death[/b:17fxzo06]

Doctor Thomas Light, the son of a miner that "worked into his grave" to provide for his family, partners with Doctor Albert Wily to create an army of labor robots to perform dangerous work for humans. However, on the day that the first of the machines are to be activated, Light begins to have second thoughts, concerned with the number of workers who will be displaced by his and Wily's creations (The Good Doctor). Wily convinces Light that they have come too far to back out now, and Light hesitantly flips the switch to activate the machines. As the machines come to life, Light leaves his and Wily's workshop, plagued by his doubts towards both the future of the city and his partner's intentions, and heads to the home of Emily Stanton, his lover, to meet with her; however, Wily arrives there first, along with one of the robots. After Emily refuses Wily's offer to come away with him (Father Of Death), Wily orders the robot to kill her. Light arrives at the scene just in time to see the robot slip out the window, leaving behind the knife it used to murder Light's beloved. At that moment, the police arrive, and they open fire on Light as he escapes out the window, assuming him to have murdered the girl. Meanwhile, Wily holds a press conference, implicating his former partner in Emily's murder and riling up the citizens of the city (The Hounds), assuring them that the "dangerous murderer" will not go unpunished. Light is eventually apprehended several days later at the scene of Emily's funeral and is put on trial (The State Vs. Thomas Light). He barely escapes the death penalty, but is a pariah afterwards, forced to leave the city by train in the face of the bloodthirsty crowd of citizens who believe Wily's lies (Give Us The Rope). With his former partner now ostracized, Wily is free to enact his plans without resistance. As the years pass, the citizens of the city slowly begin to depend more and more on the robots who have become a part of their everyday life, turning the city into a technological marvel (How The World Fell Under Darkness).

Years later, a generation has been born, one which lives a life of leisure, never knowing the world their parents had lived in before Wily's robots; still, there are rumors of a red-eyed demon which patrols the dark streets of the city, one which will make you disappear for good if you are overheard speaking against Wily or his new world. A young man named Joe, tired with what the city has become, attempts to escape (Breaking Out) and is hunted down by the demon, in actuality the robot which killed Emily years earlier. In the outskirts of the city, Joe realizes that he is being followed (Keep Quiet); he engages the machine in a fight and, after managing to shoot the robot with its own weapon, holds it off long enough for an aged, grey-haired Doctor Light to appear and kill it. After introducing himself to the youth, Light removes the robot's green helmet, giving it to Joe to wear. As they talk, Light and Joe begin to make plans to take down Wily and free the city from his reign (Light Up The Night): Joe will break into and scale Wily's tower in order to destroy his main transmitter, allowing Light to slip into the city and kill Wily while his 'eyes' are down. The pair make their move, and Joe manages to execute the first part of his plan perfectly, crashing through the doors of Wily's compound with his motorcycle and setting the bomb that he will detonate to destroy the transmitter at the top of the tower (The Fall). However, the bomb detonates prematurely, killing Joe in the blast; Light watches helplessly as Joe's body is blown off the tower, falling to the street below. Light realizes too late that there is a second transmitter, Wily having anticipated an eventual attack, and that he has played right into his former partner's hands; declaring that the city is under attack by 'insurgent forces', Wily releases an army of robots of the type that killed Emily and declares the city under martial law. Joe and Light's attack was the last step he needed to take over the city completely.

Light, despondent, at first intends to surrender himself to the oncoming army (Here Comes The Arm). He finally reads Emily's last letter to him, which she wrote the night she died and until now he had been unable to bring himself to read. Reading his beloved's words, Light finds himself inspired to hold off his impending suicide attempt. He calls on Joe, telling him that when he sees Emily to tell her to wait for him, because he "still has work to do". Removing the helmet from the dead youth's head, Light slips away as the robot army approaches.

...and now the music (note its not really in order and its not all from the same sourse so that why music videos dont match)

Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind
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Post by Ra'Sona Races-The-Wind »


If there is a heavier cover of a song in existence, I defy anyone to find it!
Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

For Eilistraee

In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

Talwyn Aureliano
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Post by Talwyn Aureliano »

In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.
